This document is auto generated from the timelion code. Do not submit pulls against this document. You want to submit a pull against something in the series_functions/
Data sources can start a chain, they don't need to be attached to anything, but they still need to start with a .
(dot). Data retreived from a data source can be passed into the chainable functions in the next section.
Pull data from graphite. Configure your graphite server in timelion.json
Argument | Accepts | Description |
metric | string | Graphite metric to pull, eg _test-data.users.*.data |
offset | string | Offset the series retrieval by a date expression. Eg -1M to make events from one month ago appear as if they are happening now |
fit | string | Algorithm to use for fitting series to the target time span and interval. Available: average, carry, nearest, none, scale, |
Pull data from using the quandl code. Stick your free API key in timelion.json. API is rate limited without a key
Argument | Accepts | Description |
code | string | The quandl code to plot. You can find these on |
position | number | Some quandl sources return multiple series, which one should I use? 1 based index. |
offset | string | Offset the series retrieval by a date expression. Eg -1M to make events from one month ago appear as if they are happening now |
fit | string | Algorithm to use for fitting series to the target time span and interval. Available: average, carry, nearest, none, scale, |
Draws a single value across the chart
Argument | Accepts | Description |
value | number/string | The single value to to display, you can also pass several values and I will interpolate them evenly across your time range. |
label | string | A quick way to set the label for the series. You could also use the .label() function |
offset | string | Offset the series retrieval by a date expression. Eg -1M to make events from one month ago appear as if they are happening now |
fit | string | Algorithm to use for fitting series to the target time span and interval. Available: average, carry, nearest, none, scale, |
Pull data from using the country name and indicator. The worldbank provides mostly yearly data, and often has no data for the current year. Try offset=-1y if you get no data for recent time ranges.
Argument | Accepts | Description |
country | string | Worldbank country identifier. Usually the country's 2 letter code |
indicator | string | The indicator code to use. You'll have to look this up on Often pretty obtuse. Eg SP.POP.TOTL is population |
offset | string | Offset the series retrieval by a date expression. Eg -1M to make events from one month ago appear as if they are happening now |
fit | string | Algorithm to use for fitting series to the target time span and interval. Available: average, carry, nearest, none, scale, |
Pull data from using path to series. The worldbank provides mostly yearly data, and often has no data for the current year. Try offset=-1y if you get no data for recent time ranges.
Argument | Accepts | Description |
code | string | Worldbank API path. This is usually everything after the domain, before the querystring. Eg: /en/countries/ind;chn/indicators/DPANUSSPF. |
offset | string | Offset the series retrieval by a date expression. Eg -1M to make events from one month ago appear as if they are happening now |
fit | string | Algorithm to use for fitting series to the target time span and interval. Available: average, carry, nearest, none, scale, |
Pull data from an elasticsearch instance
Argument | Accepts | Description |
q | string | Query in lucene query string syntax |
metric | string | An elasticsearch single value metric agg, eg avg, sum, min, max or cardinality, followed by a field. Eg "sum:bytes", or just "count" |
split | string | An elasticsearch field to split the series on and a limit. Eg, "hostname:10" to get the top 10 hostnames |
index | string | Index to query, wildcards accepted |
timefield | string | Field of type "date" to use for x-axis |
kibana | boolean | Respect filters on Kibana dashboards. Only has an effect when using on Kibana dashboards |
interval | string | DO NOT USE THIS. Its fun for debugging fit functions, but you really should use the interval picker |
offset | string | Offset the series retrieval by a date expression. Eg -1M to make events from one month ago appear as if they are happening now |
fit | string | Algorithm to use for fitting series to the target time span and interval. Available: average, carry, nearest, none, scale, |
Chainable functions can not start a chain. Somewhere before them must be a data source function. Chainable functions modify the data output directly from a data source, or from another chainable function that has a data source somewhere before it.
Return the absolute value of each value in the series list
This function does not accept any arguments.
Show the seriesList as bars
Argument | Accepts | Description |
width | number | Width of bars in pixels |
stack | boolean | Should bars be stacked, true by default |
Change the color of the series
Argument | Accepts | Description |
color | string | Color of series, as hex, eg #c6c6c6 is a lovely light grey. If you specify multiple colors, and have multiple series, you will get a gradient, eg "#00B1CC:#00FF94:#FF3A39:#CC1A6F" |
Compares each point to a number, or the same point in another series using an operator, then sets its valueto the result if the condition proves true, with an optional else.
Argument | Accepts | Description |
operator | string | Operator to use for comparison, valid operators are eq (equal), ne (not equal), lt (less than), lte (less than equal), gt (greater than), gte (greater than equal) |
if | number/seriesList | The value to which the point will be compared. If you pass a seriesList here the first series will be used |
then | number/seriesList | The value the point will be set to if the comparison is true. If you pass a seriesList here the first series will be used |
else | number/seriesList | The value the point will be set to if the comparison is false. If you pass a seriesList here the first series will be used |
Return the cumulative sum of a series, starting at a base.
Argument | Accepts | Description |
base | number | Number to start at. Basically just adds this to the beginning of the series |
Plot the change in values over time.
This function does not accept any arguments.
Divides the values of one or more series in a seriesList to each position, in each series, of the input seriesList
Argument | Accepts | Description |
divisor | seriesList/number | Number or series to divide by. If passing a seriesList it must contain exactly 1 series. |
This is an internal function that simply returns the input seriesList. Don't use this
This function does not accept any arguments.
