Content contributions are welcome! Please commit any pull requests against the master
Link to definitions of technical terms and topics the average user would find helpful.
Embed links into names and titles.
Use unbiased and reputable sources.
List long names before any abbreviations, even if common.
Add abbreviations after the long name in parenthesis e.g., Time-base One Time Password (TOTP).
Less is more. Be concise.
Don't make information difficult to find.
Use notes, tips and warnings sparingly.
When giving specific instructions to the user on how to take an action, use a numbered list. e.g., "Change your email", "Delete your account".
Copy exact syntax when referring to buttons or navigating menus and make bold.
Name what is depicted in parenthesis if buttons have both text and image or just an image. e.g., "Click the Tools tab (Wrench icon)."
Add code blocks for programmatic commands and examples:
bw list items
Use inline blocks when referring to commands in description this is an inline block
Use inline blocks when referring to file formats within a description. e.g., export your data to a .csv
or .json
When explaining navigation within Bitwarden use →
to make →. e.g., Go to Tools → Import Data"
Use Heading 2 ##
for Section titles.
Use heading 3 ###
for sub-section titles
Use shapes to highlight areas of focus in screenshots.
Use default settings in programs. i.e., No colorful themes, standard fonts, etc.
Exclude items that date the image.
Exclude personal or company information
Screenshots will be .png