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Can't modify CHE_PROJECTS_ROOT env value through devfile #17260

5 of 22 tasks
ecralx opened this issue Jun 26, 2020 · 11 comments
5 of 22 tasks

Can't modify CHE_PROJECTS_ROOT env value through devfile #17260

ecralx opened this issue Jun 26, 2020 · 11 comments
kind/question Questions that haven't been identified as being feature requests or bugs.


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ecralx commented Jun 26, 2020

Describe the bug

Che version

  • latest
  • nightly
  • other: please specify


Steps to reproduce

Create a workspace with a devfile resembling this:

  name: cpp-j3h6b
  - name: cpp-hello-world
      location: ''
      type: git
  - id: che-incubator/cpptools/latest
      clangd.path: /usr/bin/clangd
      cdt.clangd.binaries.enable: false
    type: chePlugin
    alias: cpp-plugin
  - mountSources: true
    memoryLimit: 512Mi
    type: dockerimage
    alias: cpp-dev
    image: ''
      - value: /home/user
        name: CHE_PROJECTS_ROOT
apiVersion: 1.0.0
  - name: build
      - workdir: '${CHE_PROJECTS_ROOT}/cpp-hello-world'
        type: exec
        command: g++ -g hello.cpp -o hello.out && echo "Build complete"
        component: cpp-dev
  - name: run
      - workdir: '${CHE_PROJECTS_ROOT}/cpp-hello-world'
        type: exec
        command: ./hello.out
        component: cpp-dev
  - name: debug
      - referenceContent: |
            "version": "0.2.0",
            "configurations": [
                    "type": "gdb",
                    "name": "Debug c++ application",
                    "request": "launch",
                    "program": "/projects/cpp-hello-world/hello.out"
        type: vscode-launch

Expected behavior

Running through the runtime terminal echo $CHE_PROJECTS_ROOT should print /home/user and not /projects.


  • kubernetes (include output of kubectl version)
  • Openshift (include output of oc version)
  • minikube (include output of minikube version and kubectl version)
  • minishift (include output of minishift version and oc version)
  • docker-desktop + K8S (include output of docker version and kubectl version)
  • other: (please specify)

docker version

Client: Docker Engine - Community
 Version:           19.03.8
 API version:       1.40
 Go version:        go1.12.17
 Git commit:        afacb8b
 Built:             Wed Mar 11 01:23:10 2020
 OS/Arch:           windows/amd64
 Experimental:      false

Server: Docker Engine - Community
  Version:          19.03.8
  API version:      1.40 (minimum version 1.12)
  Go version:       go1.12.17
  Git commit:       afacb8b
  Built:            Wed Mar 11 01:29:16 2020
  OS/Arch:          linux/amd64
  Experimental:     false
  Version:          v1.2.13
  GitCommit:        7ad184331fa3e55e52b890ea95e65ba581ae3429
  Version:          1.0.0-rc10
  GitCommit:        dc9208a3303feef5b3839f4323d9beb36df0a9dd
  Version:          0.18.0
  GitCommit:        fec3683

kubectl version

Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"16+", GitVersion:"v1.16.6-beta.0", GitCommit:"e7f962ba86f4ce7033828210ca3556393c377bcc", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2020-01-15T08:26:26Z", GoVersion:"go1.13.5", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"windows/amd64"}
Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"16+", GitVersion:"v1.16.6-beta.0", GitCommit:"e7f962ba86f4ce7033828210ca3556393c377bcc", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2020-01-15T08:18:29Z", GoVersion:"go1.13.5", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}


Installation method

  • chectl
    • provide a full command that was used to deploy Eclipse Che (including the output)
kubectl create namespace che
chectl server:start --che-operator-cr-patch-yaml=./che-operator-cr-patch-yaml.yml --platform=docker-desktop  
 * provide an output of `chectl version` command
chectl/0.0.20200527-next.07f741a win32-x64 node-v10.20.1
  • OperatorHub
  • I don't know

che-operator-cr-patch-yaml.yml content:

    securityContextRunAsUser: "1000"
    securityContextFsGroup: "0"

I made those changes as I'm using custom docker images. I don't think that it can be the source of the problem as I'm having the same issue on my custom images also.


