Code is organized according to the Maven convention in src/main/java and src/test/java.
RemoteSwingLibrary uses Apache Maven as a build tool.
- mvn clean package packages RemoteSwingLibrary with dependencies.
- mvn clean verify run acceptance tests
Run python --help
to find what options for testing are possible.
- update library version to x.x.x in pom.xml
- run tests
mvn clean verify
git commit -m "version to x.x.x" pom.xml
- generate the html documentation:
PYTHONPATH=target/remoteswinglibrary-x.x.x.jar python -m robot.libdoc RemoteSwingLibrary RemoteSwingLibrary-x.x.x.html
- generate the xml documentation:
PYTHONPATH=target/remoteswinglibrary-x.x.x.jar python -m robot.libdoc RemoteSwingLibrary RemoteSwingLibrary-x.x.x.xml
- create tag
git tag -a x.x.x
- push
git push
andgit push --tags
- create a new release and upload the jar file and html documentation to
- upload to Maven Repository (see for detailed instructions)