Source code forked from Monero
Copyright (c) 2014-2018 The Monero Project.
Portions Copyright (c) 2012-2013 The Cryptonote developers.
- GitHub:
The following table summarizes the tools and libraries required to build. A
few of the libraries are also included in this repository (marked as
"Vendored"). By default, the build uses the library installed on the system,
and ignores the vendored sources. However, if no library is found installed on
the system, then the vendored source will be built and used. The vendored
sources are also used for statically-linked builds because distribution
packages often include only shared library binaries (.so
) but not static
library archives (.a
Dep | Min. version | Vendored | Debian/Ubuntu pkg | Arch pkg | Fedora | Optional | Purpose |
GCC | 4.7.3 | NO | build-essential |
base-devel |
gcc |
NO | |
CMake | 3.2.0 | NO | cmake |
cmake |
cmake |
NO | |
pkg-config | any | NO | pkg-config |
base-devel |
pkgconf |
NO | |
Boost | 1.58 | NO | libboost-all-dev |
boost |
boost-devel |
NO | C++ libraries |
OpenSSL | basically any | NO | libssl-dev |
openssl |
openssl-devel |
NO | sha256 sum |
libzmq | 3.0.0 | NO | libzmq3-dev |
zeromq |
cppzmq-devel |
NO | ZeroMQ library |
libunbound | 1.4.16 | YES | libunbound-dev |
unbound |
unbound-devel |
NO | DNS resolver |
libsodium | ? | NO | libsodium-dev |
? | libsodium-devel |
NO | libsodium |
libminiupnpc | 2.0 | YES | libminiupnpc-dev |
miniupnpc |
miniupnpc-devel |
YES | NAT punching |
libunwind | any | NO | libunwind8-dev |
libunwind |
libunwind-devel |
YES | Stack traces |
liblzma | any | NO | liblzma-dev |
xz |
xz-devel |
YES | For libunwind |
libreadline | 6.3.0 | NO | libreadline6-dev |
readline |
readline-devel |
YES | Input editing |
ldns | 1.6.17 | NO | libldns-dev |
ldns |
ldns-devel |
YES | SSL toolkit |
expat | 1.1 | NO | libexpat1-dev |
expat |
expat-devel |
YES | XML parsing |
GTest | 1.5 | YES | libgtest-dev ^ |
gtest |
gtest-devel |
YES | Test suite |
Doxygen | any | NO | doxygen |
doxygen |
doxygen |
YES | Documentation |
Graphviz | any | NO | graphviz |
graphviz |
graphviz |
YES | Documentation |
[^] On Debian/Ubuntu libgtest-dev
only includes sources and headers. You must
build the library binary manually. This can be done with the following command sudo apt-get install libgtest-dev && cd /usr/src/gtest && sudo cmake . && sudo make && sudo mv libg* /usr/lib/
Clone recursively to pull-in needed submodule(s):
$ git clone --recursive
If you already have a repo cloned, initialize and update:
$ cd electronero && git submodule init && git submodule update
Electronero uses the CMake build system and a top-level Makefile that invokes cmake commands as needed.
Install the dependencies
Change to the root of the source code directory and build:
cd electronero make
Optional: If your machine has several cores and enough memory, enable parallel build by running
make -j<number of threads>
instead ofmake
. For this to be worthwhile, the machine should have one core and about 2GB of RAM available per thread.Note: If cmake can not find zmq.hpp file on OS X, installing
from to/usr/local/include
should fix that error. -
The resulting executables can be found in
Run Electronero with
electronerod --detach
Optional: build and run the test suite to verify the binaries:
make release-test
test may take a few hours to complete. -
Optional: to build binaries suitable for debugging:
make debug
Optional: to build statically-linked binaries:
make release-static
Optional: build documentation in
is not installed):HAVE_DOT=YES doxygen Doxyfile
Tested on a Raspberry Pi Zero with a clean install of minimal Raspbian Stretch (2017-09-07 or later) from If you are using Raspian Jessie, please see note in the following section.
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
to install all of the latest software -
Install the dependencies for Electronero from the 'Debian' column in the table above.
Increase the system swap size:
sudo /etc/init.d/dphys-swapfile stop
sudo nano /etc/dphys-swapfile
sudo /etc/init.d/dphys-swapfile start
- Clone electronero and checkout most recent release version:
git clone
cd electronero
git checkout tags/v0.11.1.0
- Build:
make release
Wait 4-6 hours
The resulting executables can be found in
Run Electronero with
electronero --detach
You may wish to reduce the size of the swap file after the build has finished, and delete the boost directory from your home directory
If you are using the older Raspbian Jessie image, compiling Electronero is a bit more complicated. The version of Boost available in the Debian Jessie repositories is too old to use with Electronero, and thus you must compile a newer version yourself. The following explains the extra steps, and has been tested on a Raspberry Pi 2 with a clean install of minimal Raspbian Jessie.