  • my computer
    • Windows
    • Linux
    • macOS
  • Cloud
    • Amazon
    • Azure
    • GCE
    • other (please specify)
  • other: please specify

Eclipse Che Logs

LAST SEEN   TYPE      REASON              OBJECT                                                    MESSAGE
21m         Normal    CREATE              ingress/ingress01dqqya7                                   Ingress che/ingress01dqqya7
21m         Normal    UPDATE              ingress/ingress01dqqya7                                   Ingress che/ingress01dqqya7
21m         Normal    DELETE              ingress/ingress01dqqya7                                   Ingress che/ingress01dqqya7
21m         Normal    CREATE              ingress/ingress02yd5fay                                   Ingress che/ingress02yd5fay
21m         Normal    UPDATE              ingress/ingress02yd5fay                                   Ingress che/ingress02yd5fay
21m         Normal    DELETE              ingress/ingress02yd5fay                                   Ingress che/ingress02yd5fay
22m         Normal    CREATE              ingress/ingress0gegwt14                                   Ingress che/ingress0gegwt14
22m         Normal    DELETE              ingress/ingress0gegwt14                                   Ingress che/ingress0gegwt14
22m         Normal    CREATE              ingress/ingress0o9dzimg                                   Ingress che/ingress0o9dzimg
22m         Normal    DELETE              ingress/ingress0o9dzimg                                   Ingress che/ingress0o9dzimg
25m         Normal    CREATE              ingress/ingress1im0kvv0                                   Ingress che/ingress1im0kvv0
24m         Normal    UPDATE              ingress/ingress1im0kvv0                                   Ingress che/ingress1im0kvv0
23m         Normal    DELETE              ingress/ingress1im0kvv0                                   Ingress che/ingress1im0kvv0
22m         Normal    CREATE              ingress/ingress26vizxgy                                   Ingress che/ingress26vizxgy
22m         Normal    DELETE              ingress/ingress26vizxgy                                   Ingress che/ingress26vizxgy
21m         Normal    CREATE              ingress/ingress3codh2wd                                   Ingress che/ingress3codh2wd
21m         Normal    UPDATE              ingress/ingress3codh2wd                                   Ingress che/ingress3codh2wd
21m         Normal    DELETE              ingress/ingress3codh2wd                                   Ingress che/ingress3codh2wd
25m         Normal    CREATE              ingress/ingress3je7409q                                   Ingress che/ingress3je7409q
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25m         Normal    CREATE              ingress/ingress5bo3h46k                                   Ingress che/ingress5bo3h46k
24m         Normal    UPDATE              ingress/ingress5bo3h46k                                   Ingress che/ingress5bo3h46k
23m         Normal    DELETE              ingress/ingress5bo3h46k                                   Ingress che/ingress5bo3h46k
19m         Normal    CREATE              ingress/ingress5vg59cwm                                   Ingress che/ingress5vg59cwm
19m         Normal    UPDATE              ingress/ingress5vg59cwm                                   Ingress che/ingress5vg59cwm
21m         Normal    CREATE              ingress/ingress685l8dat                                   Ingress che/ingress685l8dat
21m         Normal    UPDATE              ingress/ingress685l8dat                                   Ingress che/ingress685l8dat
21m         Normal    DELETE              ingress/ingress685l8dat                                   Ingress che/ingress685l8dat
19m         Normal    CREATE              ingress/ingress6l23ntr8                                   Ingress che/ingress6l23ntr8
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19m         Normal    CREATE              ingress/ingressiybzbvcl                                   Ingress che/ingressiybzbvcl
19m         Normal    UPDATE              ingress/ingressiybzbvcl                                   Ingress che/ingressiybzbvcl
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23m         Normal    DELETE              ingress/ingressn418n6d1                                   Ingress che/ingressn418n6d1
22m         Normal    CREATE              ingress/ingressr8vtmgd9                                   Ingress che/ingressr8vtmgd9
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19m         Normal    CREATE              ingress/ingresssxoqke0j                                   Ingress che/ingresssxoqke0j
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21m         Normal    CREATE              ingress/ingressw5eavvgi                                   Ingress che/ingressw5eavvgi
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19m         Normal    UPDATE              ingress/ingressyvq27vi2                                   Ingress che/ingressyvq27vi2
25m         Normal    Scheduled           pod/mkdir-workspace8tvbpeetyas6f6gx                       Successfully assigned che/mkdir-workspace8tvbpeetyas6f6gx to docker-desktop
25m         Normal    Pulled              pod/mkdir-workspace8tvbpeetyas6f6gx                       Container image "" already present on machine
25m         Normal    Created             pod/mkdir-workspace8tvbpeetyas6f6gx                       Created container mkdir-workspace8tvbpeetyas6f6gx
25m         Normal    Started             pod/mkdir-workspace8tvbpeetyas6f6gx                       Started container mkdir-workspace8tvbpeetyas6f6gx
25m         Normal    Scheduled           pod/mkdir-workspace8tvbpeetyas6f6gx                       Successfully assigned che/mkdir-workspace8tvbpeetyas6f6gx to docker-desktop
