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Release Process

Daniel Foré edited this page Sep 25, 2019 · 38 revisions

Update AppData Release Tag

Create some XML like this:

<release version="1.0.1" date="2019-09-25" urgency="medium">
      <li>changelog contents</li>
      <li>More changelog contents</li>

Create a GitHub Release Tag;body=Changelog+contents

(REST API ffr:

Update Debian Changelog

# Create a versioned release, without changing the maintainer, and the first line of the changelog
dch -mv 1.0.1 changelog contents

# Append another list item to the changelog
dch -a more changelog contents

# Set the release channel/distro
dch -r bionic

# Commit and Push
git commit -am "Release 1.0.1"
git push

Trigger a Launchpad Build

cd /tmp
git clone --single-branch
git clone --single-branch --branch deb-packaging deb-packaging
mv deb-packaging/debian appcenter/
cd appcenter 
debuild -S -sd
cd ..
dput ppa:elementary-os/stable appcenter_3.1.1_source.changes