Releases: emukidid/swiss-gc
Releases · emukidid/swiss-gc
Changes by @emukidid:
- Improve dvd queue read speed when no audio is playing
- Tidy up SD Gecko read code
Changes by @Extrems:
- Fix The Italian Job / Batman: Vengeance
- Replace GXAdjustForOverscan
- Some UI cleanup
- Add screen position setting
- Disable horizontal scale for 1080i
- Other fixes / Refactoring (to video/patches)
- Apply workarounds for GCVideo
Big revision jump here since I've merged in my gui-rewrite branch which included a backend GUI rewrite to support a threaded UI amongst other fixes. There will likely be bugs in the rewritten GUI which I'll need to iron out as more people start to use it.
@Extrems changes:
- Improve PAL 50Hz forcing.
@Streetwalrus changes:
- Build fixes
@emukidid changes:
- GUI rewritten to be threaded, will make more advanced UI functionality possible
- Fix SD (non HC/XC) issues when running games
- Compile with latest libOGC/devkitPPC
- Fix device init issue where device size would zero out
- Fix SDGecko being locked at 16MHz when it was the default device
- Fix issue where pressing up/down on device select caused weird behaviour
- Fix multi-game disc sizing
- Fix DVD device size calculations
Various changes, mostly video mode (1080i) forcing related.
Preliminary igr.dol support if found at the root of the config device/root device.
Full commit messages below.
@emukidid commits:
- Clean up dvd queue read code
- DVD interrupts shouldn't happen immediately
- Remove all mentions of execD.img patching now that we show patched files for direct boot anyway
- Implement igr.dol support (WIP)
@Extrems commits:
- Add force horizontal scale.
- Replace non-functional 960/1152i with functional 1080i.
- Improve field rendering.
- Replace GXSetViewport with fixed version.
- Improve 1080i compatibility.
- Some refactoring.
- Support GXSetViewportJitter D.
- Improve 1080i compatibility overall.
- Improve PAL 60Hz forcing.
- Allow force vertical filter in 1080i.
- Support video mode forcing for Batman: Vengeance.