25m         Normal    Pulled              pod/mkdir-workspace8tvbpeetyas6f6gx                       Container image "" already present on machine
25m         Normal    Created             pod/mkdir-workspace8tvbpeetyas6f6gx                       Created container mkdir-workspace8tvbpeetyas6f6gx
25m         Normal    Started             pod/mkdir-workspace8tvbpeetyas6f6gx                       Started container mkdir-workspace8tvbpeetyas6f6gx
23m         Normal    Scheduled           pod/mkdir-workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7                       Successfully assigned che/mkdir-workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7 to docker-desktop
23m         Normal    Pulled              pod/mkdir-workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7                       Container image "" already present on machine
23m         Normal    Created             pod/mkdir-workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7                       Created container mkdir-workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7
23m         Normal    Started             pod/mkdir-workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7                       Started container mkdir-workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7
23m         Normal    Scheduled           pod/mkdir-workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7                       Successfully assigned che/mkdir-workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7 to docker-desktop
22m         Normal    Pulled              pod/mkdir-workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7                       Container image "" already present on machine
22m         Normal    Created             pod/mkdir-workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7                       Created container mkdir-workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7
22m         Normal    Started             pod/mkdir-workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7                       Started container mkdir-workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7
21m         Normal    Scheduled           pod/mkdir-workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7                       Successfully assigned che/mkdir-workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7 to docker-desktop
21m         Normal    Pulled              pod/mkdir-workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7                       Container image "" already present on machine
21m         Normal    Created             pod/mkdir-workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7                       Created container mkdir-workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7
21m         Normal    Started             pod/mkdir-workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7                       Started container mkdir-workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7
21m         Normal    Scheduled           pod/mkdir-workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7                       Successfully assigned che/mkdir-workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7 to docker-desktop
21m         Normal    Pulled              pod/mkdir-workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7                       Container image "" already present on machine
21m         Normal    Created             pod/mkdir-workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7                       Created container mkdir-workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7
21m         Normal    Started             pod/mkdir-workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7                       Started container mkdir-workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7
20m         Normal    Scheduled           pod/mkdir-workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7                       Successfully assigned che/mkdir-workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7 to docker-desktop
20m         Normal    Pulled              pod/mkdir-workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7                       Container image "" already present on machine
20m         Normal    Created             pod/mkdir-workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7                       Created container mkdir-workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7
20m         Normal    Started             pod/mkdir-workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7                       Started container mkdir-workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7
19m         Normal    Scheduled           pod/mkdir-workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7                       Successfully assigned che/mkdir-workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7 to docker-desktop
19m         Normal    Pulled              pod/mkdir-workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7                       Container image "" already present on machine
19m         Normal    Created             pod/mkdir-workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7                       Created container mkdir-workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7
19m         Normal    Started             pod/mkdir-workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7                       Started container mkdir-workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7
25m         Normal    Scheduled           pod/workspace8tvbpeetyas6f6gx.che-plugin-broker           Successfully assigned che/workspace8tvbpeetyas6f6gx.che-plugin-broker to docker-desktop
25m         Normal    Pulling             pod/workspace8tvbpeetyas6f6gx.che-plugin-broker           Pulling image ""
