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Artifact for the OOPSLA 2023 paper 'Simple Reference Immutability for System F-sub'

This GitHub repository constitutes the artifact for our paper

Simple Reference Immutability for System F-Sub. Edward Lee and Ondřej Lhoták. Conditionally accepted at OOPSLA 2023.


The artifact consists of the Coq proofs for our paper. There are two calculi formalized in this artifact.

  1. System Lm, our untyped reference immutability calculus with the dynamic immutability safety results discussed in Section 3 of the paper.
  2. System Fm, our typed calculi building on Lm and System F-sub with both the static soundness results discussed in Section 4 of our paper as well as the dynamic immutability safety results discussed in Section 4 of the paper.

Getting Started -- Building Locally

This repository has a submodule for coqdocjs. If you haven't already, run:

  git submodule update --init

We have prepared a Dockerfile to test and build our artifact locally. To build the Docker image containing our proof artifact and documentation, run the following command from the top-level directory of the repository.

    docker build -t simple-fsub-mutability-proofs:local .

If you have Coq 8.15 installed, you can also build our proofs by running make && make coqdoc as well.

    make && make coqdoc

Kick-the-Tires -- Coq proofs

In Section 6, we claim:

Our mechanization of System F<:M is based on the mechanization of System F<: by Aydemir et al . [2008]. Our mechanization is a faithful model of System F<:M as described in this paper except for one case. To facilitate mechanization, reduction in our mechanization is done via explicit congruence rules in each reduction rule instead of an implicit rule for reducing inside an evaluation context, similar to how Aydemir et al. [2008] originally mechanize System F<: as well. Proofs for all lemmas except for Theorem 5.10 and Lemmas 3.9, 5.2, and 5.4 have been mechanized using Coq 8.15 in the attached artifact. Theorem 5.10 and Lemmas 5.2, 5.4, and 5.13 have not been mechanized as they require computation on typing derivations which is hard to encode in Coq as computation on Prop cannot be reflected into Set. Lemma 3.9 has been omitted from our mechanization as it is hard to formally state, let alone prove, in a setting where reduction is done by congruence, though it almost follows intuitively from how the reduction rules are set up.


Definitions for System Fm can be found in Fm_Definitions.v. Definitions for the untyped calculus System Lm can be found in Lm_Definitions.v.

System Lm (Section 3)

Our dynamic immutability safety results for System Lm can be found in the files Lm_Immutability.v and Lm_MultistepImmutability.v. Lemmas 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, and 3.7 can be found in Lm_Immutability.v. Lemma 3.8 can be found in Lm_MultistepImmutability.v

System Fm (Sections 4 and 5)

Normal Forms (Section 4)

Our lemmas regarding normal forms of types in System Fm can be found in Fm_NormalForms.v. and in Fm_Soundness.v. In particular, Lemma 4.2 is located in Fm_NormalForms.v, and Lemma 4.3 can be found in Fm_Soundness.v.

Inversion, Canonical Forms, Soundness (Section 4)

Our lemmas regarding canonical forms, inversion, and soundness can be found in Fm_Soundness.v. In particular, Lemmas 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, and 4.8 can be found in Fm_Soundness.v. In addition, both progress and preservation (Theorems 4.9 and 4.11) can be found in Fm_Soundness.v.

Immutability Safety Lemmas for System Fm (Section 5)

Our dynamic immutability safety results for System Fm can be found in the files Fm_Immutability.v and Fm_MultistepImmutability.v. As System Fm's dynamic reduction semantics are a small extension of System Lm's (the only new forms are type abstraction and type application), the proofs in these files are very similar to the proofs of the analogous results for System Lm in Lm_Immutability.v and Lm_MultistepImmutability.v.

Lemmas 5.1, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7 and 5.11 can be found in Fm_Immutability.v. Lemmas 5.8, 5.9, 5.12, and 5.13 can be found in Fm_MultistepImmutability.v.

Pre-built proofs and documentation

While the repository contains the sources of the Coq files and the documentation associated with the Coq proofs as well, a pre-built archive of the compiled Coq proof can be downloaded and inspected by pulling the following automatically generated Docker image.

    docker pull

The Coq proofs and generated documentation can be found under /proofs in the generated Docker image. To extract the pre-built proofs and documentation (into a folder called proofs), run:

    docker run -w / tar c proofs | tar x

In addition, the Coq documentation can be found online at (hopefully soon!):