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1348 lines (933 loc) · 65.1 KB

File metadata and controls

1348 lines (933 loc) · 65.1 KB



  • #367 - Remove Antlr dependency for generating the filter expression parser. Replaced with Parlot, a dotnet only solution to remove a barrier for contributors. This also results in the filter (FilterExpression field extension) expressions being compiled up to twice as fast.
  • #334 - add isAny([]) method to the filter expression language
  • Broadcaster exposes its properties and methods are virtual allowing you to extend its functionality instead of writing your own fully
  • #222 - EntityGraphQL can now build a argument objects via their constructor. The parameter names need to match the field names. E.g.
// empty constructor - the properties set are called
public class PersonArg
    public string name { get; set; }

// with a constructor
public class PersonArgConstructor
    public PersonArgConstructor(string name)
        Name = name;

    public string Name { get; }


  • Fix issue where a subscription execution had access to a disposed IServiceProvider
  • Broadcaster is thread safe when removing observers
  • Fixes in the implementation of the GraphQL over Websockets
    • ID is now a string as it does not specify that it must be a Guid
    • Better errors on invalid messages



  • ISchemaProvider.Validate() added to allow you to validate the schema is complete to avoid potential errors at runtime/query time. As fields and types can be added to the schema out of dependency order, this checks that all required types are in the schema.
  • #362 - The Sort field extension now supports defining more complex sort expressions that will be used. E.g.
schema.Type<TestDataContext>().GetField("people", null)
  .UseSort((Person person) => new
    // [{managerName: ASC}] in GQL can be used and the full expression person.Manager.Name will be used in the OrderBy()
    managerName = person.Manager.Name,
  • #169 - ExecutionOptions now has a BeforeRootFieldExpressionBuild callback you can use to make modifications to a fields expression before it is then used to build the whole query. This is only called for root fields in your GraphQL operation. A common use case for this might be to call the EF TagWith extension method passing it the operation name to help with debugging queries.

  • #308 - Support a dotnet Type being used for an input type and a query type. This may change in future versions but some simple cases are now supported

  • IField.UseArgumentsFrom & IField.UseArgumentsFromField is now Obsolete. Using it (typically in a field extension) creates issues. See #358 fix below

  • IFieldExtension.GetExpressionAndArguments has been added to allow field extensions to handle arguments and add them to the compile context. This interface will merge with the existing (now obsolete) IFieldExtension.GetExpression in version 6.0. This was introduced to fix #358 and avoid breaking changes

  • GetSchemaType(string typeName, QueryRequestContext? requestContext) is now Obsolete, use GetSchemaType(string typeName, bool inputTypeScope, QueryRequestContext? requestContext) and provide inputTypeScope = true if the type is an Input type.

  • #359 - For targets .net6 and above DateOnly & TimeOnly are added as scalar types by default.


  • #356 - Look up the correct field return type for InputTypes
  • #358 - OffsetPaging and ConnectionPaging field extensions can now be used on multiple fields that return the same type. e.g.
  • #148 - Return a more descriptive error message for a missing type when we know the field we are trying to find the type of
  • #361 - Handle union/interface types when accessed from a object projection
// both fields return a list of people but have different expressions
schema.Query().AddField("peopleOver", new
      over = ArgumentHelper.Required<int>()
  (ctx, args) => ctx.People.Where(p => p.Height > args.over).OrderBy(p => p.Id), "Return list of people with paging metadata")
schema.Query().AddField("peopleUnder", new
      under = ArgumentHelper.Required<int>()
  (ctx, args) => ctx.People.Where(p => p.Height < args.under).OrderBy(p => p.Id), "Return list of people with paging metadata")



  • #355 - make error variable values more distinctive
  • EntityGraphQL is now more specific in which methods it tries to optimize the pattern of a list to single. E.g. If a field has an expression like ctx => ctx.People.FirstOrDefault(filter) EntityGraphQL treats that as a ListToSingle field and will build a full expression similar to ctx => ctx.People.Where(filter).Select(x => new {...}).FirstOrDefault() to avoid over fetching when using EntityFramework. Previously EntityGraphQL would try to break up and rebuild expressions.methods it didn't know how to. It now correctly only tries this optimization on First, FirstOrDefault, Single, SingleOrDefault, Last & LastOrDefault from Queryable & Enumerable


Check release notes for the 5.2.0-beta1 and beta2 below.


  • #347 - The handler for the subscriptions end point added by UseGraphQLWebSockets no longer returns 400 if the request is not a web socket request. Allowing the request to get passed to the next handlers. This allows you to have the same endpoint for queries/mutations and subscriptions.


  • #350 - Index accessors properties (which are methods to dotnet) on types are ignored when using SchemaBuilder. Previously they would fail.
  • #333 - Fixes to method and service calls on interfaces/unions
  • #344 - Support paging field extensions with field.ResolveBulk<TService, TKey, TResult>()
  • Fix bulk resolve services within a List to Single node


Check release notes for the 5.2.0-beta1 below.


  • Fix error when using a service at a query root field that uses First() as friends (List to single pattern). E.g. (ctx, service) => ctx.SomeList.First(i => i.Thing == service.Other)
  • #318 - Fix issue comparing int style fields against float style fields in the filter expression
  • Better error message when comparing different enum types in the filter language
  • Include descriptions for scalars and directives in introspection and schema output
  • Fix issue using the default SchemaBuilderOptions with a mutation method that has a list argument. The argument input type was not being correctly added to the schema. Not an issue if you were already adding the type manually
  • #336 - Fix conversion of non-nullable/nullable types
  • #342 - Fix argument incorrectly being renamed when using [GraphQLField]


  • #318 - Support Unicode characters in the string of the filter language
  • Support more cases with field.ResolveBulk<TService, TKey, TResult>()
  • Add a net8.0 target output for the base EntityGraphQL library.



  • Make more properties public in nodes like GraphQLCollectionToSingleField to better support customisation in custom directives
  • Added field.Resolve<TService, ...>() to replace ResolveWithService<>(). Recommended to use Resolve(). Release 5.3 will mark ResolveWithService as deprecated and release 6.0 will remove them.
  • Add field.ResolveBulk<TService, TKey, TResult>() to allow you to use services to bulk load data to avoid multiple calls to a service resolve expression that may call an external service in a list result. Example
  • Add schema.AddEnum<TEnum>(typeName, description) to the schema building API
  • Add net8.0 as a target for EntityGraphQL.AspNet project
var schema = SchemaBuilder.FromObject<MyContext>();
schema.UpdateType<Project>(type =>
    type.ReplaceField("createdBy", "Get user that created it")
      // normal service to fetch the User object for creator of the Project type
      .ResolveWithService<UserService>((proj, users) => users.GetUserById(proj.CreatedById))
      // Bulk service used to fetch many User objects
      .ResolveBulk<UserService, int, User>(proj => proj.CreatedById, (ids, srv) => srv.GetAllUsers(ids));

If you have a query like

  # ResolveBulk
  projects {
    # project fields
    # service field - resolved with ResolveBulk expression for all Projects loaded
    createdBy {

  # ResolveWithService
  project(id: 78) {
    # project fields
    # service field - resolved with ResolveWithService expression for the single project loaded
    createdBy {

Instead of calling users.GetUserById() for each project to resolve createdBy { name }, EntityGraphQL will build a list of keys using the proj => proj.CreatedById expression from the list of projects and then call the (ids, srv) => srv.GetAllUsers(ids) expression once for the whole list of projects in the results. See updated documentation for further details.



