Go to https://chromiumdash.appspot.com/releases?platform=Android and pick the desired tag. For this example we update from 85.0.4183.127 to 87.0.4280.141
We assume that a branch named ecosia-85.0.4183.127 is present in the current repository. This is the source for our commits.
For this we have cloned the source with following remotes (names can vary):
git remote -v
# google https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src
# origin git@github.com:ecosia/chromium-android.git
Fetch tag from google and create new branch named upstream-<tagname>. In this case the new branch will be upstream-87.0.4280.141 . We will also create a new branch that will become our target branch based on ecosia-85.0.4183.127
# fetch tag the current development branch is based on (if not present)
git fetch google refs/tags/85.0.4183.127:refs/tags/85.0.4183.127
# fetch new tag
git fetch google refs/tags/87.0.4280.141:refs/tags/87.0.4280.141
# create target branch
git checkout ecosia-85.0.4183.127
git checkout -b ecosia-87.0.4280.141
As Chromium major versions evolve on separate branches a simple rebase does not work. Therefore we do a rebase following this scheme:
git rebase --onto master server client
From https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Branching-Rebasing:
This basically says, “Take the client branch, figure out the patches since it diverged from the server branch, and replay these patches in the client branch as if it was based directly off the master branch instead.” It’s a bit complex, but the result is pretty cool.
Having checked out ecosia-87.0.4280.141 this becomes:
git rebase --onto 87.0.4280.141 85.0.4183.127 ecosia-87.0.4280.141
- master = 87.0.4280.141 (basically the new master, where want to put our commits on top)
- server = 85.0.4183.127 (basically the old master, serves as starting point for diffing)
- client = ecosia-87.0.4280.141 (at start equal to ecosia-85.0.4183.127, so where to take the commits from)
This will start the rebase. After all conflicts are solved all commits that were done between 85.0.4183.127 and ecosia-85.0.4183.127 will be on top of 87.0.4280.141.
As we switched major versions we have to get updated 3rd parties. I recommend to run getThirdParties.sh completely or step by step depending whether it's a fresh checkout or a one that was already synced.