25m         Normal    Pulled              pod/workspace8tvbpeetyas6f6gx.che-plugin-broker           Successfully pulled image ""
25m         Normal    Created             pod/workspace8tvbpeetyas6f6gx.che-plugin-broker           Created container che-plugin-metadata-broker-v3-2-0
25m         Normal    Started             pod/workspace8tvbpeetyas6f6gx.che-plugin-broker           Started container che-plugin-metadata-broker-v3-2-0
24m         Normal    Scheduled           pod/workspace8tvbpeetyas6f6gx.cpp-dev-79dd774c48-blph5    Successfully assigned che/workspace8tvbpeetyas6f6gx.cpp-dev-79dd774c48-blph5 to docker-desktop
24m         Normal    Pulling             pod/workspace8tvbpeetyas6f6gx.cpp-dev-79dd774c48-blph5    Pulling image ""
24m         Normal    Pulled              pod/workspace8tvbpeetyas6f6gx.cpp-dev-79dd774c48-blph5    Successfully pulled image ""
24m         Normal    Created             pod/workspace8tvbpeetyas6f6gx.cpp-dev-79dd774c48-blph5    Created container remote-runtime-injectorgx2
24m         Normal    Started             pod/workspace8tvbpeetyas6f6gx.cpp-dev-79dd774c48-blph5    Started container remote-runtime-injectorgx2
24m         Normal    Pulling             pod/workspace8tvbpeetyas6f6gx.cpp-dev-79dd774c48-blph5    Pulling image ""
24m         Normal    Pulled              pod/workspace8tvbpeetyas6f6gx.cpp-dev-79dd774c48-blph5    Successfully pulled image ""
24m         Normal    Created             pod/workspace8tvbpeetyas6f6gx.cpp-dev-79dd774c48-blph5    Created container che-plugin-artifacts-broker-v3-2-0
24m         Normal    Started             pod/workspace8tvbpeetyas6f6gx.cpp-dev-79dd774c48-blph5    Started container che-plugin-artifacts-broker-v3-2-0
24m         Normal    Pulling             pod/workspace8tvbpeetyas6f6gx.cpp-dev-79dd774c48-blph5    Pulling image ""
24m         Normal    Pulled              pod/workspace8tvbpeetyas6f6gx.cpp-dev-79dd774c48-blph5    Successfully pulled image ""
24m         Normal    Created             pod/workspace8tvbpeetyas6f6gx.cpp-dev-79dd774c48-blph5    Created container che-jwtproxylydowt7z
24m         Normal    Started             pod/workspace8tvbpeetyas6f6gx.cpp-dev-79dd774c48-blph5    Started container che-jwtproxylydowt7z
24m         Normal    Pulling             pod/workspace8tvbpeetyas6f6gx.cpp-dev-79dd774c48-blph5    Pulling image ""
24m         Normal    Pulled              pod/workspace8tvbpeetyas6f6gx.cpp-dev-79dd774c48-blph5    Successfully pulled image ""
24m         Normal    Created             pod/workspace8tvbpeetyas6f6gx.cpp-dev-79dd774c48-blph5    Created container cpp-dev
24m         Normal    Started             pod/workspace8tvbpeetyas6f6gx.cpp-dev-79dd774c48-blph5    Started container cpp-dev
24m         Normal    Pulling             pod/workspace8tvbpeetyas6f6gx.cpp-dev-79dd774c48-blph5    Pulling image ""
24m         Normal    Pulled              pod/workspace8tvbpeetyas6f6gx.cpp-dev-79dd774c48-blph5    Successfully pulled image ""
24m         Normal    Created             pod/workspace8tvbpeetyas6f6gx.cpp-dev-79dd774c48-blph5    Created container cpp-plugins5uk
24m         Normal    Started             pod/workspace8tvbpeetyas6f6gx.cpp-dev-79dd774c48-blph5    Started container cpp-plugins5uk
24m         Normal    Pulling             pod/workspace8tvbpeetyas6f6gx.cpp-dev-79dd774c48-blph5    Pulling image ""
24m         Normal    Pulled              pod/workspace8tvbpeetyas6f6gx.cpp-dev-79dd774c48-blph5    Successfully pulled image ""
24m         Normal    Created             pod/workspace8tvbpeetyas6f6gx.cpp-dev-79dd774c48-blph5    Created container che-machine-execfug
24m         Normal    Started             pod/workspace8tvbpeetyas6f6gx.cpp-dev-79dd774c48-blph5    Started container che-machine-execfug
24m         Normal    Pulling             pod/workspace8tvbpeetyas6f6gx.cpp-dev-79dd774c48-blph5    Pulling image ""
24m         Normal    SuccessfulCreate    replicaset/workspace8tvbpeetyas6f6gx.cpp-dev-79dd774c48   Created pod: workspace8tvbpeetyas6f6gx.cpp-dev-79dd774c48-blph5
24m         Normal    ScalingReplicaSet   deployment/workspace8tvbpeetyas6f6gx.cpp-dev              Scaled up replica set workspace8tvbpeetyas6f6gx.cpp-dev-79dd774c48 to 1
23m         Normal    Scheduled           pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.che-plugin-broker           Successfully assigned che/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.che-plugin-broker to docker-desktop
23m         Normal    Pulling             pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.che-plugin-broker           Pulling image ""
23m         Normal    Pulled              pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.che-plugin-broker           Successfully pulled image ""
23m         Normal    Created             pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.che-plugin-broker           Created container che-plugin-metadata-broker-v3-2-0
23m         Normal    Started             pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.che-plugin-broker           Started container che-plugin-metadata-broker-v3-2-0
23m         Normal    Killing             pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.che-plugin-broker           Stopping container che-plugin-metadata-broker-v3-2-0
23m         Warning   FailedMount         pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.che-plugin-broker           MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "che-self-signed-cert" : object "che"/"workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7-che-self-signed-cert" not registered
23m         Warning   FailedMount         pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.che-plugin-broker           MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7-sshprivatekeys" : object "che"/"workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7-sshprivatekeys" not registered
