This package adds support to Subscription's requests and its integration with websockets using Channels package. You can test websockets notifications with this mini web tool. It's intuitive and simple: websocket_example_client
For installing graphene-django-subscriptions, just run this command in your shell:
pip install "graphene-django-subscriptions"
- Subscription (Abstract class to define subscriptions to a DjangoSerializerMutation)
- GraphqlAPIDemultiplexer (Custom WebSocket consumer subclass that handles demultiplexing streams)
This first approach to add Graphql subscriptions support with Channels in graphene-django, use channels-api package.
You must to have defined a Serializer class for each model that you want to define a Subscription class:
# app/graphql/
import graphene
from graphene_django_subscriptions.subscription import Subscription
from .serializers import UserSerializer, GroupSerializer
class UserSubscription(Subscription):
class Meta:
serializer_class = UserSerializer
stream = 'users'
description = 'User Subscription'
class GroupSubscription(Subscription):
class Meta:
serializer_class = GroupSerializer
stream = 'groups'
description = 'Group Subscription'
Add the subscriptions definitions into your app's schema:
# app/graphql/
import graphene
from .subscriptions import UserSubscription, GroupSubscription
class Subscriptions(graphene.ObjectType):
user_subscription = UserSubscription.Field()
GroupSubscription = PersonSubscription.Field()
Add the app's schema into your project root schema:
import graphene
class RootQuery(, graphene.ObjectType):
class Meta:
description = 'The project root query definition'
class RootMutation(, graphene.ObjectType):
class Meta:
description = 'The project root mutation definition'
class RootSubscription(, graphene.ObjectType):
class Meta:
description = 'The project root subscription definition'
schema = graphene.Schema(
Note: For more information about this step see Channels documentation.
You must to have defined a DjangoSerializerMutation class for each model that you want to define a Subscription class:
We define app routing, as if they were app urls:
# app/
from graphene_django_subscriptions.consumers import GraphqlAPIDemultiplexer
from channels.routing import route_class
from .graphql.subscriptions import UserSubscription, GroupSubscription
class CustomAppDemultiplexer(GraphqlAPIDemultiplexer):
consumers = {
'users': UserSubscription.get_binding().consumer,
'groups': GroupSubscription.get_binding().consumer
app_routing = [
Defining our project routing, like custom root project urls:
# project/
from channels import include
project_routing = [
include("", path=r"^/custom_websocket_path"),
You should put into your INSTALLED_APPS the channels and channels_api modules and you must to add your project's routing definition into the CHANNEL_LAYERS setting:
"default": {
"BACKEND": "asgiref.inmemory.ChannelLayer",
"ROUTING": "myproject.routing.project_routing", # Our project routing
You must add 'graphene_django_subscriptions.depromise_subscription' middleware at the end of your GRAPHENE dict config on your
# Others middleware
In your WEB client you must define websocket connection to: 'ws://host:port/custom_websocket_path'. When the connection is established, the server return a websocket's message like this: {"channel_id": "GthKdsYVrK!WxRCdJQMPi", "connect": "success"}, where you must store the channel_id value to later use in your graphql subscriptions request for subscribe or unsubscribe operations.
The graphql's subscription request accept five possible parameters: 1. operation: Operation to perform: subscribe or unsubscribe. (required) 2. action: Action to which you wish to subscribe: create, update, delete or all_actions. (required) 3. channelId: Identification of the connection by websocket. (required) 4. id: Object's ID field value that you wish to subscribe to. (optional) 5. data: Model's fields that you want to appear in the subscription notifications. (optional)
action: UPDATE,
operation: SUBSCRIBE,
channelId: "GthKdsYVrK!WxRCdJQMPi",
id: 5,
In this case, the subscription request sent return a websocket message to client like this: {"action": "update", "operation": "subscribe", "ok": true, "stream": "users", "error": null} and from that moment each time than the user with id=5 get modified, you will receive a message through websocket's connection with the following format:
"stream": "users",
"payload": {
"action": "update",
"model": "auth.user",
"data": {
"id": 5,
"username": "meaghan90",
"first_name": "Meaghan",
"last_name": "Ackerman",
"email": "",
"is_superuser": false
For unsubscribe you must send a graphql request like this:
action: UPDATE,
operation: UNSUBSCRIBE,
channelId: "GthKdsYVrK!WxRCdJQMPi",
id: 5
NOTE: Each time than the graphql's server restart, you must to reestablish the websocket connection and resend the graphql's subscription request with the new websocket connection id.
- Fixed minor bug on model_fields_enum generation when define fields in serializer class like this: fields = "__all__"
- This avoid malfunction with the posterior versions of graphene-django.
- Fixed minor bug on subscription_resolver function.
- Added depromise_subscription middleware to allow use subscriptions on graphene-django>=2.0.
- Updated setup dependence to graphene-django-extras>=0.3.0.
1. Changed mutation_class dependence on Subscription Meta class definition to serializer_class to get better integration. 2. Fixed some minor bugs.
- First commit