1221 commits
to master
since this release
This is the 10.1.0 minor release.
Central theme of this release is to fix issues identified for SimRel repository. There are also few new features, enhancements and bug fixes.
New Functionality
- Implemented RichIterable.groupByAndCollect().
- Implemented NoopProcedure.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed IntInterval.fromToBy() for same values of from and to with a negative step.
- Fixed IntInterval.injectInto() for same values of from and to with a negative step.
Tech Debt Reduction
- Added examples for creating and modifying Immutable Collections in documentation.
- Changed internal variable name in Multimaps class for ImmutableSortedBagFactory
- Fixed generated Eclipse features for p2 repository to ensure correct EPLv1 license is downloaded.
- Fixed generated Eclipse features for p2 repository to ensure correct signatures on artifacts.
- Fixed repository path for Eclipse features.
Build Changes
- Fixed configuration to gpg sign plugin to work on new CI infrastructure.
- Improved .gitignore for maven to reduce noise.
- Modified build to use maven's --no-transfer-progress option to reduce noise.
- Upgraded maven plugins.
Acquiring Eclipse Collections
compile 'org.eclipse.collections:eclipse-collections-api:10.1.0'
compile 'org.eclipse.collections:eclipse-collections:10.1.0'
testCompile 'org.eclipse.collections:eclipse-collections-testutils:10.1.0'
compile 'org.eclipse.collections:eclipse-collections-forkjoin:10.1.0'
<dependency org="org.eclipse.collections" name="eclipse-collections-api" rev="10.1.0" />
<dependency org="org.eclipse.collections" name="eclipse-collections" rev="10.1.0" />
<dependency org="org.eclipse.collections" name="eclipse-collections-testutils" rev="10.1.0" />
<dependency org="org.eclipse.collections" name="eclipse-collections-forkjoin" rev="10.1.0"/>
OSGi Bundle
Eclipse software repository location: http://download.eclipse.org/collections/10.1.0/repository