23m         Warning   FailedMount         pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.che-plugin-broker           MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "ssshkeyconfigvolume" : object "che"/"workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7-sshconfigmap" not registered
23m         Warning   FailedMount         pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.che-plugin-broker           MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "broker-config-volumevwx0kq" : object "che"/"" not registered
23m         Warning   FailedMount         pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.che-plugin-broker           MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "gitconfigvolume" : object "che"/"workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7-gitconfig" not registered
23m         Warning   FailedMount         pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.che-plugin-broker           MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "che-workspace-token-tdws7" : object "che"/"che-workspace-token-tdws7" not registered
21m         Normal    Scheduled           pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.che-plugin-broker           Successfully assigned che/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.che-plugin-broker to docker-desktop
21m         Normal    Pulling             pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.che-plugin-broker           Pulling image ""
21m         Normal    Pulled              pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.che-plugin-broker           Successfully pulled image ""
21m         Normal    Created             pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.che-plugin-broker           Created container che-plugin-metadata-broker-v3-2-0
21m         Normal    Started             pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.che-plugin-broker           Started container che-plugin-metadata-broker-v3-2-0
20m         Normal    Scheduled           pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.che-plugin-broker           Successfully assigned che/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.che-plugin-broker to docker-desktop
20m         Normal    Pulling             pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.che-plugin-broker           Pulling image ""
19m         Normal    Pulled              pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.che-plugin-broker           Successfully pulled image ""
19m         Normal    Created             pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.che-plugin-broker           Created container che-plugin-metadata-broker-v3-2-0
19m         Normal    Started             pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.che-plugin-broker           Started container che-plugin-metadata-broker-v3-2-0
21m         Normal    Scheduled           pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-58549d64bb-vv8xk    Successfully assigned che/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-58549d64bb-vv8xk to docker-desktop
21m         Normal    Pulling             pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-58549d64bb-vv8xk    Pulling image ""
21m         Normal    Pulled              pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-58549d64bb-vv8xk    Successfully pulled image ""
21m         Normal    Created             pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-58549d64bb-vv8xk    Created container remote-runtime-injectorlsy
21m         Normal    Started             pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-58549d64bb-vv8xk    Started container remote-runtime-injectorlsy
21m         Normal    Pulling             pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-58549d64bb-vv8xk    Pulling image ""
21m         Normal    Pulled              pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-58549d64bb-vv8xk    Successfully pulled image ""
21m         Normal    Created             pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-58549d64bb-vv8xk    Created container che-plugin-artifacts-broker-v3-2-0
21m         Normal    Started             pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-58549d64bb-vv8xk    Started container che-plugin-artifacts-broker-v3-2-0
21m         Normal    Pulling             pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-58549d64bb-vv8xk    Pulling image ""
21m         Normal    Pulled              pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-58549d64bb-vv8xk    Successfully pulled image ""
21m         Normal    Created             pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-58549d64bb-vv8xk    Created container che-jwtproxyqyonr8tw
21m         Normal    Started             pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-58549d64bb-vv8xk    Started container che-jwtproxyqyonr8tw
21m         Normal    Pulling             pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-58549d64bb-vv8xk    Pulling image ""
21m         Normal    Killing             pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-58549d64bb-vv8xk    Stopping container che-jwtproxyqyonr8tw
21m         Normal    Pulled              pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-58549d64bb-vv8xk    Successfully pulled image ""
21m         Normal    Created             pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-58549d64bb-vv8xk    Created container cpp-dev
21m         Warning   Failed              pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-58549d64bb-vv8xk    Error: failed to start container "cpp-dev": Error response from daemon: cannot join network of a non running container: 9bf8c67793c585186c4a24e6febfd1c66038db32ba6ecd67401a90f6ddf0a4da
21m         Normal    Pulling             pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-58549d64bb-vv8xk    Pulling image ""
