This component allows you to add a fully customizable togglet set to your applications.
- The size of the toggle set items adjusts automatically to the width and height of the component.
- To make sure the component pre-selects some items when your app screen is shown, be sure to have their Selected column set to True and call the Reset() function inside the OnVisible event of your screen
Here are the properties available to configure the component:
- AllowNoSelection (boolean) = if only one item is selected, allows the user to unselect it, thus having no items selected at all
- BorderColor (color) = color for the borders of the toggle set (as well as for the vertical separating lines between items)
- BorderThickness (number) = border thickness of the component
- Color (color) = text color for non-selected items
- DisabledColor (color) = text color for disabled items
- DisabledFill (color) = item fill color for disabled items
- FontWeight (color) = font weight for the item labels
- Items (table) = list of items for the toggle set (columns are: Id, Value, Disabled, Size, Selected)
- ItemFill (color) = fill color for non-selected items
- MaxSelectedItems (number) = maximum number of items that can be selected (only if SelectMultiple is True, then value should be between 2 and number of items in Items)
- Radius (number) = in pixels, radius for the left and right corners of the component
- SelectedBorderColor (color) = border color of selected items
- SelectedColor (color) = text color for selected items
- SelectedFill (color) = fill color for selected items
- SelectMultiple (boolean) = allows the selection of multiple items
- Size (number) = default font size for the item labels
- SelectedItems (table) = list of selected items (same structure as the Items input parameter)
- OnChange (boolean) = toggles to True when the items selection changes
Using all these properties you can create various toggle sets like this:
v1.0 [ 24-mar-2020 ]
- Initial publish v1.1 [ 25-mar-2020]
- Removed Reset parameter (use Reset() function instead)
- Added MaxSelectedItems parameter