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File metadata and controls

64 lines (48 loc) · 3.51 KB


Brotli files compressor, now from 10 times faster! ⚡


  1. Install globally npm i -g brotli-cli
  2. No install: npx brotli-cli ... (other params)

Compressing given files:

  1. brotli-cli compress file1.txt file2.svg file3.js

Files will be created in the same directory, but with .br extension appended. Overwriting will occur without asking.

Compressing by glob pattern:

  1. brotli-cli compress --glob "public/*.html"

Files will be created in the same directory, but with .br extension appended. Overwriting will occur without asking.

Printing to stdout:

To do this, you can only specify one file to compress, and you have to add - at the end of the command.

  1. brotli-cli compress index.html -
  2. brotli-cli compress index.html - > compressed.html

Detailed usage

  brotli-cli compress  Compresses specified files

      --help                               Show help                                      [boolean]
      --version                            Show version number                            [boolean]
  -m, --mode                               Brotli compression mode            [generic, text, font] [default: "generic"]
  -q, --quality                            Brotli compression quality                        [0-11] [default: 11]
  -t, --threads                            Use this many concurrent jobs [number of threads or `true` for threads=CPUs
                                           amount]                                                  [default: true]
  -l, --lgwin                              Brotli compression window size                [0, 10-24] [default: 24]
  -b, --bail                               Stop execution on first error                  [boolean] [default: true]
      --add-extension, --br                Add .br extension to compressed files          [boolean] [default: true]
  -g, --glob                               Use glob pattern when matching files           [boolean] [default: false]
      --glob-skip-br-extension, --skip-br  Always skip .br extension when matching files  [boolean] [default: true]
  -v, --verbose                            Run with verbose logging                       [boolean] [default: false]

  brotli-cli compress -q 5 image.jpg                       Compress `image.jpg` file with generic compression level 5 and save to
  brotli-cli compress -q 5 -br false image.jpg             Compress `image.jpg` file and overwrite it
  brotli-cli compress -mode text index.html -              Compress `index.html` file with text mode max compression (level 11) and print to stdout
  brotli-cli compress --glob "images/*.jpg"                Compress all jpg files from `images` directory, stop on first error.
  brotli-cli compress --glob --bail false "images/*.jpg"   Compress all jpg files from `images` directory, do not stop on first error (will still print errors to stderr and exit with error code).

Limitations and warnings

Because node's zlib can't work with streams (nor the previously used brotli npm module) - all the file contents to be compressed must be loaded into memory. Usually this does not matter, but keep few things in mind:

  • if you're low on memory and you're compressing large files you might want to decrease threads amount
  • compressing files over 1GB on 32-bit systems and 2GB on 64-bit systems is even less memory efficient
  • absolute max file size limit is 4GB (actually it's determined by buffer.constants.MAX_LENGTH so this may vary)
