import { FullScreenCode } from "mdx-deck/layouts"; import { Appear } from "mdx-deck"; export { default as theme } from "./theme"; import Code from 'mdx-code';
- Variable Declarations
- Destructuring, Rest and Spread
- Template literals
- Objects & Spread
- Functions
- Array & Array Methods
- Classes
- How Does TypeScript Work
- Interfaces
- Type Inference
- Promises
- Async Await
- API Requests
- Intro to Components
- Props & Attributes
- Styling Components
- Set State
- Handling Events
- Inputs & Forms
- Component State
- Class Components
- Lifecycle Methods/Hooks
- Intro to React Architecture
- Composing Components
- Testing React Components
- Higher Order Components - probably drop / skim over
- Render Prop Components
- Integrating React & Dojo
- Understanding The Virtual DOM
- Onsite Support
- ad-hoc mini workshops
- Mentorship and guidance