Drop in replacement for the IoT demo i2c_master.c
and i2c_master.h
This implementation allows the I²C pins to be defined with only two #defines.
It also has easy to use convenience methods i2c_master_writeRegister()
and i2c_master_readRegister()
To define the SDA and SCL pins you just add CFLAGS="-DI2C_MASTER_SDA_GPIO=2 -DI2C_MASTER_SCL_GPIO=12"
(or whatever pin numbers you preffer), to your Makefile. Alternatively you can define them in user_config.h
If no gpio pin numbers are assigned the default SDA=2, SCL=12 pins will be used.
TestingIt passes the mcp23017 basic tests, but one can't test too much..implement the added convenience methodsi2c_master_writeRegister()