- As before,
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
to install all of the latest software, and increase the system swap size
sudo /etc/init.d/dphys-swapfile stop
sudo nano /etc/dphys-swapfile
sudo /etc/init.d/dphys-swapfile start
Then, install the dependencies for Electronero except
Install the latest version of boost (this may first require invoking
apt-get remove --purge libboost*
to remove a previous version if you're not using a clean install):
tar xvfo boost_1_64_0.tar.bz2
cd boost_1_64_0
sudo ./b2
sudo ./bjam install
- From here, follow the general Raspberry Pi instructions from the "Clone Electronero and checkout most recent release version" step.
Binaries for Windows are built on Windows using the MinGW toolchain within MSYS2 environment. The MSYS2 environment emulates a POSIX system. The toolchain runs within the environment and cross-compiles binaries that can run outside of the environment as a regular Windows application.
Preparing the build environment
Download and install the MSYS2 installer, either the 64-bit or the 32-bit package, depending on your system.
Open the MSYS shell via the
MSYS2 Shell
shortcut -
Update packages using pacman:
pacman -Syuu
Exit the MSYS shell using Alt+F4
Edit the properties for the
MSYS2 Shell
shortcut changing "msys2_shell.bat" to "msys2_shell.cmd -mingw64" for 64-bit builds or "msys2_shell.cmd -mingw32" for 32-bit builds -
Restart MSYS shell via modified shortcut and update packages again using pacman:
pacman -Syuu
Install dependencies:
To build for 64-bit Windows:
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain make mingw-w64-x86_64-cmake mingw-w64-x86_64-boost mingw-w64-x86_64-openssl mingw-w64-x86_64-zeromq mingw-w64-x86_64-libsodium
To build for 32-bit Windows:
pacman -S mingw-w64-i686-toolchain make mingw-w64-i686-cmake mingw-w64-i686-boost mingw-w64-i686-openssl mingw-w64-i686-zeromq mingw-w64-i686-libsodium
Open the MingW shell via
MinGW-w64-Win64 Shell
shortcut on 64-bit Windows orMinGW-w64-Win64 Shell
shortcut on 32-bit Windows. Note that if you are running 64-bit Windows, you will have both 64-bit and 32-bit MinGW shells.
If you are on a 64-bit system, run:
make release-static-win64
If you are on a 32-bit system, run:
make release-static-win32
The resulting executables can be found in
The project can be built from scratch by following instructions for Linux above. If you are running electronero in a jail you need to add the flag: allow.sysvipc=1
to your jail configuration, otherwise lmdb will throw the error message: Failed to open lmdb environment: Function not implemented
We expect to add Electronero into the ports tree in the near future, which will aid in managing installations using ports or packages.
This has been tested on OpenBSD 5.8.
You will need to add a few packages to your system. pkg_add db cmake gcc gcc-libs g++ miniupnpc gtest
The doxygen and graphviz packages are optional and require the xbase set.
The Boost package has a bug that will prevent librpc.a from building correctly. In order to fix this, you will have to Build boost yourself from scratch. Follow the directions here (under "Building Boost"):
You will have to add the serialization, date_time, and regex modules to Boost when building as they are needed by Electronero.
To build: env CC=egcc CXX=eg++ CPP=ecpp DEVELOPER_LOCAL_TOOLS=1 BOOST_ROOT=/path/to/the/boost/you/built make release-static-64
You will need to add a few packages to your system. pkg_add cmake miniupnpc zeromq libiconv
The doxygen and graphviz packages are optional and require the xbase set.
