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Edge Radio edited this page Jan 10, 2022 · 7 revisions

November 2021 - Rivendell 4 Beta

Hello friends. While we've done our best to keep Rivendell on ARM packages up to date, there's another big release on the horizon. Rivendell 4 will bring many much needed improvements to the system along with some core technology updates. From our ARM devices side we'll provide a base pre-configured Raspberry Pi image for download with other ARM systems using the install script on their Debian based systems.

We've decided to only release ARM64 packages from version 4. This won't affect those that use the (yet to be released) new pre-configured Raspberry Pi image. We will provide upgrade path documentation from version 3 to 4 upon release. As previously mentioned, there will be no more AMD64 version from us. With the release of version 4 there will be official packages from Paravel Systems for Debian Bullseye and Ubuntu Studio LTS. That means we'll concentrate on testing and releasing the ARM64 packages.

New Installation


There is only an ARM64 package available. You can download either Raspberry Pi OS ARM64 or DietPi Debian Bullseye images below to test.

Raspberry Pi OS: Download
DietPI: Download

curl -L | sudo bash

December 2020 Update

Updates to the core code have been infrequent over the second half of 2020. There may be one last major release for the year. A couple of decisions have been made from our end. We're discontinuing the AMD64 package and removing the per-configured Raspberry Pi image. Now that the ARM packages we supply are no longer specific to the Raspberry Pi, it seems unnecessary to continue to update the per-configured image. The automated install script will take care of the installation of Rivendell on any Debian Buster based system, which is available for 99% of the ARM based Linux computers on the market.

March 2020 Update

Thank you to all those who have contacted us over the past few months. It's nice to hear from everyone around the world who has tested or are using our images. We hope everything has been working as it should. A quick update on project developments. We've moved almost everything to Github and forked the main Rivendell code. We don't intend to make our own version of Rivendell. It's all about tracking the changes required to keep the software working on the Raspberry Pi (and Debian based systems) and being able to merge and generate updates more easily.

We are also releasing update packages and have an update repository available for Raspberry Pi (armfh) and Debian (amd64) systems, which will help and keep everything up to date more easily. There is also a new one command installation method, which will install Rivendell with a blank database with minimal to no configuration necessary. You can find all the details and to downloads by using the links below. If you're looking for the most up to date information and releases, you should keep an eye on our Github page.

Rivendell 3 and Raspberry Pi 4 Update

Mid 2019 saw Rivendell receive some big updates and well as the brand new Raspberry Pi 4. We have been noodling away behind the scenes testing. Finally we're happy to put out a brand new Rivendell 3 Raspbian Buster image for download. These are stand alone images with Rivendell working out of the box. No configuration necessary. They can be modified easily for specific needs. We hope you find them useful.