Work in progress!
Read all items.
Download all the timestamp archive zip created in the past 7 days.
Look for all items of a particular category and patch the metadata if it is empty.
Upload, download and delete a file in an experiment.
Create a teamgroup and add a user in it.
Create an item in the database and modify it.
Create users in batch.
Patch instance config: modify the settings of the Sysadmin Panel.
Read a CSV file for samples, create them in the database with metadata, tags and links.
Read a CSV file containing a list of antibodies and import them in the resource database using the metadata/extra fields.
Work with date-time data formats with a demonstration of doing statistics with experiments data.
Create and edit a Resources Category (Items types).
Look for all timestamped experiments last week for a particular user and save a pdf locally.
Get a list of events (booked slots) for the current team.
Look for all experiments of a given user and adjust permissions of their experiments.
Take a CSV file created from eLabFTW export function, and for each row, grab the metadata, and create a new CSV where each Extra Field in the metadata is now a column.
Take a CSV file that contains a list of old emails to update and their new value, and generate a .sql file that will update theses values in the database.
Take a CSV file created from eLabFTW export function, and creates a new CSV where it extracts the metadata Extra Fields into a new column.
Archive users that have been inactive for at least 8 months.