Build the Boost library using clang. This guide is derived from:
We assume you are compiling with a non-root user and you have doas
Note: do not use the boost package provided by OpenBSD, as we are installing boost to /usr/local
# Create boost building directory
mkdir ~/boost
cd ~/boost
# Fetch boost source
ftp -o boost_1_64_0.tar.bz2
# MUST output: (SHA256) boost_1_64_0.tar.bz2: OK
echo "7bcc5caace97baa948931d712ea5f37038dbb1c5d89b43ad4def4ed7cb683332 boost_1_64_0.tar.bz2" | sha256 -c
tar xfj boost_1_64_0.tar.bz2
# Fetch and apply boost patches, required for OpenBSD
ftp -o boost_test_impl_execution_monitor_ipp.patch
ftp -o boost_config_platform_bsd_hpp.patch
# MUST output: (SHA256) boost_config_platform_bsd_hpp.patch: OK
echo "1f5e59d1154f16ee1e0cc169395f30d5e7d22a5bd9f86358f738b0ccaea5e51d boost_config_platform_bsd_hpp.patch" | sha256 -c
# MUST output: (SHA256) boost_test_impl_execution_monitor_ipp.patch: OK
echo "30cec182a1437d40c3e0bd9a866ab5ddc1400a56185b7e671bb3782634ed0206 boost_test_impl_execution_monitor_ipp.patch" | sha256 -c
cd boost_1_64_0
patch -p0 < ../boost_test_impl_execution_monitor_ipp.patch
patch -p0 < ../boost_config_platform_bsd_hpp.patch
# Start building boost
echo 'using clang : : c++ : <cxxflags>"-fvisibility=hidden -fPIC" <linkflags>"" <archiver>"ar" <striper>"strip" <ranlib>"ranlib" <rc>"" : ;' > user-config.jam
./ --without-icu --with-libraries=chrono,filesystem,program_options,system,thread,test,date_time,regex,serialization,locale --with-toolset=clang
./b2 toolset=clang cxxflags="-stdlib=libc++" linkflags="-stdlib=libc++" -sICONV_PATH=/usr/local
doas ./b2 -d0 runtime-link=shared threadapi=pthread threading=multi link=static variant=release --layout=tagged --build-type=complete --user-config=user-config.jam -sNO_BZIP2=1 -sICONV_PATH=/usr/local --prefix=/usr/local install
Build cppzmq
Build the cppzmq bindings.
We assume you are compiling with a non-root user and you have doas
# Create cppzmq building directory
mkdir ~/cppzmq
cd ~/cppzmq
# Fetch cppzmq source
ftp -o cppzmq-4.2.3.tar.gz
# MUST output: (SHA256) cppzmq-4.2.3.tar.gz: OK
echo "3e6b57bf49115f4ae893b1ff7848ead7267013087dc7be1ab27636a97144d373 cppzmq-4.2.3.tar.gz" | sha256 -c
tar xfz cppzmq-4.2.3.tar.gz
# Start building cppzmq
cd cppzmq-4.2.3
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
doas make install
Build electronero: env DEVELOPER_LOCAL_TOOLS=1 BOOST_ROOT=/usr/local make release-static
The default Solaris linker can't be used, you have to install GNU ld, then run cmake manually with the path to your copy of GNU ld:
mkdir -p build/release
cd build/release
cmake -DCMAKE_LINKER=/path/to/ld -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../..
cd ../..
Then you can run make as usual.
# Build image (select android64.Dockerfile for aarch64)
cd utils/build_scripts/ && docker build -f android32.Dockerfile -t electronero-android .
# Create container
docker create -it --name electronero-android electronero-android bash
# Get binaries
docker cp electronero-android:/opt/android/electronero/build/release/bin .
By default, in either dynamically or statically linked builds, binaries target the specific host processor on which the build happens and are not portable to other processors. Portable binaries can be built using the following targets:
make release-static-linux-x86_64
builds binaries on Linux on x86_64 portable across POSIX systems on x86_64 processorsmake release-static-linux-i686
builds binaries on Linux on x86_64 or i686 portable across POSIX systems on i686 processorsmake release-static-linux-armv8
builds binaries on Linux portable across POSIX systems on armv8 processorsmake release-static-linux-armv7
builds binaries on Linux portable across POSIX systems on armv7 processorsmake release-static-linux-armv6
builds binaries on Linux portable across POSIX systems on armv6 processorsmake release-static-win64
builds binaries on 64-bit Windows portable across 64-bit Windows systemsmake release-static-win32
builds binaries on 64-bit or 32-bit Windows portable across 32-bit Windows systems
The build places the binary in bin/
sub-directory within the build directory
from which cmake was invoked (repository root by default). To run in
To list all available options, run ./bin/electronerod --help
. Options can be
specified either on the command line or in a configuration file passed by the
argument. To specify an option in the configuration file, add
a line with the syntax argumentname=value
, where argumentname
is the name
of the argument without the leading dashes, for example log-level=1
To run in background:
./bin/electronerod --log-file electronerod.log --detach
To run as a systemd service, copy
electronerod.service to /etc/systemd/system/
electronerod.conf to /etc/
. The example
service assumes that the user electronero
and its home is the data directory specified in the example
If you're on Mac, you may need to add the --max-concurrency 1
option to
electronero-wallet-cli, and possibly electronerod, if you get crashes refreshing.