  • Fix #337 - Description attribute accidentally updating name instead of description



  • Upgrade to the latest standard Antlr4 - the parser/tool used for the filter expression strings. Fixing precedence of operators


  • #319 - Only convert strings to Guid or DateTime when required
  • If you add a field connecting back to the Query Context that ends in a method to go from a list to a single result the graph object projection will now correctly be inserted before the last call. Example
var schema = SchemaBuilder.FromObject<MyContext>();

schema.UpdateType<ExternalData>(ed =>
    // connect back to the MyContext types
    ed.AddField("movie", "Get movie")
      // here FirstOrDefault() goes from list -> single
      .ResolveWithService<MyContext>((ed, db) => db.Movies.Where(m => m.Id == ed.Id).FirstOrDefault());

schema.Query().AddField("externalData", "Get Data")
    .ResolveWithService<ExternalDataService>((p, srv) => srv.GetData());

In the above case if you select

  externalData {
    movie {
      director {

The movie field will have the selection inserted allowing EF to resolve fields without lazy loading turned on. Without this the m.Director.Name would also be null as no relation was included. e.g.

db.Movies.Where(m => m.Id == ed.Id)
.Select(m => new [
  director = new {
    name = m.Director.Name



  • Fix #314 - Some clean up of the Antlr4 grammar for the filter expressions


Make sure to check out the changes 5.0.0-beta1

Breaking Changes

  • Generated schema type name for field sort inputs now include the name of the schema type the field is on to avoid conflicts


  • IField.AddExtension now returns the IField
  • UseSort() field extension now can take a list of default sort fields e.g.
  • Broadcaster (inbuilt IObservable<TType> you can use for subscriptions) now has a OnUnsubscribe callback
    ctx => ctx.People,
    "Return a list of people. Optional sorted")
        new Sort<Person>((person) => person.Height, SortDirection.ASC),
        new Sort<Person>((person) => person.LastName, SortDirection.ASC)
  • SchemaBuilderOptions now has a OnFieldCreated callback to make changes to fields as SchemaBuilder is building the schema.
  • .contains(string), .startsWith(string), .endsWith(string) & .toLower() / .toUpper() string methods now available in the filter argument expression.


  • Fix naming of fields extracted from service calls when those field use convert


Breaking Changes

  • EntityGraphQL.AspNet now targets net6.0 and net7.0, dropping tagets netcoreapp3.1 or net5.0. You can still use the base EntityGraphQL library with older targets.
  • Interface IExposableException has been removed. Use SchemaBuilderSchemaOptions.AllowedExceptions or the new AllowedExceptionAttribute to define which exceptions are rendered into the results
  • #254 - Previously passing null for the ClaimsPrincipal in ExecuteRequest() would skip any authorization checks. All authorization checks are now done regardless of the ClaimsPrincipal value. Meaning null will fail if there is fields requiring authorization.
  • IDirectiveProcessor interface has changed. See upgrade docs for changes
  • SchemaBuilderMethodOptions removed, see updated properties on SchemaBuilderOptions and upgrade docs. This was because you can also now add methods as query fields with GraphQLFieldAttribute
  • SchemaBuilderOptions.AutoCreateInputTypes now defaults to true. Meaning in SchemaBuilder when adding mutations etc any complex types will be added to the schema if they are not there already.
  • The rules for reflection on method parameters have been changed to make them clearer. See the upgrade to 5.0 docs and the mutation docs that cover examples.
  • GraphQLValidator is no longer magically added to your method fields (mutations/subscriptions). If you wish to use it please register it in your services. There is a new helper method in EntityGraphQL.AspNet AddGraphQLValidator(). This means you can implement and register your own implementation.
  • SchemaProvider.ExecuteRequest & SchemaProvider.ExecuteRequestAsync have been renamed to ExecuteRequestWithContext & ExecuteRequestWithContextAsync. The schema context instance provided will be used for all context references within that query.
  • #309 - Introduced new SchemaProvider.ExecuteRequest & SchemaProvider.ExecuteRequestAsync which take no schema context instance as an argument. The context will be fetched from the provided ServiceProvider meaning the lifetime rules are adhered to - e.g. ServiceLifetime.Transient is now correctly used. This is the preferred way to execute a query


  • EntityGraphQL (the core library) targets both netstandard2.1 & net6. netstandard2.1 will be dropped around the time of net8.0 being released.
  • Introduced GraphQLFieldAttribute to allow you to rename fields in the schema as well as mark methods as fields in the schema. Method parameters will become field arguments in the same way as mutation methods. See updated docs for more information.
  • Argument types used for directives now read DescriptionAttribute and GraphQLFieldAttribute to use different field name in the schema and set a description
  • Added GraphQLInputTypeAttribute. Whereas GraphQLArgumentsAttribute flattens the types properties into the schema, GraphQLInputTypeAttribute assumes the type is an input type and uses that as the schema argument
  • You may implement you own GraphQLValidator by implementing (and registering) IGraphQLValidator
  • Added a options.BeforeExecuting callback to allow modification of the expression before execution


  • #266 - Fix error calling AddPossibleType() when some of the types have already been added to the schema
  • ExecutionOptions passed into IApplicationBuilder.UseGraphQLWebSockets() are now used when executing the queries for the subscription
  • #284 - Support generic class types as mutation arguments. MyClass<OtherClass> will become input MyClassOtherClass {}
  • #302 - Fix issue where using service fields with IQueryable/DbContext fields



  • Fix issue using the OneOf directive with ArgumentHelper.Required<T>() in a query field argument.



