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File metadata and controls

618 lines (489 loc) · 16.7 KB

Define processors

You define processors in the {beatname_lc}.yml file to filter and enhance the data before sending events to the configured output.

To define a processor, you specify the processor name, an optional condition, and a set of parameters:

 - <processor_name>:
 - <processor_name>:


  • <processor_name> specifies a processor that performs some kind of action, such as selecting the fields that are exported or adding metadata to the event.

  • <when: condition> specifies an optional condition. If the condition is present, then the action is executed only if the condition is fulfilled. If no condition is passed, then the action is always executed.

  • <parameters> is the list of parameters to pass to the processor.


Each condition receives a field to compare. You can specify multiple fields under the same condition by using AND between the fields (for example, field1 AND field2).

For each field, you can specify a simple field name or a nested map, for example

See [exported-fields] for a list of all the fields that are exported by {beatname_uc}.

The supported conditions are:


With the equals condition, you can compare if a field has a certain value. The condition accepts only an integer or a string value.

For example, the following condition checks if the response code of the HTTP transaction is 200:

  http.response.code: 200

The contains condition checks if a value is part of a field. The field can be a string or an array of strings. The condition accepts only a string value.

For example, the following condition checks if an error is part of the transaction status:

  status: "Specific error"

The regexp condition checks the field against a regular expression. The condition accepts only strings.

For example, the following condition checks if the process name starts with foo:

regexp: "foo.*"

The range condition checks if the field is in a certain range of values. The condition supports lt, lte, gt and gte. The condition accepts only integer or float values.

For example, the following condition checks for failed HTTP transactions by comparing the http.response.code field with 400.

        gte: 400

This can also be written as:

    http.response.code.gte: 400

The following condition checks if the CPU usage in percentage has a value between 0.5 and 0.8.

    system.cpu.user.pct.gte: 0.5 0.8

The or operator receives a list of conditions.

  - <condition1>
  - <condition2>
  - <condition3>

For example, to configure the condition http.response.code = 304 OR http.response.code = 404:

  - equals:
      http.response.code: 304
  - equals:
      http.response.code: 404

The and operator receives a list of conditions.

  - <condition1>
  - <condition2>
  - <condition3>

For example, to configure the condition http.response.code = 200 AND status = OK:

  - equals:
      http.response.code: 200
  - equals:
      status: OK

To configure a condition like <condition1> OR <condition2> AND <condition3>:

 - <condition1>
 - and:
    - <condition2>
    - <condition3>

The not operator receives the condition to negate.


For example, to configure the condition NOT status = OK:

    status: OK

Add cloud metadata

The add_cloud_metadata processor enriches each event with instance metadata from the machine’s hosting provider. At startup it will detect the hosting provider and cache the instance metadata.

The following cloud providers are supported:

  • Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)

  • Digital Ocean

  • Google Compute Engine (GCE)

  • Tencent Cloud (QCloud)

  • Alibaba Cloud (ECS)

The simple configuration below enables the processor.

- add_cloud_metadata: ~

The add_cloud_metadata processor has one optional configuration setting named timeout that specifies the maximum amount of time to wait for a successful response when detecting the hosting provider. The default timeout value is 3s.

If a timeout occurs then no instance metadata will be added to the events. This makes it possible to enable this processor for all your deployments (in the cloud or on-premise).

The metadata that is added to events varies by hosting provider. Below are examples for each of the supported providers.


  "meta": {
    "cloud": {
      "availability_zone": "us-east-1c",
      "instance_id": "i-4e123456",
      "machine_type": "t2.medium",
      "provider": "ec2",
      "region": "us-east-1"

Digital Ocean

  "meta": {
    "cloud": {
      "instance_id": "1234567",
      "provider": "digitalocean",
      "region": "nyc2"


  "meta": {
    "cloud": {
      "availability_zone": "projects/1234567890/zones/us-east1-b",
      "instance_id": "1234556778987654321",
      "machine_type": "projects/1234567890/machineTypes/f1-micro",
      "project_id": "my-dev",
      "provider": "gce"

Tencent Cloud

  "meta": {
    "cloud": {
      "availability_zone": "gz-azone2",
      "instance_id": "ins-qcloudv5",
      "provider": "qcloud",
      "region": "china-south-gz"

Alibaba Cloud

This metadata is only available when VPC is selected as the network type of the ECS instance.

  "meta": {
    "cloud": {
      "availability_zone": "cn-shenzhen",
      "instance_id": "i-wz9g2hqiikg0aliyun2b",
      "provider": "ecs",
      "region": "cn-shenzhen-a"

Add the local time zone

The add_locale processor enriches each event with the machine’s time zone offset from UTC or with the name of the time zone. It supports one configuration option named format that controls whether an offset or time zone abbreviation is added to the event. The default format is offset. The processor adds the a beat.timezone value to each event.

The configuration below enables the processor with the default settings.

- add_locale: ~

This configuration enables the processor and configures it to add the time zone abbreviation to events.

- add_locale:
    format: abbreviation
Please note that add_locale differentiates between daylight savings time (DST) and regular time. For example CEST indicates DST and and CET is regular time.

