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Google Summer of Code 2022

Emanuela Epure edited this page Feb 21, 2022 · 56 revisions

Graphic improvements to the Re3gistry software - alternative visualisations to the reference code lists AND interactive control dashboard


The Re3gistry software is a reusable open-source solution for managing and sharing ‘reference codes’ through the use of persistent URIs, ensuring concepts are correctly referenced in any domain. Licensed under the EUPL, it has been developed in a context neutral way as an open-source project to be deployed or further developed by anyone in any domain.

The project requires to provide alternative visualisations to the "table view" to intuitively present and browse the reference codes.

Alternative visualisations should include:

Develop an interactive dashboard for the re3gistry manager and authorised users within the admin space to know at a glance some statistics of the different aspects handled by the re3gistry.

Some counters that could be part of the dashboards could be, for example, number of registers available, items by the register, items by status (valid, retired...), number of proposals (not yet public), languages in use (available-missing translations), number of users and available groups.


JAVA, EclipseLink, HTML 5, jQuery, Bootstrap, D3.js, Apache Tomcat, Apache Shiro, Apache SOLR, PostgreSQL

Project length:

175 hours


Emanuela Epure (technical) / Lorena Hernandez – Jordi Escriu (administrative) Proposed by: Re3gistry Community



Test of skills:

Install the software following the steps from GitHub and see the content that you have added in the backend in the webapp. Please follow the link for more instructions


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