  • #285 - Add support for implicit operators when converting types
  • Fix how EntityGraphQL evaluates the root level fields that return lists. If the return type of the field is nullable a null will be returned if the result is null. If the return type is non-nullable an empty List<T> will be returned.
public class UserDbContextNonNullable
    // empty list will be returned if UserIds resolves to null. If you use nullable types you can control with the ? operator (to return null)
    public List<string> UserIds { get; set; }


  • #288 - fix stack overflow in RuntimeTypeJsonConverter
  • #291 - Fix ResolveWithService being called twice due to Expression.Condition if the field is a list and at the root level of the Query type



  • Fix issue selecting repeated fields from an interface and a fragment selection
  • Fix issue selecting interface fields from the concrete type in a fragment



  • #281 - Implement allowed exceptions to allow exceptions to come into the error result when running with IsDevelopment == false as users not be able to modify the exceptions being thrown in order to have them implement IExposableException. Exceptions may be allowed with an exact type match, or allowed including all types that inherit it


  • Prevent double SQL (when using against EF) query on base type (4.1 regression)
  • #279 - Remove duplicate fields when creating expressions
  • #280 - Fix for mutations that return interfaces/unions



  • Fix issue when using paging extension and aliases in the query e.g. { myList { myEdges: edges { .. } } } previously would fail



  • #221 - Apply null check on the ToList expression built to resolve list expressions
  • Better support for service fields at the root query level
  • Fix support for service fields that take a complex type (object or enumerable) as arguments
  • Fix UseFilter() filter and UseSort() sort field arguments were incorrectly being marked as required in schema introspection
  • Fix issues with default sort values for UseSort() not appearing in the schema as default values
  • Fix output of default values in schema for lists and objects



  • #262/#205 - Option to prevent leaking internal exceptions into the 'errors' field on a result.

When running in development (read via IWebHostEnvironment.IsEnvironment("Development") or when manually creating SchemaProvider), messages of exceptions will not be dumped out into the 'errors' field of a query result, unless they implement the newly created (and empty) interface IExposableException.

  • #260 - Support default values in C# methods for mutations
  • #264 - Versions prior to .NET 7, System.Text.Json doesn't support the serialization of polymorphic type hierarchies. EntityGraphQL now registers a RuntimeTypeJsonConverter class as part of the DefaultGraphQLResponseSerializer


  • #264 - Interface/union queries used to require you to query for at least 2 of the subtypes at once.
  • Fix issue with service fields that take nullable type fields as arguments



  • #248 - Make sure directives run on fields that map a list of items to a single item (e.g. myItem(id: Int!) @include(...) { ... })
  • #213 - Multiple levels of TargetInvocationException will now be unwrapped
  • #82 - SchemaBuilder can now handle fields that return Task<>. Note that the way that queries expressions are built you may still encounter issues with async fields not at the root query level. Please open an issue if you do
  • #259 - Fix introspection of nullable/non-nullable lists with nullable/non-nullable items
  • #239 - Fix issues rejoining main context from a service field



  • #243 - support application/json; charset=utf-8 content type



  • Fix issue related to #235 where the multiple fields are the same field with different alias and arguments

Breaking Changes

  • IFieldExtension.ProcessExpressionSelection now takes a ParameterExpression? argumentParam argument which is the argument parameter used at execution time (if there is one). Relating to #235


Breaking changes

  • DateTimeOffset is now added as a default scalar type in schema creation. It is a very common used type in EF contexts and trips up new users. If you previously were adding it as a scalar type you no longer need to. Or if you'd like to add it differently (like map it to Date) you can
services.AddGraphQLSchema<DemoContext>(options =>
    options.PreBuildSchemaFromContext = (schema) =>
        // add it how you want
  • AddMutationsFrom and friends now take an optional SchemaBuilderMethodOptions options object to configure how mutations are built, following the SchemaBuilderOptions used elsewhere. See updated docs. Important defaults:
bool AutoCreateInputTypes = true; // Any input types seen will be added to the schema
bool AddNonAttributedMethods = false; // GraphQLMutationAttributes are still required by default
bool AutoCreateNewComplexTypes = true; // Return types of mutations will be added to the schema
  • SchemaBuilderOptions.IgnoreTypes Now uses Type instead of string. It is a HashSet<Type> now to avoid confusion of which name to use (full name space or not)
  • ProcessExpressionSelection used in Field Extensions now takes Dictionary<IFieldKey, CompiledField> for the selectionExpressions parameter. IFieldKey is the field name and the schema type the field belongs too. Helps when dealing with inline fragments/union types where we may have multiple fields with the same name from different types.
  • MutationArgumentsAttribute renamed to GraphQLArgumentsAttribute and is used with subscriptions or mutation method arguments


  • Add support for GraphQL subscriptions - see updated documentation
  • Added support for defining Union types in the schema (#107)
  • Core library EntityGraphQL only targets netstandard2.1 as we do not need to multi-target and this still supports a large dotnet base (3.1+)


  • Fix #206 - If a service field included a binary expression EntityGraphQL would sometimes build an incorrect selection expression
  • Fix #214 - The implicit conversion return type of a ArgumentHelper.Required<>() field argument is non-null
  • Fix #212 - Regression using a static or instance method in a service field
  • Fix #223 - Mutations with inline args don't support variables with different name to argument name
  • Fix #225 - Mutations with separate (not using MutationArgumentsAttribute) parameters fail if called without variables
  • Fix #229 - Using Field.Resolve() would incorrectly assume the field had a service
  • #219 - Handle conversion of variables as lists to a RequiredField<> arg of the list type
  • #215 - Fix issue using GraphQLValidator if using inline mutation arguments
  • #235 - Fix issue where arguments with the same name at the same level in a query would receive the same value



  • Fix #197 - If a mutation returns Task<T> use T as the return type
  • Fix #204 - Nullable reference types correctly produce a nullable argument in the schema
  • If not using MutationArgumentsAttribute in mutation methods autoAddInputTypes was being ignored



  • Fix #194 - HasType() was not checking type mappings



  • Prevent creation of invalid GraphQL schemas
    • Exception is thrown if you try to add a field with arguments to types that do not support arguments - Enum & Input types
    • Exception is thrown if you try to add fields to a Scalar type
    • Exception is thrown on invalid type name
  • Schema builder now creates a valid GraphQL type name for generic types
  • Enum types are now added to the schema as a typed SchemaType<T> instance. Meaning you can fetch them using schema.Type<MyEnum>()
  • Fix #181 - Schema builder now correctly respects SchemaBuilderOptions.IgnoreTypes. Note it compares names against the Type.FullName
  • Fix #182 - Add missing dotnet scalar type for char. By default this is added as a schema scalar type named Char so the client can decide how to handle it. Over the wire it will serialize as a string (default for System.Text.Json). You can change default scalars and mappings by using the PreBuildSchemaFromContext action when adding your schema
services.AddGraphQLSchema<TContext>(options => {
  options.PreBuildSchemaFromContext = schema =>
      // remove and/or add scalar types or mappings here. e.g.
      schema.AddScalarType<KeyValuePair<string, string>>("StringKeyValuePair", "Represents a pair of strings");
  • When generating a field name for the field that takes an ID argument if the name generated matches the current field EntityGraphQL will add ById to the field name. E.g. a property List<LinePath> Line { get; set; } previously would try to add the line: [LinePath] field with no arguments and another field named line(id: ID!): LinePath. This causes an error. EntityGraphQL will name add lineById(id: ID!): LinePath. This is because the singularized version of "line" is "line".
  • In built field extensions now check if their extra types have already been added by using Type instead of name allowing you to add them with your own descriptions etc.
  • Fix mutations without any mutation arguments would incorrectly include the query context as an argument