Decode JSON fields

The decode_json_fields processor decodes fields containing JSON strings and replaces the strings with valid JSON objects.

 - decode_json_fields:
     fields: ["field1", "field2", ...]
     process_array: false
     max_depth: 1
     target: ""
     overwrite_keys: false

The decode_json_fields processor has the following configuration settings:


The fields containing JSON strings to decode.


(Optional) A boolean that specifies whether to process arrays. The default is false.


(Optional) The maximum parsing depth. The default is 1.


(Optional) The field under which the decoded JSON will be written. By default the decoded JSON object replaces the string field from which it was read. To merge the decoded JSON fields into the root of the event, specify target with an empty string (target: ""). Note that the null value (target:) is treated as if the field was not set at all.


(Optional) A boolean that specifies whether keys that already exist in the event are overwritten by keys from the decoded JSON object. The default value is false.

Drop events

The drop_event processor drops the entire event if the associated condition is fulfilled. The condition is mandatory, because without one, all the events are dropped.

 - drop_event:

See Conditions for a list of supported conditions.

Drop fields from events

The drop_fields processor specifies which fields to drop if a certain condition is fulfilled. The condition is optional. If it’s missing, the specified fields are always dropped. The @timestamp and type fields cannot be dropped, even if they show up in the drop_fields list.

 - drop_fields:
     fields: ["field1", "field2", ...]

See Conditions for a list of supported conditions.

If you define an empty list of fields under drop_fields, then no fields are dropped.

Add additional fields to events

The include_fields processor specifies which fields to export if a certain condition is fulfilled. The condition is optional. If it’s missing, the specified fields are always exported. The @timestamp and type fields are always exported, even if they are not defined in the include_fields list.

 - include_fields:
     fields: ["field1", "field2", ...]

See Conditions for a list of supported conditions.

You can specify multiple include_fields processors under the processors section.

If you define an empty list of fields under include_fields, then only the required fields, @timestamp and type, are exported.

Add Kubernetes metadata

The add_kubernetes_metadata processor annotates each event with relevant metadata based on which Kubernetes pod the event originated from. Each event is annotated with:

  • Pod Name

  • Namespace

  • Labels

The add_kubernetes_metadata processor has two basic building blocks which are:

  • Indexers

  • Matchers

Indexers take in a pod’s metadata and builds indices based on the pod metadata. For example, the ip_port indexer can take a Kubernetes pod and index the pod metadata based on all pod_ip:container_port combinations.

Matchers are used to contruct lookup keys for querying indices. For example, when the fields matcher takes [""] as a lookup field, it would construct a lookup key with the value of the field

Each Beat can define its own default indexers and matchers which are enabled by default. For example, FileBeat enables the container indexer, which indexes pod metadata based on all container IDs, and a logs_path matcher, which takes the source field, extracts the container ID, and uses it to retrieve metadata.

The configuration below enables the processor when the Beat is run as a pod in Kubernetes.

- add_kubernetes_metadata:
    in_cluster: true

The configuration below enables the processor on a Beat running as a process on the Kubernetes node.

- add_kubernetes_metadata:
    in_cluster: false
    host: <hostname>
    kube_config: ${HOME}/.kube/config

The configuration below has the default indexers and matchers disabled and enables ones that the user is interested in.

- add_kubernetes_metadata:
    in_cluster: false
    host: <hostname>
    kube_config: ~/.kube/config
    default_indexers.enabled: false
    default_matchers.enabled: false
      - ip_port:
      - fields:
          lookup_fields: [""]

The add_kubernetes_metadata processor has the following configuration settings:


(Optional) Use in cluster settings for Kubernetes client, true by default.


(Optional) In case in_cluster is false, use this host to connect to Kubernetes API.


(Optional) Use given config file as configuration for Kubernetes client.


(Optional) Enable/Disable default pod indexers, in case you want to specify your own.


(Optional) Enable/Disable default pod matchers, in case you want to specify your own.

Add Docker metadata

The add_docker_metadata processor annotates each event with relevant metadata from Docker containers:

  • Container ID

  • Name

  • Image

  • Labels

- add_docker_metadata:
    host: "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"
    #match_fields: [""]
    #match_source: true
    #match_source_index: 4
    #cleanup_timeout: 60
    # To connect to Docker over TLS you must specify a client and CA certificate.
    #  certificate_authority: "/etc/pki/root/ca.pem"
    #  certificate:           "/etc/pki/client/cert.pem"
    #  key:                   "/etc/pki/client/cert.key"

It has the following settings:


(Optional) Docker socket (UNIX or TCP socket). It uses unix:///var/run/docker.sock by default.


(Optional) A list of fields to match a container id, at least one of them should hold a container id to get the event enriched.


(Optional) Match container id from a log path present in source field. Enabled by default.


(Optional) Index in the source path split by / to look for container id. It defaults to 4 to match /var/lib/docker/containers/<container_id>/*.log


(Optional) Time of inactivity to consider we can clean and forget metadata for a container, 60s by default.