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  • The plugin is enabled by default. See the TypeScript type for the the available plugin configuration options
  • Adding xpack.fleet.enabled=false will disable the plugin including the EPM and Fleet features. It will also remove the PACKAGE_POLICY_API_ROUTES and AGENT_POLICY_API_ROUTES values in common/constants/routes.ts
  • Adding --xpack.fleet.agents.enabled=false will disable the Fleet API & UI
  • Both EPM and Fleet require ingestManager be enabled. They are not standalone features.
  • For Enterprise license, a custom package registry URL can be used by setting xpack.fleet.registryUrl=http://localhost:8080
    • This property is currently only for internal Elastic development and is unsupported

Fleet Requirements

Fleet needs to have Elasticsearch API keys enabled, and also to have TLS enabled on kibana, (if you want to run Kibana without TLS you can provide the following config flag --xpack.fleet.agents.tlsCheckDisabled=false)

Also you need to configure the hosts your agent is going to use to comunication with Elasticsearch and Kibana (Not needed if you use Elastic cloud). You can use the following flags:


Getting started

See the Kibana docs for how to set up your dev environment, run Elasticsearch, and start Kibana

One common development workflow is:

  • Bootstrap Kibana
    yarn kbn bootstrap
  • Start Elasticsearch in one shell
    yarn es snapshot -E -E
  • Start Kibana in another shell
    yarn start --no-base-path

This plugin follows the common, server, public structure from the Architecture Style Guide . We also follow the pattern of developing feature branches under your personal fork of Kibana.

Note: The plugin was previously named Ingest Manager it's possible that some variables are still named with that old plugin name.

Running Fleet Server Locally in a Container

It can be useful to run Fleet Server in a container on your local machine in order to free up your actual "bare metal" machine to run Elastic Agent for testing purposes. Otherwise, you'll only be able to a single instance of Elastic Agent dedicated to Fleet Server on your local machine, and this can make testing integrations and policies difficult.

The following is adapted from the Fleet Server README

  1. Add the following configuration to your
xpack.fleet.agents.enabled: true
  - name: fleet_server
    version: latest
  - name: Fleet Server policy
    id: fleet-server-policy
    description: Fleet server policy
    namespace: default
      - name: Fleet Server
          name: fleet_server
  1. Append the following option to the command you use to start Elasticsearch

This command should look something like this:

yarn es snapshot --license trial -E -E -E -E
  1. Run the Fleet Server Docker container. Make sure you include a BASE-PATH value if your local Kibana instance is using one. YOUR-IP should correspond to the IP address used by your Docker network to represent the host. For Windows and Mac machines, this should be If you're not sure what this IP should be, run the following to look it up:
docker run -it --rm alpine nslookup host.docker.internal

To run the Fleet Server Docker container:

docker run -e KIBANA_HOST=http://{YOUR-IP}:5601/{BASE-PATH} -e KIBANA_USERNAME=elastic -e KIBANA_PASSWORD=changeme -e ELASTICSEARCH_HOST=http://{YOUR-IP}:9200 -e KIBANA_FLEET_SETUP=1 -e FLEET_SERVER_ENABLE=1 -e FLEET_SERVER_POLICY_ID=fleet-server-policy -p 8220:8220{VERSION}

Ensure you provide the -p 8220:8220 port mapping to map the Fleet Server container's port 8220 to your local machine's port 8220 in order for Fleet to communicate with Fleet Server.

For the latest version, use 8.0.0-SNAPSHOT. Otherwise, you can explore the available versions at

Once the Fleet Server container is running, you should be able to treat it as if it were a local process running on https://localhost:8220 when configuring Fleet via the UI. You can then run elastic-agent on your local machine directly for testing purposes, or with Docker (recommended) see next section.

Running Elastic Agent Locally in a Container (managed mode)

  1. Create a new agent policy from the Fleet UI, by going to the Fleet app in Kibana > Agent policies > Add agent policy
  2. Click "Add Agent"
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the flyout that opens to view the enrollment command, copy the contents of the --enrollment-token option
  4. Run this docker command:
    docker run -e FLEET_ENROLL=true -e FLEET_INSECURE=true -e FLEET_URL= -e FLEET_ENROLLMENT_TOKEN=<pasted from step 3> --rm{VERSION}


API integration tests

You need to have docker to run ingest manager api integration tests

  1. In one terminal, run the tests from the Kibana root directory with

    FLEET_PACKAGE_REGISTRY_PORT=12345 yarn test:ftr:server --config x-pack/test/fleet_api_integration/config.ts
  2. in a second terminal, run the tests from the Kibana root directory with

    FLEET_PACKAGE_REGISTRY_PORT=12345 yarn test:ftr:runner --config x-pack/test/fleet_api_integration/config.ts

    Optionally you can filter which tests you want to run using --grep

    FLEET_PACKAGE_REGISTRY_PORT=12345 yarn test:ftr:runner --config x-pack/test/fleet_api_integration/config.ts --grep='fleet'

Note you can also supply which docker image to use for the package registry via the FLEET_PACKAGE_REGISTRY_DOCKER_IMAGE env variable. For example,



Fleet contains Storybook stories for developing UI components in isolation. To start the Storybook environment for Fleet, run the following from your kibana project root:

$ yarn storybook fleet

Write stories by creating .stories.tsx files colocated with the components you're working on. Consult the Storybook docs for more information.

Dependent applications using Fleet

The projects below are dependent on Fleet, most using Fleet API as well. In case of breaking changes in Fleet functionality/API, the project owners have to be notified to make sure they can plan for the necessary changes on their end to avoid unexpected break in functionality.

Bundled Packages

Fleet supports shipping integrations as .zip archives with Kibana's source code through a concept referred to as bundled packages. This allows integrations like APM, which is enabled by default in Cloud, to reliably provide upgrade paths without internet access, and generally improves stability around Fleet's installation/setup processes for several common integrations.

The set of bundled packages included with Kibana is dictated by a top-level fleet_packages.json file in the Kibana repo. This file includes a list of packages with a pinned version that Kibana will consider bundled. When the Kibana distributable is built, a build task will resolve these packages from the Elastic Package Registry, download the appropriate version as a .zip archive, and place it in a directory configurable by a xpack.fleet.bundledPackageLocation value in kibana.yml. By default, these archives are stored in x-pack/plugins/fleet/.target/bundled_packages/. In CI/CD, we override this default with /tmp/fleet_bundled_packages.

Until further automation is added, this fleet_packages.json file should be updated as part of the release process to ensure the latest compatible version of each bundled package is included with that Kibana version. This must be done before the final BC for a release is built. Tracking issues should be opened and tracked by the Fleet UI team. See #129309 as an example.

As part of the bundled package update process, we'll likely also need to update the pinned Docker image that runs in Kibana's test environment. We configure this pinned registry image in

  • x-pack/test/fleet_api_integration/config.ts
  • x-pack/plugins/fleet/server/integration_tests/helpers/docker_registry_helper.ts
  • x-pack/test/functional/config.base.js

To update this registry image, pull the digest SHA from the package storage Jenkins pipeline at and update the files above. The digest value should appear in the "publish Docker image" step as part of the docker push command in the logs.