  • InputValue type was being registered under wrong name #184



  • Input Types were incorrectly getting field arguments added when using AutoCreateFieldWithIdArguments


Breaking changes

  • IDirectiveProcessor now requires a List<ExecutableDirectiveLocation> On { get; } to define where the directive is allowed to be used
  • Removed obsolete ISchemaType.BaseType. Use ISchemaType.BaseTypes
  • Cleaned up SchemaType constructors - using GqlTypeEnum instead of many boolean flags
  • Removed obsolete SchemaProvider.AddInheritedType<TBaseType>
  • Removed the instance parameter from AddMutationsFrom and friends. Mutation "controllers" are now always created per request like an controller. Use DI for any constructor parameters
  • Renamed ISchemaType.AddBaseType to ISchemaType.Implements to align with GraphQL language
    • ISchemaType.Implements will throw an exception if you try to implement a non-interface
  • Renamed ISchemaType.AddAllBaseTypes to ISchemaType.ImplementAllBaseTypes to align with GraphQL language
  • Create & FromObject on SchemaBuilder now take option classes to configure the create of the schema through reflection
    • ISchemaType.AddAllFields also takes the option class to configure it's behavior
    • ISchemaType.AddAllFields default behavior now auto adds any complex types found really reflection the properties & fields and will add those to the schema
  • Added new option when building a schema with SchemaBuilder.FromObject - AutoCreateInterfaceTypes. Defaults to false. If true any abstract classes or interfaces on types reflected with be added as Interfaces in the schema. This is useful if you expose lists of entities on a base/interface type.


  • ToGraphQLSchemaString now outputs directives in the schema
  • #154 - Dynamically generated types used in the expressions now include the field name the type is being built for to aid in debugging issues
  • #146 - Allow GraphQL mutation arguments as separate arguments in the method signature. Avoiding the need to create the mutation argument classes. e.g.
public Person AddPersonSeparateArguments(string name, List<string> names, InputObject nameInput, Gender? gender)
  // ...

public Person AddPersonSingleArgument(InputObject nameInput)
  // ...

Turn into

type Mutation {
  addPersonSeparateArguments(name: String, names: [String!], nameInput: InputObject, gender: Gender): Person
  addPersonSingleArgument(nameInput: InputObject): Person
  • #160 - Nested data annotations for validation is now supported
  • Main EntityGraphQL package now targets net6.0;net5.0;netstandard2.1
  • #170 - EntityGraphQL now replaces query context expressions in service fields by matching the expression instance it extracted. This allows for more complex expressions when passing data to a service field
  • Added support for @oneOf Input Types. Mark an input type with GraphQLOneOfAttribute and EntityGraphQL will mark the type with @oneOf in the schema and validate the input meets the requirements on execution


  • #171 inheritance support for nested properties / conditional fields
  • #176 - allow fully qualified enums in the filter query language



  • Fix #159 - SchemaBuilder will no longer try to create schema fields for const fields on mutation args or input types



  • #163 - Fix to handle null property in a nested object when processing a System.Text.Json deserialised query document
  • #164 - Fix to support inline fragments in a fragment
  • #166 - Add missing != operator in the filter expression language and make sure precedence is correct for logic operators



  • AddMutationsFrom now can use the ServiceProvider instance to create the mutation class allowing dependency injection at the constructor level like Controllers.
  • You can still provide an instance of the mutation class that will be used instead which is the same behavior as previous, however this method is considered obsolete and will be removed in a future version. We suggest you utilse the ServiceProvider to register your mutation classes with your desired lifetime.
  • Allow types to inherit from multiple base classes/interfaces
  • Cleanup SchemaType to use an enum instead of lots of boolean type variables. Previous constructor is obsolete
  • Cleanup Interfaces api - added a AddAllBaseTypes, AddBaseType and AddBaseType(string) which provides a lot more flexibility. See updated docs
  • Added support for Inline Fragments for types that have interfaces
  • ToGraphQLSchemaString now orders types and fields by name for consistency regardless of order of fields added and to reduce differences when diffing the schema


  • Fix #120 - Error when using schema.RemoveTypeAndAllFields and a field of the removing type had a type that has not been added to the schema
  • Fix #143 - Error building a null check expression in certain cases.



  • FromObject / default schema generator now adds single fields within non root-level fields. E.g. if a root-level field is a list of people and each person has a list of projects (and projects has an id) is will create a field on project(id) field on person
  • Add support for nullable reference types - meaning the correct GraphQL schema nullable definitions are generated. @bzbetty


  • Fix generation of singular field with id arguments on list fields that use a paging extension when generating a schema. @bzbetty
  • Fix - when adding Mutation argument types only search for public instance properties. @breyed
  • Fix interface query introspection. @bzbetty
  • Fix #137 - multiple line endings were used in the schema output
  • Fix - make sure we use an array for arguments when expected instead of a list<>


  • Fix null exception in service field from an object field


  • Fix #123 do not output types with no fields in the schema definition
  • Fix issue calling ToList in an expression that then used a IQueryable FirstOrDefault or friends. Resulting in an invalid expression at runtime


  • Fix - Throw an error if your query document defines a non-null variable and a null value is supplied
  • Service fields that return a list of items are now wrapped in a null check expression like service fields that return a single object are
  • Fix - Object fields not included in the schema could be returned when the selection set was missing from the query. Now missing selection sets on list or object fields in queries throw an error. Selection sets are required in graphql queries for non scalar/enum field types. Thanks @breyed


  • Fix - issue with a field using a static member e.g. DateTime.MaxValue


  • Fix - issue where a nullable value was incorrectly being called


  • Added support for interfaces - thanks @bzbetty
  • Added EntityGraphQLException - use this to throw exceptions and add more error data to the error result via extensions
  • GraphQLValidator now supports adding custom data via the extensions field
  • ResolveWithService methods will throw an exception if the expression returns Task as we need the result. Use .GetAwaiter().GetResult(). Expression do not support async/await as it is a compiler feature and we need the actual result to build the expression and return the data
  • Fix using QueryFilter with an empty string treats it as no value - i.e. no filter
  • Fix - the type of an array variable defined as required [Type!]! was incorrectly reflected
  • Fix - service type's field used in a field's expression was not being extracted into the select. E.g. service field User.project has an expression requiring the which is not included in the GraphQL query.


