A generator that makes requests to abuse CMD, JNDI, and SQL injections in Unguard.
Contains the definition for attackers that execute the following tasks:
- post CMD injections
- post JNDI injections
- post SQL injections
Python 3.x installation.
Having installed all the dependencies by running:
pip install -r requirements.txt
If you don't want to install everything locally you can also build it in a virtual environment:
python -m venv venv
source ./venv/bin/activate # linux
.\venv\scripts\activate # windows-cmd
pip install -r requirements.in
Start the malicious load generator via Skaffold
skaffold run -p malicious-load-generator
- Start Unguard
- Run the malicious load generator, pointing it to the Unguard frontend, specifying e.g. 3 attackers and a WAIT_TIME of e.g. 60 seconds (the wait time is some number between WAIT_TIME and (WAIT_TIME + 60) that is randomly chosen and indicates how long an attacker will wait until their next attack)
WAIT_TIME=60 locust --host="http://unguard.kube/ui" -f locustfile.py -u 3 --headless