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Emmanuel Blondel edited this page Jun 28, 2018 · 22 revisions

ows4R - R Interface to OGC Web-services

ows4R intends to provide an interface in R for using OGC web-services. The services being covered with ows4R are:

  • WFS (Web Feature Service) - versions 1.0.0,1.1.1, 2.0.0
  • CSW (Catalogue Service for the Web) - version 2.0.2

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Table of contents

1. Overview
2. Package status
3. Credits
4. User guide
   4.1 Installation
   4.2 Web Feature Service (WFS)
      4.2.1 Create WFS Client
      4.2.2 GetCapabilities
      4.2.3 GetFeature
      4.2.4 DescribeFeatureType
   4.3 Catalogue Service (CSW)
      4.3.1 Create CSW Client
      4.3.2 GetCapabilities
      4.3.3 GetRecordById
      4.3.4 GetRecords
      4.3.5 Transactions (Insert, Update, Delete)
5. Issue reporting

1. Overview and vision

Until now, equivalent tools were existing for other programming languages (e.g. Java, Python) but not in R. ows4R intends to provide facilities to exploit OGC web-services in R.

2. Development status


3. Credits

(c) 2018, Emmanuel Blondel

Package distributed under MIT license.

If you use ows4R, i would be very grateful if you can add a citation in your published work. By citing ows4R, beyond acknowledging the work, you contribute to make it more visible and guarantee its growing and sustainability. You can get the preferred citation by running citation("ow4R") in R.

4. User guide

4.1 How to install ows4R in R

For now, the package can be installed from Github


Once the devtools package loaded, you can use the install_github to install ows4R. By default, package will be installed from master which is the current version in development (likely to be unstable).


4.2 R interface to Web Feature Service (WFS)

4.2.1 Create WFS Client

In order to operate on a Web Feature Service, you need to create an interface in R to this WFS. This is done with the class WFSClient, as follows:

wfs <- WFSClient$new("http://localhost:8080/geoserver/wfs", "2.0.0", logger = "INFO")

You can define the level of logger: "INFO" to get ows4R logs, "DEBUG" for all internal logs (such as as Curl details). It is also possible to define a username and credentials in case operations would require an authentication to use the Web Feature Service.

4.2.2 Get Capabilities

When create the WFSClient, ows4R will run a GetCapabilities request. To access the WFS Capabilities and its sections, you can use the following code:

caps <- wfs$getCapabilities()

4.2.3 GetFeature



4.2.3 DescribeFeatureType



4.3 R Interface to Catalogue Service (CSW)


5. Issue reporting

Issues can be reported at

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