  • Fix thread safety issue with cached queries
  • Fix support for using arrays in field argument definitions


  • fix regression where non-required (nullable) document variables would be set their non-nullable default value. E.g. Guid


  • Fix regression where non service fields in service fields were not being pulled forward to the stage one expression execution.
  • Fix regression where services were not be passed to a mutation with no arguments


Breaking changes

  • Interface for Field Extensions now are passed a flag telling the extension if this is pre or post the call with service fields
  • GetExpression in Field Extensions is passed the parent IGraphQLNode - useful when your extension changed the original shape of the object graph, like the paging extensions
  • services.AddGraphQLSchema adopts a more ASP.NET style options callback overload to configure the creation of the schema
  • MapGraphQL implementation now returns 400 Bad Request status code if the query results contains errors, as a bad query was sent
  • Directive interface for building custom directives has changed
  • UseSort field extension now takes an array of SortInput<T> so order of sorts is used
  • Parsing floats/doubles/decimals now uses CultureInfo.InvariantCulture Clean up on the schema building APIs to make them more consistent, documented and concise
  • Fix #89 - Remove JSON.NET dependency - This means internally if EntityGraphQL hits a JObject or JToken it does not know what to do with them. Make sure QueryRequest.Variables are fully deserialized. I.e. do not have any JObject/JTokens in there. Deserialize them to nested Dictionary<string, object>.

If you use the EntityGraphQL.AspNet package and the MapGraphQL() method you do not need to worry about anything. EntityGraphQL.AspNet uses System.Text.Json and handles the nested JsonElements with a custom type converter.

If you are directly using SchemaProvider.ExecuteRequest() (i.e. from a Controller or elsewhere), and you are using Newtonsoft.Json to deserialize the incoming QueryRequest you can add a custom converter to your schema to handle nested JObject/JTokens when encountered in query variables.

schema.AddCustomTypeConverter(new JObjectTypeConverter());
schema.AddCustomTypeConverter(new JTokenTypeConverter());

See the serialization tests for an example.

  • Remove the WithService() method used inside a field expression and replace it with ResolveWithService<TService>() on the field for easier discovery in your IDE. Example
schema.Type<Person>().AddField("age", "A persons age")
      (person, ageService) => ageService.GetAge(person.Birthday)
  • Clean up of SchemaType APIs to add/replace/remove fields.
    • Remove SchemaProvider.Add/ReplaceField methods.
      • Use SchemaProvider.Query().Add/ReplaceField() or SchemaProvider.UpdateQuery(queryType => {}) to make changes to the root Query type in the schema
    • Additions to the Field API to add more uncommon functionality to chaining methods
    • Remove SchemaProvider.UpdateQueryType(), use SchemaProvider.UpdateQuery(type => {})
    • Remove SchemaProvider.TypeHasField()
    • Remove SchemaProvider.GetQueryFields() - use SchemaProvider.Query.GetFields()
    • Renamed GetGraphQLSchema() to ToGraphQLSchemaString()
    • Renamed AddMutationFrom() to AddMutationsFrom()
    • Removed Obsolete methods:
      • RequiresAllClaims replaced by RequiresAllRoles
      • RequiresAnyClaim replaced by RequiresAnyRole
      • ExecuteQuery replaced by ExecuteRequest
      • ExecuteQueryAsync replaced by ExecuteRequestAsync


  • Support for persisted queries (enabled by default) -
  • Support for a query cache of recent queries. Enabled by default. Caches the result of compiling the query document string to an AST. Execution is then applying the document level variables, building the expressions then execution
  • Better support for nested objects in QueryVariables
  • Performance enhancements when building internal types for arguments
  • Performance of compiling and building expressions has been improved - it is about 2 times faster. Note this is just building the expressions, not executing them which triggers your services/EF/etc
  • Reduction in memory allocation when compiling queries by around 30%
  • You can no add/define mutation methods as delegates/anonymous functions etc.
  • You can now use [Range] & [StringLength] attributes on your arguments for more validation options
  • Introduced custom argument validators - a simple way to act on field arguments before execution. Great for custom/complex input validation on arguments. Use field.AddValidator() or the ArgumentValidatorAttribute attribute.
  • Using AddAllFields(true) on an InputType will add the sub-complex class types as InputTypes as well
  • New option to auto add other classes found on mutation arguments as InputTypes when adding a mutation


  • Fix - Paging field extensions are now thread safe to support multiple different queries being run on the same field at the same time
  • Fix #101 - allow custom de/serialization of incoming requests and outgoing responses, via. services IGraphQLRequestDeserializer & IGraphQLResponseSerializer.
    • Note that the objects created in the resulting QueryResult have fields named like the fields in the schema which is controlled by the fieldNamer function provided to the SchemaProvider which defaults to GraphQL "standard" (fields camelCase, types PascalCase)
  • Fix field name looks up that were not using the fieldNamer function in SchemaProvider
  • Fix bug where compiler would loop through all available arguments even if it already found the matching type
  • Fix argument types of unsigned short/int/long
  • Fix #72 - Handling dictionaries introspection - note it will try to create a scalar type KeyValuePair<T1, T2> in the schema by default
  • Fix handling argument types of unsigned short/int/long
  • Fix issue parsing float/double argument values
  • Fix null exception with mutations returning a selection with a list field
  • Fix directives on mutation fields
  • Fix #110 - Field using the wrong sort input object when the fields are the same


  • Fix #99 issue using the MapGraphQL() extension method


  • New option to disable introspection. Use introspectionEnabled parameter when creating SchemaProvider. Defaults to true.


  • Fix #96 - processing int/long/short as list arguments in mutations - thanks @pierrebelin


  • Fix #92 - error processing mutation arguments that are lists/arrays


  • Authorization now supports using ASP.NET policies from the EntityGraphQL.AspNet package
    • IAuthorizationService is resolved to check authorization and needs to be registered
    • [Authorize] attribute can be used instead of the [GraphQLAuthorize] attribute when using EntityGraphQL.AspNet
  • Fix - RequiredAttribute results in the field being not null in the generated GraphQL Schema
  • Fix - Schema introspection was incorrectly returning __typename for Enums
  • UseConnectionPagingAttribute takes optional arguments for default page size and max page size
  • UseOffsetPagingAttribute takes optional arguments for default page size and max page size
  • EntityGraphQL.AspNet now uses System.Text.Json for de/serialization internally. It still supports JSON.NET objects in the variable object (as well as System.Text.Json types)
  • Fix #19 - you can mark fields (including mutations) as deprecated using the dotnet [Obsolete] attribute or the IField.Deprecate(reason) method in the schema building
  • Fix #88 - If an argument is marked as required and not provided in the query request an error is raised. Mark arguments optional via the API, or make it a nullable type or give it a default value
  • Query used in ConnectionPaging now resolves itself using .ToList()

Obsolete - will be removed 2.x

  • RequireAnyClaim() & RequireAllClaims(). Use RequireAnyRole() & RequireAllRoles() as the ClaimTypes.Role was used previously and this change makes it explicit
  • schema.ExecuteQueryAsync/ExecuteQuery(QueryRequest, TContextType, IServiceProvider, ClaimsIdentity, ExecutionOptions). Use the ExecuteRequest/ExecuteRequestAsync methods that take the full ClaimsPrincipal as we now support authorization with policies


