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Releases: elastic/eui


15 Feb 16:55
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This is a patch release primarily intended for use by Kibana.

  • Added top-level EuiTreeView.Item export (#7526)


12 Feb 16:41
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  • Added index glyph to EuiIcon (#7498)
  • Updated EuiHighlight to accept an array of search strings, which allows highlighting multiple, separate words within its children. This new type and behavior only works if highlightAll is also set to true. (#7496)
  • Updated EuiContextMenu with a new panels.items.renderItem property, which allows rendering completely custom items next to standard EuiContextMenuItem objects (#7510)
  • EuiSuperDatePicker updates:
    • Updated EuiSuperDatePicker with a new canRoundRelativeUnits prop, which defaults to true (current behavior). To preserve displaying the unit that users select for relative time, set this to false. (#7502)
    • Updated EuiSuperDatePicker with a new refreshIntervalUnits prop. Passing this prop allows controlling and overriding the default unit rounding behavior. (#7501)
    • Updated EuiAutoRefresh and EuiRefreshInterval with a new intervalUnits prop. Passing this prop allows controlling and overriding the default unit rounding behavior. (#7501)
    • Updated onRefreshChange to pass back a new intervalUnits key that contains the current interval unit format (seconds, minutes, or hours). (#7501)
    • Updated EuiSuperDatePicker with a new refreshMinInterval prop, which accepts a minimum number in milliseconds (#7516)
    • Updated EuiAutoRefresh and EuiRefreshInterval with a new minInterval prop, which accepts a minimum number in milliseconds (#7516)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed EuiHighlight to not parse search strings as regexes (#7496)
  • Fixed EuiSuperDatePicker submit bug when used within <form> elements (#7504)
  • Fixed an EuiTreeView bug where aria-expanded was being applied to items without expandable children (#7513)

CSS-in-JS conversions

  • Converted EuiTreeView to Emotion. Updates as part of the conversion: (#7513)
    • Removed .euiTreeView__wrapper div node
    • Enforced consistent icon size based on display size


05 Feb 17:41
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Bug fixes

  • Fixed EuiTextTruncate component to clean up timer from side effect on unmount (#7495)

Breaking changes

  • Removed deprecated anchorClassName prop from EuiPopover. Use className instead (#7488)
  • Removed deprecated buttonRef prop from EuiPopover. Use popoverRef instead (#7488)
  • Removed deprecated toolTipTitle and toolTipPosition props from EuiContextMenuItem. Use toolTipProps.title and toolTipProps.position instead (#7489)
  • Removed deprecated internal setSelection ref method from EuiInMemoryTable and EuiBasicTable. Use the new controlled selection.selected prop API instead. (#7491)
  • EuiTourStep's className and style props now apply to the anchoring element instead of to the popover panel, to match EuiPopover behavior. (#7497)
    • Convert your existing usages to panelClassName and panelStyle respectively instead.


  • Improved the amount of recomputed styles being generated by EuiCode and EuiCodeBlock (#7486)

CSS-in-JS conversions

  • Converted EuiSearchBar to Emotion (#7490)
  • Converted EuiEmptyPrompt to Emotion (#7494)
  • Added euiBorderColor and useEuiBorderColorCSS style utilities (#7494)


29 Jan 22:31
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Bug fixes

  • Removed unintentional i18n tokens in prior release that should not have been exported


29 Jan 22:30
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  • Updated EuiFlyoutResizable with new optional onResize callback (#7464)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue in EuiResizableContainer where onResizeEnd could become a stale closure when renders occured between resize start and end, resulting in an outdated version of a consumer's onResizeEnd callback being called (#7468)
  • Fixed EuiTextArea to correctly fire onChange callbacks on clear button click (#7473)
  • Fixed EuiContextMenu's panel titles & items to not show underlines on hover for non-interactive elements (#7474)


  • Remove unused public EuiHue and EuiSaturation subcomponent exports. Use the parent EuiColorPicker component instead (#7460)
  • Remove unused public EuiCommentTimeline subcomponent export. Use the parent EuiComment or EuiCommentList components instead. (#7467)


17 Jan 16:15
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Bug fixes

  • Minor EuiDataGrid cell performance fixes (#7465)


16 Jan 18:23
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  • Updated EuiResizableButton to allow customizing the indicator style with either handle (default) or border (#7455)
  • Enhanced EuiResizableContainer to preserve the drag/resize event when the user's mouse leaves the parent container and re-enters (#7456)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an EuiTreeView JSX Typescript error (#7452)
  • Fixed a color console warning being generated by disabled EuiSteps (#7454)


  • EuiDataGrid's keyboard/screenreader experience has been tweaked to be more consistent for varying complex data: (#7448)
    • Headers are now always navigable by arrow key, regardless of whether the header cells contain interactive content
    • Non-expandable cells containing any amount of interactive content now must be entered via Enter or F2 keypress
    • Expandable cells continue to be toggled via Enter or F2 keypress
  • EuiDataGrid now provides a direct screen reader hint for Enter key behavior for expandable & interactive cells (#7448)


08 Jan 19:15
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  • Updated generic types of EuiBasicTable, EuiInMemoryTable and EuiSearchBar.Query.execute to add extends object constraint (#7340)
    • This change should have no impact on your applications since the updated types only affect properties that exclusively accept object values.
  • Added a new EuiFlyoutResizable component (#7439)
  • Updated EuiTextArea to accept isClearable and icon as props (#7449)

Bug fixes

  • EuiRange/EuiDualRange's track ticks & highlights now update their positions on resize (#7442)


  • Updated EuiFilterButton to remove the second .euiFilterButton__textShift span wrapper. Target .euiFilterButton__text instead (#7444)

Breaking changes

  • Removed deprecated EuiNotificationEvent. We recommend copying the component to your application if necessary (#7434)
  • Removed deprecated EuiControlBar. We recommend using EuiBottomBar instead (#7435)


20 Dec 17:13
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Bug fixes

  • Moved EuiDataGrid's header cells' dataGridHeaderCellActionButton test subject attribute from to the clickable button, for easier E2E testing (#7427)
  • Fixed EuiBasicTable/EuiInMemoryTable actions to correctly show as disabled when rows are being selected (#7428)


18 Dec 19:35
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  • Added esqlVis, pipeBreaks, and pipeNoBreaks icon glyphs. (#7399)
  • Updated EuiDataGridSchemaDetector's comparator arguments to include entry indexes (#7406)