Hi there! You want to contribute to Clarango? Great, because we need some help! Here are a couple of notes to get you started.
There are tests for most features in the tests folder. After you changed or added something, run lein test
and see if there are no errors. Also make sure to add a test for whatever you add to Clarango. The tests are split up in three test namespaces, you may have to search where a certain feature is tested because the grouping is a little arbitrary.
While you are working on Clarango you may want to activate some verbose console output in order to debug. You can do that by setting the methods http-debugging-activated?
, type-output-activated?
and console-output-activated?
output in the utilities/http-utility
namespace to true
###What is missing?
Here are a couple of features that Clarango is still missing (please remove when done and feel free to add points):
- document batch requests (clj-http may give you a hard time doing that, let’s hope it will be easier with future versions)
- sharding
- async functions (check out travesedo which already has implemented this)
If you have questions or just want to get in touch, email peter [dot] fessel [at] live [dot] de