  • Fix #86. Mutations not correctly checking required authorization on the mutation field directly


  • Fix - RequiredAttribute results in the field being not null in the generated GraphQL Schema
  • Fix issue with expressions failing in a high throughput, threaded use case (heavily hit API)


  • Fix issue passing optional enum arguments


  • New extension methods to ease adding your schema to the service collection. See docs - services.AddGraphQLSchema<DemoContext>(options => {})
  • New package EntityGraphQL.AspNet with extensions to easily expose a graphql endpoint with MapGraphQL<T>().
app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
  • Fix issue reconnecting from a service field to the context
  • Fix issue when execution is split across non service fields and then with service fields and the first result is null
  • Fix issue using Connection/Offset paging on collection fields that were not on the query root
  • Fix issue using Connection/Offset paging on collection fields that have service fields
  • Option to add default sort when using UseSort() field extension


  • Introduction of fields extensions to encapsulate common field logic and apply it to many fields. See update docs. New built in field extensions
    • UseConnectionPaging() which when applied to a collection field modifies the field to implement the GraphQL Connection spec for paging data with metadata
    • UseOffsetPaging() which when applied to a collection field modifies the field to implement an offset style paging structure
    • UseFilter() which when applied to a collection adds a filter argument that takes an expression
    • UseSort() which when applied to a collection adds a sort arguments that takes fields to sort the collection by
  • Replaced Antlr based GraphQL query lexer/parser with HotChocolate.Language Parser. Parsing of query documents is much faster!
  • You can now directly use lists ([12,32], etc) and objects ({name: "Frank"}) as arguments in the query document. Although it is still recommended to use the Variables in the query
  • Added benchmarks to help explore performance issues in expression building (What we do with expressions is fast, but found the Antlr Parser was slow)
  • Directives now supported on fragment spreads

Breaking changes

  • EntityGraphQL now targets netstandard2.1
  • Some optional arguments in ExecuteQuery moved to an Options object



we have

schema.UpdateType<MyType>(t => {

Similar for SchemaProvider.AddType<T>(string name, string description, Action<SchemaType<T>> updateFunc)

  • You can pass a ILogger<SchemaProvider<T>> when creating a SchemaProvider. Exceptions etc. will be logged
  • Added Take<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, int? count) that works on IQueryable<T> to support EF translation

Breaking changes

  • EntityGraphQL now targets netstandard2.0
  • Big refactor/clean - hopefully easier to follow the post Antlr (compiled graphql) output - see GraphQL*Field classes
  • Support for dotnet Entity Framework Core 3.1+ when using other services in the schema (WithService())
  • Removed the Where<TSource>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source, EntityQueryType<TSource> filter) helper. Use the WhereWhen methods that support EntityQueryType

To support EF 3.x as a base schema context we now build and execute expressions in 2 stages. See the updated readme section How EntityGraphQL handles WithService().


  • Update Humanizer.Core dependency which resolves issue with newer dotnet core


  • Fix issue where FieldNamer was not being consistently used. Thanks @AnderssonPeter
  • Make sure we include inner exceptions on errors. Thanks @AnderssonPeter
  • Added string and long parsing for DateTime and DateTimeOffset. Thanks @GravlLift


  • As per GraphQL spec commas are optional (previously EntityGraphQL expected them in field/mutation arguments)

Breaking changes

  • errors property on query result should not be present on the response if there are no errors per the graphQL specification.


  • Fix bug with using WithService() when you require the schema context service again to create a link between services


  • When using services other than the schema context in fields (that return a single object not a Enumerable) the methods/services are no longer executed multiple times. (issue #36). Notes below
  • When a string matches a date time it will be converted to a DateTime object. Useful when using the ArgumentHelper.EntityQuery for advanced filtering. Regex matches "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fffffffzzz", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", "yyyy-MM-dd" with the separator between date and time being either or T
  • EntityQueryCompiler (used in ArgumentHelper.EntityQuery) supports Enums
  • fieldNamer used in mutations too

Breaking changes

  • Cleaning up the API. The optional isNullable argument is removed from the AddField() methods. Use IsNullable(bool) method on the Field class or the [GraphQLNotNull] attribute.
  • Cleaning up the API. fieldNamer argument removed from methods in SchemaProvider and SchemaType. Pass in a fieldNamer func to the constructor of SchemaProvider which will be used when it is auto creating fields. If you pass it in via SchemaBuilder.FromObject it will set it on the SchemaProvider created.
  • AddCustomScalarType() removed. Previously marked as obsolete. Use AddScalarType()

Notes of services fix

If you build a field like so

schema.AddField("myField", ctx => WithService((IMyService srv) => srv.DoSomething(ctx)));

// Register the service with DI somewhere
public class MyService: IMyService {
  public SomeObject DoSomething(Context ctx)
    // do something
    return data;

With a query like

  myField { field1 field 2 }

We use to build an expression like so

srv.DoSomething(ctx) == null ? null : new {
  field1 = srv.DoSomething(ctx).field1,
  field2 = srv.DoSomething(ctx).field2

We now wrap this in a method call that only calls DoSomething(ctx) a single time Which looks like this

(ctx, srv) => NullCheckWrapper(srv.DoSomething(ctx), parameterValues, selection); // simplifying here

// Again a simified example of what NullCheckWrapper does
public object NullCheckWrapper(Expression<Func<Context, IMyService>> baseValue, object[] values, LambdaExpression selection)
  // null check
  if (baseValue == null)
    return null;
  // build the select on the object
  var result = selection.Compile().DynamicInvoke(baseValue);

This works with services used deeper in the graph too. Example

schema.Type<Person>().AddField("complexField", (person) => DoSomething(person.Id));


  people {
    complexField {

The wrapped expression looks like this

(ctx, srv) => ctx.People.Select(person => new {
  complexField = NullCheckWrapper(srv.DoSomething(person.Id), parameterValues, selection); // simplifying here

This has been tested with EF Core and works well.


