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File metadata and controls

162 lines (122 loc) · 15.8 KB


import { parse, stringify } from 'yaml'

parse('number: 999')
// { number: 999 }

parse('number: 999', { intAsBigInt: true })
// { number: 999n }

parse('number: 999', { schema: 'failsafe' })
// { number: '999' }

The options supported by various yaml are split into various categories, depending on how and where they are used. Options in various categories do not overlap, so it's fine to use a single "bag" of options and pass it to each function or method.

Parse Options

Parse options affect the parsing and composition of a YAML Document from it source.

Used by: parse(), parseDocument(), parseAllDocuments(), new Composer(), and new Document()

Name Type Default Description
intAsBigInt boolean false Whether integers should be parsed into BigInt rather than number values.
keepSourceTokens boolean false Include a srcToken value on each parsed Node, containing the CST token that was composed into this node.
lineCounter LineCounter If set, newlines will be tracked, to allow for lineCounter.linePos(offset) to provide the { line, col } positions within the input.
prettyErrors boolean true Include line/col position in errors, along with an extract of the source string.
strict boolean true When parsing, do not ignore errors required by the YAML 1.2 spec, but caused by unambiguous content.
uniqueKeys boolean ⎮ (a, b) => boolean true Whether key uniqueness is checked, or customised. If set to be a function, it will be passed two parsed nodes and should return a boolean value indicating their equality.

Document Options

Document options are relevant for operations on the Document object, which makes them relevant for both conversion directions.

Used by: parse(), parseDocument(), parseAllDocuments(), stringify(), new Composer(), and new Document()

Name Type Default Description
logLevel 'warn' ⎮ 'error' ⎮ 'silent' 'warn' Control the verbosity of parse(). Set to 'error' to silence warnings, and to 'silent' to also silence most errors (not recommended).
version '1.1' ⎮ '1.2' '1.2' The YAML version used by documents without a %YAML directive.

By default, the library will emit warnings as required by the YAML spec during parsing. If you'd like to silence these, set the logLevel option to 'error'.

Schema Options

parse('3') // 3 (Using YAML 1.2 core schema by default)
parse('3', { schema: 'failsafe' }) // '3'

parse('No') // 'No'
parse('No', { schema: 'json' }) // SyntaxError: Unresolved plain scalar "No"
parse('No', { schema: 'yaml-1.1' }) // false
parse('No', { version: '1.1' }) // false

Schema options determine the types of values that the document is expected and able to support.

Aside from defining the language structure, the YAML 1.2 spec defines a number of different schemas that may be used. The default is the core schema, which is the most common one. The json schema is effectively the minimum schema required to parse JSON; both it and the core schema are supersets of the minimal failsafe schema.

The yaml-1.1 schema matches the more liberal YAML 1.1 types (also used by YAML 1.0), including binary data and timestamps as distinct tags. This schema accepts a greater variance in scalar values (with e.g. 'No' being parsed as false rather than a string value). The !!value and !!yaml types are not supported.

Used by: parse(), parseDocument(), parseAllDocuments(), stringify(), new Composer(), new Document(), and doc.setSchema()

Name Type Default Description
customTags Tag[] ⎮ function Array of additional tags to include in the schema
merge boolean 1.1: true 1.2: false Enable support for << merge keys. Default value depends on YAML version.
resolveKnownTags boolean true When using the 'core' schema, support parsing values with these explicit YAML 1.1 tags: !!binary, !!omap, !!pairs, !!set, !!timestamp. By default true.
schema 'core' ⎮ 'failsafe' ⎮ 'json' ⎮ 'yaml-1.1' ⎮ string 1.1: 'yaml-1.1 1.2: 'core' The base schema to use. Default value depends on YAML version. If using a custom value, customTags must be an array of tags.
sortMapEntries boolean ⎮ (a, b: Pair) => number false When stringifying, sort map entries. If true, sort by comparing key values using the native less-than < operator.
const src = `
  source: &base { a: 1, b: 2 }
    <<: *base
    b: base`
const mergeResult = parse(src, { merge: true })
// { a: 1, b: 'base' }

Merge keys are a YAML 1.1 feature that is not a part of the 1.2 spec. To use a merge key, assign a map or its alias or an array of such as the value of a << key in a mapping. Multiple merge keys may be used on the same map, with earlier values taking precedence over latter ones, in case both define a value for the same key.

CreateNode Options

Used by: stringify(), new Document(), doc.createNode(), and doc.createPair()

Name Type Default Description
aliasDuplicateObjects boolean true During node construction, use anchors and aliases to keep strictly equal non-null objects as equivalent in YAML.
anchorPrefix string 'a' Default prefix for anchors, resulting in anchors a1, a2, ... by default.
flow boolean false Force the top-level collection node to use flow style.
keepUndefined boolean false Keep undefined object values when creating mappings and return a Scalar node when stringifying undefined.
tag string Specify the top-level collection type, e.g. "!!omap". Note that this requires the corresponding tag to be available in this document's schema.

ToJS Options

parse('{[1, 2]: many}') // { '[1,2]': 'many' }
parse('{[1, 2]: many}', { mapAsMap: true }) // Map { [ 1, 2 ] => 'many' }

These options influence how the document is transformed into "native" JavaScript representation.

Used by: parse() and doc.toJS()

Name Type Default Description
mapAsMap boolean false Use Map rather than Object to represent mappings.
maxAliasCount number 100 Prevent exponential entity expansion attacks by limiting data aliasing; set to -1 to disable checks; 0 disallows all alias nodes.
onAnchor (value: any, count: number) => void Optional callback for each aliased anchor in the document.
reviver (key: any, value: any) => any Optionally apply a reviver function to the output, following the JSON specification but with appropriate extensions for handling Map and Set.

ToString Options

  { this: null, that: 'value' },
  { defaultStringType: 'QUOTE_SINGLE', nullStr: '~' }
// 'this': ~
// 'that': 'value'

The doc.toString() method may be called with additional options to control the resulting YAML string representation of the document.

Used by: stringify() and doc.toString()

Name Type Default Description
defaultKeyType Type ⎮ null null If not null, overrides defaultStringType for implicit key values.
defaultStringType Type 'PLAIN' The default type of string literal used to stringify values.
directives boolean ⎮ null null Include directives in the output. If true, at least the document-start marker --- is always included. If false, no directives or marker is ever included. If null, directives and marker may be included if required.
doubleQuotedAsJSON boolean false Restrict double-quoted strings to use JSON-compatible syntax.
doubleQuotedMinMultiLineLength number 40 Minimum length for double-quoted strings to use multiple lines to represent the value.
falseStr string 'false' String representation for false values.
indent number 2 The number of spaces to use when indenting code. Should be a strictly positive integer.
indentSeq boolean true Whether block sequences should be indented.
lineWidth number 80 Maximum line width (set to 0 to disable folding). This is a soft limit, as only double-quoted semantics allow for inserting a line break in the middle of a word.
minContentWidth number 20 Minimum line width for highly-indented content (set to 0 to disable).
nullStr string 'null' String representation for null values.
simpleKeys boolean false Require keys to be scalars and always use implicit rather than explicit notation.
singleQuote boolean false Prefer 'single quote' rather than "double quote" where applicable.
trueStr string 'true' String representation for true values.