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File metadata and controls

166 lines (108 loc) · 5.05 KB


This guide is for a simple single-project setup rather than a production-ready topology, however it should hopefully assist with the basics.


This guide assumes:

  • You have the .NET Core SDK installed (tested with version 3.1, though it may work with other versions)
  • You have SQLite installed and a basic knowledge of how to explore a SQLite database


Create a new dotnet project and install dotnet tools

We will use Paket for package management, though you can apply the same principles with NuGet.

  1. Create a new folder for the project and open the directory

    md FsEfTest
    cd FsEfTest
  2. Create a new F# console application project

    dotnet new console -lang F#

  3. Add a tool manifest, then add the Entity Framework and Paket tools

    dotnet new tool-manifest
    dotnet tool install dotnet-ef
    dotnet tool install paket
  4. Convert the project to use Paket

    dotnet paket convert-from-nuget

Installing the package


dotnet paket add Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Sqlite
dotnet paket add EntityFrameworkCore.FSharp

dotnet CLI

dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Sqlite
dotnet add package EntityFrameworkCore.FSharp

Create the database

We will use a very simple structure. Initially, a blog will simply have an ID and a URL. We will then update our model to allow each blog to have multiple blog posts.

For this example we will use record types, but "normal" classes will also work if this better suits your needs.

Create the model

  1. Create a file for our model e.g. BloggingModel.fs and add it to the project (.fsproj) file

  2. Paste in the following content. Note that our record type is marked CLIMutable, and that our DbSet has a backing field and is initialised with the DefaultValue attribute.

    module BloggingModel
    open System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations
    open Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore
    open EntityFrameworkCore.FSharp.Extensions
    type Blog = {
        [<Key>] Id: int
        Url: string
    type BloggingContext() =  
        inherit DbContext()
        [<DefaultValue>] val mutable blogs : DbSet<Blog>
        member this.Blogs with get() = this.blogs and set v = this.blogs <- v
        override _.OnModelCreating builder =
            builder.RegisterOptionTypes() // enables option values for all entities
        override __.OnConfiguring(options: DbContextOptionsBuilder) : unit =
            options.UseSqlite("Data Source=blogging.db") |> ignore

Add and run migrations

  1. From the root of the project folder, run

    dotnet ef migrations add Initial

  2. Now run migrations

    dotnet ef database update

  3. Oh... that didn't work. No migrations were applied. Let's try again with verbose output

    dotnet ef database update -v

  4. The -v option is useful for diagnosing issues. We should see that the BloggingContext is found and the Migrations folder was created successfully, with our snapshot and migration. Now we simply need to add references to these to our .fsproj file manually - in the correct order - so we will end up with something like this

        <Compile Include="BloggingModel.fs" />
        <Compile Include="Migrations/BloggingContextModelSnapshot.fs" />
        <Compile Include="Migrations/20200711141125_Initial.fs" />
        <Compile Include="Program.fs" />
  5. Now, we can run migrations

    dotnet ef database update

If we explore our SQLite database, we should now see the Blogs table has been created.

Update the model

Let's update our model so that there is a relationship between blogs and posts.

  1. Update the BloggingModel.fs to have a Posts record type

    type Blog = { [<Key>] Id: int; Url: string }
    type Post = {
        [<Key>] Id: int
        Title: string
        BlogId: int
        Blog: Blog
    type BloggingContext() =  
        inherit DbContext()
        [<DefaultValue>] val mutable blogs : DbSet<Blog>
        member this.Blogs with get() = this.blogs and set v = this.blogs <- v
        [<DefaultValue>] val mutable posts : DbSet<Post>
        member this.Posts with get() = this.posts and set v = this.posts <- v
        override _.OnModelCreating builder =
            builder.RegisterOptionTypes() // enables option values for all entities
        override __.OnConfiguring(options: DbContextOptionsBuilder) : unit =
            options.UseSqlite("Data Source=blogging.db") |> ignore
  2. Add a new migration

    dotnet ef migrations add AddPostsTable

  3. When we look at the AddPostsTable migration in our Migrations folder, we should see in the Up method that it has successfully inferred the foreign key relationship. Once we've added this file to our .fsproj, we can run migrations:

    dotnet ef database update

We should now be able to see the new Posts table in our database, complete with a foreign key relationship to the Blogs table.