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256 lines (194 loc) · 9.28 KB

File metadata and controls

256 lines (194 loc) · 9.28 KB
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Bloat-free toolbox to create and operate new blockchains based on ethereum technology using geth. Fabchain is fully cross-platform and facilitates operations on nodes using the command-line: one can use it to compile and deploy smart contracts as well easily build public web interfaces to contract operations using Zenroom.

Fabchain is optimized to run with bare-bone ethereum tools:

  • there is no javascript or nodejs involved
  • runs everywhere inside a minimal Alpine GNU/Linux docker
  • geth is natively compiled from its golang source
  • solc is natively compiled from its C++ source
  • interaction is designed via shell scripts and makefiles
  • deployement is orchestrated using ansible and makefiles
  • everything can be scripted and operated non-interactively
🚩 Table of Contents (click to expand)

💾 Install

This application is made to work on Apple/OSX, Microsoft/WSL or GNU/Linux desktop systems. The host system needs the following dependencies installed:

  • Make, awk, bash, find, curl (found pretty much everywhere)
  • Docker - (from website, don't use distro packages)
  • upnpc - (optional, to automatically open port forwarding)
  • Python3, pip and web3 (optional, to extract private keys for other wallets)

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🎮 Quick start

Fabchain is operated from a terminal inside its folder, all commands are issued by the Makefile and therefore prefixed by make.

Starting fabchain will result in a JSON-RPC API interface available on localhost:8545.

To run your own fabchain node just clone this repo, enter its directory and:

  1. Install in your path
  2. Generate the configuration using make create-config
  3. Start the API node client using make run

It will start a light node connected to our testnet (Chain ID fabt).

To access the container running use make shell

To access the geth console running use make console.

To stop issue the command make stop.

A full overview of commands is shown simply typing make:

Server commands:
  make <target>

  help             Display this help.

Server commands
  run              start the API node listening on HTTP port
  run-signer       start the SIGNER node networking on the P2P port
  status           see if server is running and print public addres
  logs             show the logs of the running server
  shell            open a shell inside running server (CMD=sh or custom)
  enr              Obtain the ENR node record (admin.nodeInfo.enr)
  console          open the geth console inside running server
  stop             stop running server

Network commands
  upnp-open        open UPNP port-forwarding on LAN router
  upnp-close       close UPNP port-forwarding on LAN router

Contract commands
  contract-deploy  deploy a web3 smart-contract in SOL=contracts/file.sol
  contract-info    obtain contract information about the TXID=hash

Account commands:
  account          create a new private account in data/keystore
  backup           print the private account content as JSON string
  backup-secret    print the wallet master secret key
  restore          ask for private account JSON to restore backup

Genesis commands
  genesis-create   Create data/genesis.json from scripts/params_genesis.json
  genesis-init     Initialize node to use the new chain in data/genesis.json

Development commands
  tag              compute the version tag for current build
  pull             pull the image from docker-hub online repo
  push             push the image to docker-hub online repo
  build            build the docker container
  debug            run a shell in a new interactive container (no daemons)

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Fabchain uses the official ethereum go client to provide full access to the latest API specifications for the namespaces eth and web3 available on nodes connecting port 8545 via HTTP.

API documentation is maintained by the ethereum project:

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This is something only people running a whole new blockchain based on fabchain need to know, or system administrators of the fabchain and its testnet.

To bootstrap a new blockchain one needs to create a genesis, which needs a new chainID which is an integer, easy to find using a string for instance fabt we do:

echo "print('fabt')):decimal())" | zenroom

And find 1717658228 as our 4 letter chain ID.

Then copy scripts/params-genesis.json.example to a new file scripts/params-genesis.json and configure it with the chain IDs, the current epoch and other base configurations as for instance the share of coins assigned to each signer, which is in fact the total amount of coins pre-mined.

Then install all the new signer nodes, create their accounts and note down their addressess, using our devops setup that is simply made with:

cd devops
make server-create    # creates 3 signers and 1 api server
make install          # instals all servers with fabchain
make create-accounts  # creates fabchain accounts
make list-addressess  # prints fabchain account addresses
cd -

Then fill the signer addressess in the scripts/params-genesis.json and run make genesis-create and the genesis will be found in data/genesis.json ready for your local node.

Then if using the devops tools to create the nodes:

cp data/genesis.json devops/
cd devops
make init-genesis
make init-bootnodes
cd -

Both genesis.json and bootnodes.csv need to be uploaded on each new node for the network to function.

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😍 Acknowledgements

software by

Fabchain is Copyright (C) 2022 by foundation

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see

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💼 License

Fabchain - web3 framework for the fabcities

Copyleft (ɔ) 2022 foundation, Amsterdam

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.

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