Thanks for finding interest in the Anime Information Platform. You can contribute to this project in any shape or form! or tackle any of the issues opened and submit a pull request
📦Anime Streaming Concept
┣ 📂fonts
┣ 📂images
┣ 📂javascript
┃ ┗ 📜index.js
┣ 📂styles
┃ ┗ 📜style-contact.css
┣ 📜about.html
┣ 📜contact.html
┣ 📜index.html
┣ 📜
┗ 📜style.css
The first page you see when you load the site
- Returns a darker varient of the accent color on certain elements
- Contains all the main elements that will modified
- Takes data parameter; this is the JSON object returned by the API, from this data the elements are modified
- Contains the request that provides data for main body. Calls Replace(data) at the end to modify the elements
- id: this represents the id of the anime we are looking for by default it is '140960' for Spy X Family
- This function contains the request that provides data for the suggestion cards
- genre: default genre to be passed, initially it is "Action"
- after modifying the cards, which ever card is clicked call callBody(id) to replace page body contents
- Returns data that contains ID and title of anime you searched for so it can pass the ID to callBody(id) to change body content
- Choose random index from a given lenght
- Returns the proper recommendations based on rating by users on anilist, makes searching easier
- recommendation_id: similar to id, refers to the id of the show we want our recommendations to be on
- Gets a supplement of shows that are added to existing cards if the recommendation of that show was not up to 10
- this is particularly useful for old shows in the 1980s and older that have close to 0 recommendations
Contains all the default images used such as the preloader image
Contains all the font used