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earonesty edited this page May 15, 2011 · 5 revisions
Usage: grun <exec-options> command...
   or: grun -d [<local-daemon-options>]
   or: grun -q [<query-options>] <query-command>

Lightweight compute cluster engine, maybe it should be called "lce".

For more help, run grun -h, or grun -d -h or grun -q -h

Execution Options:
    -f|ile FILE     Read FILE for job options
    -t|race         Trace mode (verbose logging)

    -m|em INT       memory minimum in MB
    -c|pu CPUS      minimum number of cpus
    -n|ode N1,N2    specify certain nodes

    -noio               disable io-processing, but wait for completion
    -nowait             no io and don't wait, just start the command
    -e|rr FILE  write stderr directly to FILE, no spool
    -o|ut FILE  write stdout directly to FILE, no spool

If the command contains shell metacharacters, it's prefixed with "bash -c".

Common Options:
    -C FILE         (/etc/grun.conf) Config file location
    -t|race         Turn on debugging in the log file
    -v|ersion       Print version and exit
    -h|elp          Show this help page
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