#Awesome Development A curated list with JVM among other stuff for a great development, it cover the different cycles for develop software (analysis, programming, analytics, testing, DevOps, etc) it try to keep a well state of the art with current JVM technologies, libraries, frameworks and tools that are and have been widely used in the Open Source industry especially for enterprise applications and those that I guess will be used according to my personal concept.
Inspired by many others awesome repositories
##Different OSS (Open Source Software) Projects for important companies and Organizations
##Development Kits (Compiler, API, JVM, Runtimes, Garbage Collectors)
*JDK- Java Development Kit include Compiler, Docs, JRE, and more
*JRE - Java Runtime Excecution Include Java API's, JVM, Garbage Collector
*OpenJDK - Open Source JDK
*Android SDK - Mobil
*RoboVM - Mobil for iOS
##JVM Languages and Engines
*Java - (JavaSE 8, JavaEE 7, JavaME )
*Groovy - influenced by Ruby and Python, Featured stuff: Griffon, Gradle, Groovy on Grails, GORM, Gremlin among others.
*Scala - influenced by Erlang, Haskell, smalltalk and Lisps, Featured stuff: Play, Scalatra, Lift, Scala.js, Slick, Akka, Kafka, Apache Spark among others.
*Nashorn - JavaScript Engine
*New Languages - (Kotlin, Ceylon, Fantom, Gosu)
##General Purpouse Libraries and FrameWorks
*Loggin - log4j, slf4j
*Apache Commons - Commons utilities
*Google Guava - Commons utilities with different stuff like cache
*Facebook JCommon - Facebook common utilities
*Griffon - Groovy MVC Desktop Framework
*Cache - (Jcache, ehcache, memcache)
##Data Storage Relational, No-Relational, Key-Value, Document, BigTable, Embedded and Data Tools
*RDBMS - Mysql, Mariadb, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQLServer
*NoSQL DBMS - Cassandra, Redis, MongoDB, CouchDB, Rethinkdb, GemFire
*BigTable - HyperTable, Apache HBase
*Embedded - H2, Derby, HSQLDB, SQLite
*Cassandra devCenter Tool
##Graph Database and Graph Computing
*TinkerPop ( Blueprints, Pipes, Gremlin, Rexster ) - Graph DataBase Standar
##Data Access Standars, ORM's and DSL API's Libraries, Frameworks And Tools
*Standard API's - JDBC, JTA, JDO, JPA
*Pool Connection - Apache DBCP, BoneCP, c3p0, Hikaricp
*JDBC FrameWorks - MyBatis, Spring Data JDBC, JOOQ
*JPA and JDO Providers - Hibernate, EclipseLink, DataNucleus, OpenJPA, Cayanne, Spring Data JPA
*GORM - Groovy ORM Framework
*Slick - Scala Data Access Framework
*QueryDSL - DSL Java implementation
##NoSQL Data Access Libraries and Frameworks
*Cassandra - DataStax, Spring Data Cassandra
*MongoDB - Spring Data MongoDB, EclipseLink Mongo, Morphia
*Kundera - JPA provider, polyglot Object-Datastore Mapping Library for NoSQL Datastores
*Spring Data Neo4j
*Spring Data Redis
*Spring Data Solr
*Spring for Hadoop
*CouchDB - Spring Data CouchBase, Ektorp
##Build Tools, Repositories Management, Control Version And Continuos Integration
*Buck - Facebook high performance build tool
*Repositories - Maven Central, Nexus, Artifactory, Archiva
*Control Version - Git, Subversion, Tortoise, CVS, Upsource
##BI Suits, OLAP, ETL, Data Mining
*TIBCO Jaspersoft Community
*JacpFX + DataFx
*Dukescript - HTML5 and JavaScript CrossPlatform mobile, web and desktop
##Distributed, IoC, CDI
*Spring Framework
*Google guice
##Code Generator
*Google Auto
##HTTP and JavaEE Servers
##Web Development Languages, Standars, API's, Frameworks and RIA's
*Servlet, JSP,
*Standars: JSF, MVC 1.0, JMS, JMX, JAXB, JNDI
*Apache Struts - MVC backend web framework
*Spring MVC - MVC backend web framework
*PrimeFaces - RIA and JSF Provider
*Groovy on Grails - Groovy MVC backend web framework inspired in Ruby on Rails and Django
*Play - Scala Backend MVC Web Framework inspired in Ruby on Rails and Django
*Lift - Scala Backend Expressive Web Framework inspired in Ruby on Rails, Django, Wicket and Grails
*Scalatra - Scala Backend MVC Web Framework which attempts to be as minimal as possible, inspired in Sinatra.
*Another Web Frameworks (Vaadin, Wicket, OpenXava, Stripes, AppFuse, Hamlets, Tapestry, Spark(sinatra) )
*Spring Web Flow
*Jersey - Json
##Distributed RPC, Web Services, API Rest, Soap and Corba
*JAX-RPC - Java XML Based RCP
*RMI - Java Remote Method Invocation, Object Oriented RCP
*JAX-WS - Java XML Web Services
*JAX-RS - Java API for RESTful Web Services
*Apache CXF - Java Web Services Framework
*RESTLET - Java RESTful Web API Framework
*Swagger - Polyglot RESTful API Framework
##RAD (Rapid Application Development), AOP (Aspect Oriented), SOA (Service Oriented), microservices
*Spring AOP
*Spring Roo
*Apache Felix
*Spring Tool Suit
##ESB (Enterprise Service Bus), Enterprise Integration, BPM (Business Process Management)
*Spring integration
*Apache Camel
*JBoss Enterprise Service Bus
*JBoss Fuse
##BPM (Business Process Model)
##IAAS, SAAS, PAAS, Cloud Computing
*Google App Engine
*Amazon EC2
*Spring Cloud
##Distributed, Concurrent, Real Time and Assynchronous Web Development (Non-blocking I/O (NIO), Event Driven, Actor Driven, Event Processor, Model Driven, Domain Driven)
*Apache Storm
*Akka - Scala Framework and Runtime for concurrent and distributed applications on the JVM.
*Reactive Streams (ReactX, RxJava, RxScala, RxGroovy) -
##Distributed Computing, MapReduce, Machine Learning, Analist Engine
*Hadoop (Hive, Sqoop, Pig)
*Apache Spark
*Apache Accumulo
##Search Server
*Apache Lucene
*Apache Solr
##Containers and clusters management
*Docker (Swarm, Sistribution) -
*Apache Mesos
*Apache Aurora
##Virtual Development Enviroment, Configuration management, Continuous delivery, DevOps