Welcome! We are glad that you want to contribute to our project! 💖
As you get started, you are in the best position to give us feedback on areas of our project that we need help with, including:
- Problems found during setting up a new developer environment
- Gaps in our Quickstart Guide or documentation
- Bugs in our automation scripts
If anything doesn't make sense, or doesn't work when you run it, please open a bug report and let us know!
We welcome many different types of contributions, including:
- New features
- Builds, CI/CD
- Bug fixes
- Documentation
- Issue Triage
- Answering questions on Slack/Mailing List
- Web design
- Communications / Social Media / Blog Posts
- Release management
We have good first issues for new contributors and help wanted issues suitable for any contributor. good first issue has extra information to help you make your first contribution. help wanted are issues suitable for someone who isn't a core maintainer and is good to move onto after your first pull request.
Sometimes there won’t be any issues with these labels. That’s ok! There is likely still something for you to work on.
Once you see an issue that you'd like to work on, please post a comment saying that you want to work on it. Something like "I want to work on this" is fine.
The best way to reach us with a question when contributing is to ask on:
- The original github issue
- The developer mailing list
- Our Slack channel
This section describes how to setup your local development environment and test your code changes.
First, follow the Quickstart Guide in odigos docs to create a local k8s development cluster with a demo application and a functioning odigos installation.
Make sure you are able to:
- run Odigos CLI in your terminal.
- open the demo application UI in your browser to interact with it.
- install odigos in your development cluster with
odigos install
. - open Odigos UI in your browser to interact with it.
- see telemetry data that odigos generates, for example traces in jaeger.
After you have a working odigos setup, you can start making changes to the code and test them locally.
The code for the odigos cli tool is found in the cli
directory here.
Test your cli code changes by running the following:
go run -tags=embed_manifests ./cli
To run odigos install
cli command from a local source, use the make command from repo root:
make cli-install
# Installing Odigos version v0.1.81 in namespace odigos-system ...
If you test changes to the install
command, you will need to odigos uninstall
first before you can run install again.
The main steps involved when debugging Odigos locally are:
- Use a Kind kubernetes cluster.
- Choose one of the following options for deploy:
- Deploy all pods in the odigos-system namespace:
make deploy
- Deploy a specific service by running one of the following commands:
make deploy-odiglet
make deploy-autoscaler
make deploy-collector
make deploy-instrumentor
- Deploy odiglet and build instrumentation agents from source code:
First - make sure you clone the nodejs agent repos in the same directory as the odigos repo. e.g. ../opentelemetry-node
should exist alongside the odigos repo in your local filesystem.
To deploy odiglet with agents from this source directory:
make deploy-odiglet-with-agents
See the Odigos docs for the full steps on debugging Odigos locally.
Build the frontend
cd frontend/webapp
yarn install
yarn build
yarn dev
cd ../.. # back to root of the project for next steps
Then run the web server
cd frontend
go build -o odigos-backend && ./odigos-backend --port 8085 --debug --address
Odiglet Dockerfile uses a base image for the builder, which saves up lots of time during builds. The Dockerfile for the base image can be found in ./odiglet/base.Dockerfile
and is consumed like so: FROM keyval/odiglet-base:v1.0 as builder
If you need to add additional packages to the build, update this file. Then publish the new base image to dockerhub with the github action named Publish Odiglet Base Builder
in the Actions
You will need to specify the new image tag as a version in the format v1.0
After the image is published, update the dependency in ./odiglet/Dockerfile
to use the new image tag.
First, you will have to find which version of Odigos you are running. You can do this by running odigos version
in your terminal.
Then, run the following command to build Odiglet in debug mode and restart the Odiglet pod:
make debug-odiglet
Then, you can attach a debugger to the Odiglet pod. For example, if you are using Goland, you can follow the instructions here to attach to a remote process.
For Visual Studio Code, you can use the .vscode/launch.json
file in this repo to attach to the Odiglet pod.