Fills null values using a defined fit function
Argument | Accepts | Description |
mode | string | The algorithm to use for fitting the series to the target. One of: average, carry, nearest, none, scale, |
Hide the series by default
Argument | Accepts | Description |
hide | boolean | Hide or unhide the series |
Change the label of the series. Use %s reference the existing label
Argument | Accepts | Description |
label | string | Legend value for series. You can use $1, $2, etc, in the string to match up with the regex capture groups |
regex | string | A regex with capture group support |
Set the position and style of the legend on the plot
Argument | Accepts | Description |
position | string/boolean | Corner to place the legend in: nw, ne, se, or sw. You can also pass false to disable the legend |
columns | number | Number of columns to divide the legend into |
Show the seriesList as lines
Argument | Accepts | Description |
width | number | Line thickness |
fill | number | Number between 0 and 10. Use for making area charts |
stack | boolean | Stack lines, often misleading. At least use some fill if you use this. |
show | number/boolean | Show or hide lines |
steps | number/boolean | Show line as step, eg, do not interpolate between points |
Return the logarithm value of each value in the series list (default base: 10)
Argument | Accepts | Description |
base | number | Set logarithmic base, 10 by default |
Maximum values of one or more series in a seriesList to each position, in each series, of the input seriesList
Argument | Accepts | Description |
value | seriesList/number | Sets the point to whichever is higher, the existing value, or the one passed. If passing a seriesList it must contain exactly 1 series. |
Minimum values of one or more series in a seriesList to each position, in each series, of the input seriesList
Argument | Accepts | Description |
value | seriesList/number | Sets the point to whichever is lower, the existing value, or the one passed. If passing a seriesList it must contain exactly 1 series. |
Calculate the moving average over a given window. Nice for smoothing noisey series
Argument | Accepts | Description |
window | number | Number of points to average over |
position | string | Position of the averaged points relative to the result time. Options are left, right, and center (default). |
Calculate the moving standard deviation over a given window. Uses naive two-pass algorithm. Rounding errors may become more noticeable with very long series, or series with very large numbers.
Argument | Accepts | Description |
window | number | Number of points to compute the standard deviation over |
Multiply the values of one or more series in a seriesList to each position, in each series, of the input seriesList
Argument | Accepts | Description |
multiplier | seriesList/number | Number or series by which to multiply. If passing a seriesList it must contain exactly 1 series. |
Show the series as points
Argument | Accepts | Description |
radius | number | Size of points |
weight | number | Thickness of line around point |
fill | number | Number between 0 and 10 representing opacity of fill |
fillColor | string | Color with which to fill point |
symbol | string | cross, circle, triangle, square or diamond |
show | boolean | Show points or not |
number of digits to round the decimal portion of the value to
Argument | Accepts | Description |
precision | number | Number of digits to round each value to |
Use at your own risk, sets arbitrary properties on the series. For example .props(label=bears!)
Argument | Accepts | Description |
global | boolean | Set props on the seriesList vs on each series |
Changes the max and min of a series while keeping the same shape
Argument | Accepts | Description |
min | number | New minimum value |
max | number | New maximum value |
Changes scales a value (usually a sum or a count) to a new interval. For example, as a per-second rate
Argument | Accepts | Description |
interval | string | The new interval in date math notation, eg 1s for 1 second. 1m, 5m, 1M, 1w, 1y, etc. |
Subtract the values of one or more series in a seriesList to each position, in each series, of the input seriesList
Argument | Accepts | Description |
term | seriesList/number | Number or series to subtract from input. If passing a seriesList it must contain exactly 1 series. |
Adds the values of one or more series in a seriesList to each position, in each series, of the input seriesList
Argument | Accepts | Description |
term | seriesList/number | Number or series to sum with the input series. If passing a seriesList it must contain exactly 1 series. |
Adds a title to the top of the plot. If called on more than 1 seriesList the last call will be used.
Argument | Accepts | Description |
title | string | Title for the plot. |
Set N buckets at the start or end of a series to null to fit the "partial bucket issue"
Argument | Accepts | Description |
start | number | Buckets to trim from the beginning of the series. Default: 1 |
end | number | Buckets to trim from the end of the series. Default: 1 |
Configures a variety of y-axis options, the most important likely being the ability to add an Nth (eg 2nd) y-axis
Argument | Accepts | Description |
yaxis | number | The numbered y-axis to plot this series on, eg .yaxis(2) for a 2nd y-axis. |
min | number | Min value |
max | number | Max value |
position | string | left or right |
label | string | Label for axis |
color | string | Color of axis label |
Sample the beginning of a series and use it to forecast what should happen
via several optional parameters. In general, like everything, this is crappy at predicting the
future. You're much better off using it to predict what should be happening right now, for the
purpose of anomaly detection. Note that nulls will be filled with forecasted values. Deal with it.
Argument | Accepts | Description |
alpha | number |
Smoothing weight from 0 to 1.
Increasing alpha will make the new series more closely follow the original.
Lowering it will make the series smoother
beta | number |
Trending weight from 0 to 1.
Increasing beta will make rising/falling lines continue to rise/fall longer.
Lowering it will make the function learn the new trend faster
gamma | number |
Seasonal weight from 0 to 1. Does your data look like a wave?
Increasing this will give recent seasons more importance, thus changing the wave form faster.
Lowering it will reduce the importance of new seasons, making history more important.
season | string | How long is the season, eg, 1w if you pattern repeats weekly. (Only useful with gamma)
sample | number |
The number of seasons to sample before starting to "predict" in a seasonal series.
(Only useful with gamma, Default: all)
Draws a trend line using a specified regression algorithm
Argument | Accepts | Description |
mode | string | The algorithm to use for generating the trend line. One of: linear, log |
start | number | Where to start calculating from the beginning or end. For example -10 would start calculating 10 points from the end, +15 would start 15 points from the beginning. Default: 0 |
end | number | Where to stop calculating from the beginning or end. For example -10 would stop calculating 10 points from the end, +15 would stop 15 points from the beginning. Default: 0 |