It provides the following functionality
- Manage Tokens Operations like regestering and refreshing
- Format boilerplate api requests.
- Provide simple functions to perform common api operations
Before you begin Register as an ecobee Developer Here
Note: lines with $ mean execute this command in bash
Note: lines with $ mean execute this command in bash
Clone the Repository
$ git clone
Navigate inside the root directory
$ cd python_api_sdk
Install the Repository
$ pip install .
#Run the interactive enviornment setup note this only works for mac / linux
$ python setup_scripts/
Note: Bolded Lines with >>> mean execute this command in python
>>> # Create an ApiInterface object
>>> from ebapi.api_interface import ApiInterface
>>> interface = ApiInterface()
>>> #Add a user
>>> interface.add_user()
Enter the PIN '<4-digit-pin>' into the Add Application window and click Add Application<br>
waiting press enter to continue...
- Navigate to and login with you username and password
- My Account (Top right)
- My Apps (Bottom Left)
- Add application (Bottom Left)
- Enter the <4-digit-pin> into the text box
- Click Validate (Bottom Right)
- Click Add Application
Return to you python session and press Enter
The SDK will have stored access and refresh tokens for the user accout
It will also store a all the thermostats that the user has
Requests are made by sepecifying a method of the ApiInterface Object
and a 12 digit Thermostat Identifier.
These can be found on the About My Thermostat (Bottom Right of a Thermostat Page)
and a 12 digit Thermostat Identifier.
These can be found on the About My Thermostat (Bottom Right of a Thermostat Page)
All Requests Reutrn Dictionaries from the Ecobee API's JSON format.
Reference Documentation:
Object Defitions:
>>> # will dispay the Thermostat ID that are stored
>>> thermostat_identifier.show_users()
>>> #12 digit thermostat ID
>>> thermostat_identifier = "123456789012"
>>> # Return a Dictionary of the thermostats settings
>>> interface.get_settings(thermostat_identifier)