Thanks for your interest in this project.
The Eclipse VIATRA™ framework supports the development of model transformations with specific focus on event-driven, reactive transformations. Building upon the incremental query support, VIATRA offers a language to define transformations and a reactive transformation engine to execute certain transformations upon changes in the underlying model. The VIATRA project provides: An incremental query engine together with a graph pattern based language to specify and execute model queries efficiently. An internal DSL over the Xtend language to specify both batch and event-driven, reactive transformations. A rule-based design space exploration framework to explore design candidates as models satisfying multiple criteria. A model obfuscator to remove sensitive information from a confidential model (e.g. to create bug reports). The current VIATRA project is a full rewrite of the previous VIATRA2 framework, now with full compatibility and support for EMF models. The project features a History wiki page that describes the main differences between the different versions.
This repository is subject to the Terms of Use of the Eclipse Foundation
VIATRA uses Oomph to set up a development environment in Eclipse ( and uses Maven to build the contents (
Information regarding source code management, builds, coding standards, and more.
The project maintains the following source code repositories
This Eclipse Foundation open project is governed by the Eclipse Foundation Development Process and operates under the terms of the Eclipse IP Policy.
Before your contribution can be accepted by the project team contributors must electronically sign the Eclipse Contributor Agreement (ECA).
Commits that are provided by non-committers must have a Signed-off-by field in the footer indicating that the author is aware of the terms by which the contribution has been provided to the project. The non-committer must additionally have an Eclipse Foundation account and must have a signed Eclipse Contributor Agreement (ECA) on file.
For more information, please see the Eclipse Committer Handbook:
Contact the project developers via the project's Github discussion feature:
Furthermore, a mailing list is maintained by Eclipse Foundation used by the developers of the projects:
VIATRA uses Maven/Tycho for continuous integration builds. It is executed in two passes:
- In the first pass, a selected subset of projects (the so-called "core" projects) are built. These are Eclipse-independent and include the Maven plugin for generating code from VIATRA Query patterns. This is required to allow projects to reuse the latest compiler version; on the other hand, the projects compiled here are pushed into Maven repositories as well.
- Execution:
mvn clean install -f releng/org.eclipse.viatra.parent.core/pom.xml
- Execution:
- In the second pass, the remaining projects are built, mostly Eclipse-specific. These projects may also use the VIATRA Query Maven compiler to generate pattern matcher code.
mvn clean install -f releng/org.eclipse.viatra.parent.all/pom.xml
Important: executing the second pass also rebuilds all project from the first pass. When the core language projects, required for the Maven plugin have not changed since the last local build, the first pass can be skipped.
The manual process of setting up a development environment (described below) can be automated with Oomph.
- Download and run Eclipse Installer
- Use the advanced mode
- Product related settings:
- Product: Eclipse IDE for Eclipse Committers (or alternatively, Eclipse Modeling Tools)
- Product Version: Latest Release
- Java version: Select one accordingly
- Bundle pool: Recommended
- Project selection:
- Catalog: Eclipse Projects
- Select the VIATRA project
- Optionally, also select VIATRA Tooling subproject if you want to install the last VIATRA Query SDK from the Jenkins build (not recommended when updating the compiler capabilities of VIATRA)
- Do not select the discontinued VIATRA Core and DSE project, they will be removed in the future
- VIATRA-specific variables (check show all variables if these are missing)
- Copyright owner (VIATRA): enter your employer or those who should be mentioned as copyright holders in new file comments (e.g. your employer). You don't have to add your name, as that is already inserted from the ${user} variable by Eclipse.
- Installation location rule: arbitrary
- Installation folder name: arbitrary
- Root install folder: arbitrary
- Workspace location rule: leave default
- Git clone location rule: leave default
- Target Platform: select the latest Platform version available, unless a specific version is necessary
- Git or Gerrit repository: Git (read-write) is recommended
- Java installations: make sure to have the minimum Java version required for VIATRA installed locally (in August 2024 Java 11) to avoid linking to incorrect Java versions and selected in the wizard.
After these values are provided, the installer will create a new Eclipse instance where it downloads all dependencies and runs bootstrap launch configurations to ensure all generated code is available in the repository. When the bootstrap launch configs run, you may be asked whether to proceed with launching with projects with errors. You can safely proceed, the executed generator workflows should fix these errors.
Code style: slightly modified built-in Eclipse style
- line width: 120 characters both for code and comments
- using spaces for indentation
Downloadable style available from viatra-jdt-template.xml
Comment templates:
- Copyright header for each Java file
- Make default Javadoc empty for overridden methods
Downloadable template available from
If for any reason the automatic execution of the code generators fail, you can retry them by running the following launch configurations (the displayed order takes their dependencies into consideration):
- GenerateReteRecipeMetamodel.mwe2 (Query component)
- GenerateNotationMetamodel.mwe2 (Addon component, viewers)
- GenerateTraceabilityMetamodel.mwe2 (Transformation component, view model transformation)
- GenerateTransformationTraceMetamodel.mwe2 (Transformation component, debugger)
- GeneratePatternLanguage.mwe2 (Query component)
- GenerateEMFPatternLanguage.mwe2 (Query component)
- GenerateGeneratorModel.mwe2 (Query component)
Explanation: The projects contain both manually written and generated code. They are placed in different source folders: all src folders contain only manually written code, the following folders contain generated code:
- The emf-gen and src-gen folders contain code generated by the EMF metamodel generation workflows.
- The src-gen folders contain code generated by the Xtext code generation workflows.
- The xtend-gen files contain code generated by the Xtend compiler which is run incrementally. These files do have dependencies of the other workflow-generated files: before the workflow is executed, it is normal for these files to be erroneous.
Generated code is not committed into Git, so the generator workflows have to be run during setup or whenever a metamodel, grammar or workflow file changes.
Xtext code generator workflows require about 30-60 seconds to run - be patient.
Some components already include VIATRA Query patterns but the generated code is not stored in version control. In order to correctly compile these projects, run the Bootstrap launch configuration and import the following projects:
- org.eclipse.viatra.addon.viewers.runtime
- org.eclipse.viatra.addon.viewers.runtime.zest
- org.eclipse.viatra.integration.uml
- org.eclipse.viatra.query.tooling.ui.retevis
- org.eclipse.viatra.transformation.views
- If you create an own launch configuration for bootstrapping query code generation, make sure to exclude these imported projects from it, and either include the metamodel projects required by them in it or import them into the runtime workspace as well.
- If VIATRA SDK was installed using the VIATRA Tooling sub-project, executing these configurations is not necessary, the code will be generated automatically when the queries are changed.