21m         Normal    Pulled              pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-58549d64bb-vv8xk    Successfully pulled image ""
21m         Warning   Failed              pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-58549d64bb-vv8xk    Error: cannot find volume "claim-che-workspace" to mount into container "cpp-pluginsvf6"
21m         Normal    Pulling             pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-58549d64bb-vv8xk    Pulling image ""
21m         Normal    Pulled              pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-58549d64bb-vv8xk    Successfully pulled image ""
21m         Warning   Failed              pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-58549d64bb-vv8xk    Error: cannot find volume "claim-che-workspace" to mount into container "che-machine-exec3vf"
21m         Normal    Pulling             pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-58549d64bb-vv8xk    Pulling image ""
21m         Normal    Pulled              pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-58549d64bb-vv8xk    Successfully pulled image ""
21m         Normal    SuccessfulCreate    replicaset/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-58549d64bb   Created pod: workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-58549d64bb-vv8xk
19m         Normal    Scheduled           pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-5ccfb586b9-vftkd    Successfully assigned che/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-5ccfb586b9-vftkd to docker-desktop
19m         Normal    Pulling             pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-5ccfb586b9-vftkd    Pulling image ""
19m         Normal    Pulled              pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-5ccfb586b9-vftkd    Successfully pulled image ""
19m         Normal    Created             pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-5ccfb586b9-vftkd    Created container remote-runtime-injectorgnw
19m         Normal    Started             pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-5ccfb586b9-vftkd    Started container remote-runtime-injectorgnw
19m         Normal    Pulling             pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-5ccfb586b9-vftkd    Pulling image ""
19m         Normal    Pulled              pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-5ccfb586b9-vftkd    Successfully pulled image ""
19m         Normal    Created             pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-5ccfb586b9-vftkd    Created container che-plugin-artifacts-broker-v3-2-0
19m         Normal    Started             pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-5ccfb586b9-vftkd    Started container che-plugin-artifacts-broker-v3-2-0
19m         Normal    Pulling             pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-5ccfb586b9-vftkd    Pulling image ""
19m         Normal    Pulled              pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-5ccfb586b9-vftkd    Successfully pulled image ""
19m         Normal    Created             pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-5ccfb586b9-vftkd    Created container che-jwtproxyw6ndmmh1
19m         Normal    Started             pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-5ccfb586b9-vftkd    Started container che-jwtproxyw6ndmmh1
19m         Normal    Pulling             pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-5ccfb586b9-vftkd    Pulling image ""
19m         Normal    Pulled              pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-5ccfb586b9-vftkd    Successfully pulled image ""
19m         Normal    Created             pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-5ccfb586b9-vftkd    Created container cpp-dev
19m         Normal    Started             pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-5ccfb586b9-vftkd    Started container cpp-dev
19m         Normal    Pulling             pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-5ccfb586b9-vftkd    Pulling image ""
19m         Normal    Pulled              pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-5ccfb586b9-vftkd    Successfully pulled image ""
19m         Normal    Created             pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-5ccfb586b9-vftkd    Created container cpp-pluginsc8a
19m         Normal    Started             pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-5ccfb586b9-vftkd    Started container cpp-pluginsc8a
19m         Normal    Pulling             pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-5ccfb586b9-vftkd    Pulling image ""
19m         Normal    Pulled              pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-5ccfb586b9-vftkd    Successfully pulled image ""
19m         Normal    Created             pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-5ccfb586b9-vftkd    Created container che-machine-execkl8
19m         Normal    Started             pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-5ccfb586b9-vftkd    Started container che-machine-execkl8
19m         Normal    Pulling             pod/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-5ccfb586b9-vftkd    Pulling image ""
19m         Normal    SuccessfulCreate    replicaset/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-5ccfb586b9   Created pod: workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-5ccfb586b9-vftkd
21m         Normal    ScalingReplicaSet   deployment/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev              Scaled up replica set workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-58549d64bb to 1
19m         Normal    ScalingReplicaSet   deployment/workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev              Scaled up replica set workspacev7cgt6bfnt0djdc7.cpp-dev-5ccfb586b9 to 1

