ENHANCEMENT: Add embroider support by @simonihmig
BUGFIX: use rootUrl for static files #57 from @mansona
ENHANCEMENT: Allow passing urls from prember
ENHANCEMENT: support to ember-engines out of the box
BUGFIX: the protocol bugfix in 1.0.1 was not quite right and caused a regresion.
BUGFIX: shutdown express server after build (thanks @astronomersiva) BUGFIX: Add protocol to fastboot requests for improved compatibility (thanks @xg-wang)
BREAKING: we now require ember-cli-fastboot >= 2.0.0, and if you're using broccoli-asset-rev it should be >= 2.7.0. This is to fix the order in which these run relative to prember, so that all asset links will get correct handling.
BREAKING: the signature for custom url discovery functions has changed from
async function(distDir, visit) { return [...someURLs] }
async function({ distDir, visit }) { return [...someURLs] }
This makes it nicer to compose multiple URL discovery strategies.