  • You can now secure whole types in the schema. Add the [GraphQLAuthorize("claim-name")] to the class or use schema.AddType(...).RequiresAllClaims("some-claim"), schema.AddType(...).RequiresAnyClaim("some-claim")
  • Add GetField(Expression<Func<TBaseType, object>>) overload
  • operation name is optional for a query operation as per GraphQL spec if it is the only operation in the request
  • Breaking - removed the authorizeClaims argument from AddField(). Please use field.RequiresAllClaims("some-claim"), field.RequiresAnyClaim("some-claim")


  • Change - descriptions generated for a .graphql schema file now use the multiple line triple-quote """
  • Fix issue where an WithService() expression is wrapped in a UnaryExpression and we fail to get the lambda


  • Expose a SchemaProvider.ExecuteQueryAsync()
  • Fix #53 support mutations with no arguments
  • With the above fix the context and/or the mutation arguments parameters are optional in your mutation method
  • the parameters in the mutation methods are no longer required to follow a position
  • SchemaProvider.AddCustomScalarType() is deprecated, use AddScalarType
  • Directvies are now included in schema introspection
  • Fix #52 - sometimes incorrect types generated for schema introspection or the GraphQL schema file format
  • Refactor type information held in the schema. This mean return types etc are evaluated at schema creation time not execution. If you add a field that requires a type as an Argument or return type, that type must already be in the schema
  • You can now provide a field namer function to name the generated fields when using SchemaBuilder.FromObject(), ISchemaType.AddAllFields() or SchemaProvider.PopulateFromContext()

Breaking changes

  • The class that represents the mutation arguments must be marked with the MutationArgumentsAttribute either at the class level or the parameter
  • SchemaProvider now adds a default Date scalar type in the schema that maps to/from the C# DateTime class. If you were previously adding that you'll get an error on type existing. Use SchemaProvider.RemoveType<DateTime>() to remove it and add it with a different name
  • Type mapping information (AddTypeMapping()) are evaluated at schema creation time. You may need to add mappings before creating the rest of your schema

0.63.0-beta1 to 0.63.0-beta2

  • Removed the empty IMutationArguments in favor for a MutationArgumentsAttribute on the parameter or the class


  • Support async mutation methods


  • Add model validation for mutation arguments. See updated readme
  • Fix issue with services not correctly being included when the field is used in a fragment


  • Add support for directives. Supported by default are @include(if: Boolean!) and @skip(if: Boolean!). You can add your own that make changes to the expression pre-execution
  • Added syntax support for subscription queries (they compile/no error but do not execute or work)
  • Removed support for older syntax of complex queries that is not GQL standard
  • Refactored GraphQLVistor and friends to make it easier to follow what is happening (I hope). See for some notes
  • From my testing the compiling and expression building is 15-20% faster than before (still network and or the DB calls are the largest)
  • Allow enum values in the query schema (e.g. as an argument)
  • Ignore static properties & fields on the object passed to SchemaBuilder.FromObject - they were not supported and threw errors anyway


  • Name all ParameterExpressions as EF 3.1 expects a name (can throw an error)


  • Fix claims check when required claims are empty
  • Fix error message state which claims are required for the given access error


  • Sorry about the quick turn around
  • Breaking changes
    • Using DI inspired design now instead of the TArg
    • Use WithService helper to let EntityGraphQL know which services you require e.g. in an AddField use (db, p) => WithService<IUserProvider>(users => users.Load(
    • For mutations just add the services as arguments (at the end) as you typically do in dotnet
    • schema.ExecuteQuery() takes an IServiceProvider which it uses to look up required services like IUserProvider above


  • Breaking changes
    • Trying to clean up the interface for creating a schema and allowing an easier way to get services in mutations and field selections
    • Rename MappedSchemaProvider to SchemaProvider
    • Remove extension object.QueryObject() and require a more specific call to SchmeaProvider.ExecuteQuery()
    • SchmeaProvider.ExecuteQuery() takes a TArg type which is an argument that will be passed to all field selections and mutation methods. This replaces mutationArgs in object.QueryObject() and lets both mutations and field selections access other services non-statically (e.g. via TArg being an IServiceProvider). See updated readme and demo project
    • SchemaProvider is now create using SchemaBuilder.Create<TContext, TArg>() or SchemaBuilder.Create<TContext>() giving you a short cut for not providing a TArg
    • SchemaBuilder.FromObject<TContext, TArg>() now takes second type argument for the TArg value. Also SchemaBuilder.FromObject<TContext>() shortcut
  • Fix bug where EntityQuery arguments were being cached in the schema


  • Add ContextId to the ignored list in SchemaBuilder for EF 3.1


  • Clean up LinqExtensions, removing the overloads that take LambdaExpressions. Use .AsQueryable().Where(someExpressionVar) instead. It works better with EF and other LinqProviders.


  • Breaking change - Multiple [GraphQLAuthorize] mean all polices are required and supplying multiple in a single [GraphQLAuthorize] mean any
  • Do not generate an empty mutation type if there are no mutations
  • Fix query introspection to output mapped types correctly
  • Support multiple queries in a request with the operation name of which one to run - e.g. how GraphiQL handles multiple queries
  • Update error messages
  • Clean up some APIs - SchemaType.AddAllFields(), Field.RequiresAllClaims(), Field.RequiresAnyClaim()


  • Initial support for Authorization and Security in the schema - see updated readme and provide feedback


  • Support fragment statements in other positions in the query


  • Fix error with EntityQueryType<> as a field argument not being defined as a String in introspection


  • Fix issue introduced in 0.28 when using the RequiredField<> type


  • Only convert a string matching a Guid when the arg type is a Guid or Guid?


  • Fix issue where a non-required EntityQueryType Filter throw an error if it wasn't supplied


  • Better support mutations that return an object, not a list


  • Introspection query __type(name: "") now correctly returns an object not an array
  • [Description("")] attributes on enum fields are now read into the schema
  • Fix issue where introspection query would have duplicate types for enum types


  • ISchemaType.AddAllFields requires a schema as it can add newly discovered types to that schema
  • ISchemaType.AddAllFields by default adds new enum types to the schema if found as a field type
  • ISchemaType.AddAllFields can (off by default) add new complex types to the schema if found as a field type
  • Schema.Type<TType>() now searches by TType not typeof(TType).Name. Allowing you to add a type with a different name but still get the typed SchemaType<T> back


  • Add the ability to add enum types to the schema
  • The auto schema builder now adds enum types it finds to the schema by default
  • Enum values are referenced by the string value, if using JSON.NET you will want to use [JsonConverter(typeof(StringEnumConverter))]


  • Add GraphQLNotNullAttribute to mark fields as not nullable in the graphql schema
  • By default when generating a .schema file IEnumerable<T> will generate the element type as not nullable. E.g. [T!]. Use GraphQLElementTypeNullableAttribute to mark it that the list can contain null items
  • Support mapping decimal to number
  • Better support for defining nullable or non-nullable types


  • Allow adding a mapping type to a type that already exists in the schema. E.g. you might add an input type Point and want to map the dotnet type Point to it.


  • fix issue with required type in an array e.g. [ID!]


