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Elena de la Hoz |
I am a cosmologist, working as a PhD student at the Instituto de Física de Cantabria in Santander, Spain. My research is focused on the analysis of the Cosmic Microwave Background . On this website, you can find information and useful links related to my research:
For more information about me, see the [About me]({{ site.url }}/about/) page.
A detailed description of my research interests is provided in the [Research interests]({{ site.url }}/research/) page.
The [Publications]({{ site.url }}/publications/) page displays in reverse chronological order my journal publications.
My talks and seminars are listed on the [Talks]({{ site.url }}/talks/) page.
The [Teaching]({{ site.url }}/teaching/) page contains the information regarding the courses that I have taught as well as the master theses that I co-directed.
In [Outreach]({{ site.url }}/outreach/) you can find photos and videos from outreach activities I participated in.