Additional context

Sorry if the expected behavior I described wasn't the right one. It's what I understood from this section of the docs

@ecralx ecralx added the kind/bug Outline of a bug - must adhere to the bug report template. label Jun 26, 2020
@che-bot che-bot added the status/need-triage An issue that needs to be prioritized by the curator responsible for the triage. See https://github. label Jun 26, 2020
@sleshchenko sleshchenko added area/che-server status/info-needed More information is needed before the issue can move into the “analyzing” state for engineering. labels Jun 26, 2020
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@mshaposhnik Do you happen to remember if we're able to change projects root from devfile?

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There is clonePath property, but it is relative to projects root folder. Need to check what wappens when system variable is overriden.

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l0rd commented Jun 29, 2020

In devfile 2.0 we will be using sourceMapping attribute.

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ecralx commented Jun 29, 2020

Thanks for the replies everyone.
@sleshchenko do you know of any other mean to change the projects root path other than the devfile ? I don't think you can through che-operator cr patch yaml file too.

@ericwill ericwill removed the status/need-triage An issue that needs to be prioritized by the curator responsible for the triage. See https://github. label Jun 29, 2020
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@ecralx There is

you could try to configure via CR patch yaml(customCheProperties field if I'm not mistaken) but I'm not sure it's going to fully work.

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ecralx commented Jul 2, 2020

@sleshchenko Configuring via CR patch yaml (server > customCheProperties > CHE_WORKSPACE_PROJECTS_STORAGE) works great ! For my current usage (playing around with Che) it is enough but it would be great if we could change it's value through the devfile ! Thanks for your help.

EDIT: After a few tests, it appears that, even though CHE_PROJECTS_ROOT is the one set in CHE_WORKSPACE_PROJECTS_STORAGE (/home/user for example), it still creates a .theia folder in /projects and it's in fact the default directory that opens up when launching the workspace. I have to open up the right directory from the File menu to access my project (which opens up in a new tab). As I'm using the /projects folder (in my custom docker images) for other purposes, it's kind of annoying, but it still works so it's not that problematic.

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@ecralx from what I can see in code and after consulting with @azatsarynnyy I can say that even if you CHE_WORKSPACE_PROJECTS_STORAGE change this property and ws-master properly mount projects volume in a new place path \projects is hardcoded in che-theia.

@skabashnyuk skabashnyuk added kind/question Questions that haven't been identified as being feature requests or bugs. and removed area/che-server kind/bug Outline of a bug - must adhere to the bug report template. status/info-needed More information is needed before the issue can move into the “analyzing” state for engineering. labels Jul 7, 2020
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azatsarynnyy commented Jul 7, 2020

ATM, Che Theia expects a user's project directory to be /projects only.

I've just filed a corresponding issue #17347
@benoitf @l0rd re-prioritize it, please, if needed.

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benoitf commented Jul 7, 2020

EDIT: After a few tests, it appears that, even though CHE_PROJECTS_ROOT is the one set in CHE_WORKSPACE_PROJECTS_STORAGE (/home/user for example), it still creates a .theia folder in /projects and it's in fact the default directory that opens up when launching the workspace. I have to open up the right directory from the File menu to access my project (which opens up in a new tab). As I'm using the /projects folder (in my custom docker images) for other purposes, it's kind of annoying, but it still works so it's not that problematic.

@ecralx should be fixed with the next build of che-theia (nightly/next)

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ecralx commented Jul 8, 2020

The problem seems to be resolved with the new che-theia build ! Thanks everyone 👍

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Thank you @ecralx for your question/request!
I'm closing it as resolved. Feel free to reopen it if it's needed.

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9 participants