  • fix issue with generated required types


  • Output fields as required in .graphql schemas


  • You can now specify if a field is ignored for queries, mutations or both (if you're sharing DTOs/objects)
  • Don't output the meta information of the schema in the schema definition
  • Prevent duplicate scalar types in schema generation
  • Fix issue where mutation keyword could not have any white space before it


  • Change, make ENUMs a Int type as dotnet serialises them like that
  • Fix input types missing for the SDL schema generated
  • Fix issue where mutation args has repeating ofType data in introspection
  • Fix issue where InputTypes would be duplicated in introspection query results
  • Fix issue where ToList() was being called deep in expressions causing issues with EF


  • Add the ability to add custom scalar types to the schema
  • Fix a bug where introspection queries were in correct if you have a List/Array in your mutation type


  • Fix a bug where mutation arg objects retained values from previous mutation - i.e if the next call to that mutation didn't provide some optional arguments


  • QueryObject() calls ToList() on any lists so if you are using something like EF all queries will be evaluated on QueryObject(), not just the ones that return a single object (as they call FirstOrDefault()). This is more consistent, the result contains all your data (regardless of underlying ORM or not) and not a miz of evaluated and non-evaluated.
  • Add RemoveTypeAndAllFields() on MappedSchemaProvider to more easily clean up a schema that was auto created by SchemaBuilder.FromObject<T>()


  • Fix case matching of arguments in mutations. EntityGraphQL defaults to turning dotnet UpperCaseFieldsAndProperties to camelCaseFieldsAndProperties as this was the intention with the change in 0.18.0
  • Enum values are as defined. E.g. if you have an enum Meter you can use "Meter" not "meter"


  • map Int16 and UInt16 to Int
  • Fix issue where argument names were not case sensitive (the Breaking change introduced in 0.18)


  • Fix kind in schema introspection query to not have !


  • Update dependencies (JSON.NET)
  • Fix some small casing issues


  • Support for schema introspection. Top two fields (__schema and __type(name: String!)) are implemented. There are some things missing where we currently don't support the feature (directives). GraphiQL introspection query executes and you can navigate the example. Big thanks to @JTravis76 for starting the work.
  • Implement #18 default argument values in GQL operations mutation MyMutation($arg: String = "hey defaults") { ... }
  • Breaking change - If you purely use SchemaBuilder.FromObject() it now creates all field names lowerCaseCamel and type names UpperCamelCase like the GraphQL defaults. Also since GraphQL is case sensitive I have enforced that. You may need to update some queries to match casing


  • Add the option to have other parameters passed into a mutation method. Very useful for IServiceProvider or other services your mutations require


  • Fix issue where duplicate fields (say from a query and a fragment) would cause an error


  • Bring inner exception details up
  • Fix issue where fields that require arguments fail (See Paging example in Demo)


  • Add support for full queries on a mutation result. See readme for more details (you return an Expression)
  • Initial support for GraphQL fragments. fix #2
  • Fix issues with using field arguments deeper in the graph schema
  • Add support for operationName in the GraphQLRequest
  • Add support for graphql comments
  • Add GraphiQL web interface to the demo app
  • Add GraphQLIgnore attribute to ignore a field on a Type for the automatic schema builder
  • fix bug where it would sometimes try to give an UInt64 to an argument that required an Int32
  • (beta) Add dotnet gql command to generate a schema from your current DBContext. See readme for more info


  • Add WhereWhen() to the extension helpers


  • Fix bug in handling converting a string into an enum
  • Fix issue looking up types internally when working with anonymous types


  • Fix issue with incorrectly checking for generic types


  • Fix issue with array types in the dynamically generated type for lambdas


  • Fix issue where the generated GraphQL schema had the incorrect type for arrays (e.g. double[])
  • Fix issue with SchemaBuilder.FromObject building invalid types from arrays.


  • Fix an issue where it would generate an invalid field name if we couldn't singularize the name


  • Move the query results into a QueryResult class so it is easier to work with


  • Fix #11 - failure to use RequiredField with types like uint - it would try to initialise it with an int


  • Remove old code that supported multiple fields with the same name and different arguments. GraphQL doesn't support that and it caused a bug where it would sometimes not find the field you want. You can implement optional arguments and build a complex field like schemaProvider.AddField("myField", new {name = (string)null, id = (Guid?)null}, (db, param) => ? db.MyEntities.Where(l => l.Id == : db.MyEntities.Where(l => l.Name ==, "Returns an Entity object by ID or a match on the name argument");


  • Allow user to supply a type mapping for the generated GraphQL schema


  • Fix an issue where we would some time identify a type as IEnumerable when it shouldn't have been
  • Allow ReplaceField on a sub type


  • Convert enums correctly


  • Fix SchemaGenerator to support arrays better
  • Support turning QueryRequest variables from JSON objects into their required objects


  • Bring back ReplaceField as technically GraphQL doesn't support overloading, so if you're using tools like Apollo etc to generate code you need to only have unique fields
  • Added GetGraphQLSchema on the schema to return a .graphql schema file for input into tools like Apollo codegen
  • Add the option to add descriptions to Mutations


  • Fix issue where operation name with no arguments failed


  • Breaking change: Strings are now defined by double quotes " to fit in with GraphQL better
  • Added support to use a LINQ-style language as a argument in GraphQL. E.g the following GQL field, { users(filter: "active = true and age > 20") { id name } } can be defined with schema.AddField("users", new {filter = EntityQuery<User>()}, (ctx, p) => ctx.Users.Where(p.filter), "Return filtered users"). Letting you write that filter using any fields defined on the User object
  • Add null/empty constant for checking for null in EQL


  • Fix bug converting Int values to double? values


  • Support field "overloads" - fields with same name and different arguments.


  • Renamed package EntityGraphQL to emphasizes that it implements GraphQL


  • Fix issue with arrays and objects in variables parameter on the request
  • Better error messages when GraphQL arguments can't be mapped to an object
  • Validate required variables in operations are supplied in the variables dictionary
  • Fix potential issue with selecting sub object graphs


  • Change the errors to appear in errors key along side data key as per GraphQL
  • Fix an issue when selecting fields from a mutation result


  • Support selecting an object that may be null { person {name} } person will be null if it does not exist


  • Parameter types can be optional (no !)


  • Fix type issues with mutation args
  • Change auto entity call with id: (e.g. { entity(id: 13)}) to call the First() method last
  • Fix issue with selecting a one-to-one relation in a query


  • Fix a issue where schema and method provider were not being passed down in QueryObject


  • Add initial support for Mutations
  • , between fields is optional like in GraphQL
  • Support __typename metadata


  • Moved EntityQueryLanguage.DataApi namespace to EntityQueryLanguage.GraphQL to better communicate that its intent is to support
  • Add support GraphQL arguments in fields. See updated readme
  • By default SchemaBuilder.FromObject<TType>() generates a non-plural field for any type with a public Id property, with the argument name of id. E.g. A field people that returns a IEnumerable<Person> will result in a person(id) field
  • Move results to field data in the resulting object to match GraphQL
  • Support the query keyword for graphql


  • Added support for complex nested queries when using the EFRelationshipHandler
  • Fix type caching issue causing exception on changing a sub query