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Benchmark interpretation

Various attempts at interpreting the results of the benchmark.

# script/folder description
1 📄variability.R The variability of the benchmarking results across dataset sources and trajectory types
2 📄dataset_sources.R Similarity of the results across dataset sources
3a 📄topology_statistics.R Calculate some statistics about the topologies predicted by the methods
3b 📄topology_complexity.R Compare the complexity of the topologies predicted by the methods
4 📄complementarity.R Try to find good combinations of methods given a set of datasets, which could indicate some complementarity between methods
5 📄benchmark_interpretation_figure.R Combine the different figures of this experiment into one
6 📄compare_timings.R Compare the predicted execution times and memory usages with the actual ones
📄helper-complementarity.R Helper plotting functions the complementarity experiment
📄scaling_fit_cv.R Test different models for scalability, using the running times from the benchmark as validation set