To be used as a starting point for precompiled static websites.
Note to novice programmers: the $ sign indicates a command prompt that's ready for input. Don't copy this symbol, just the code that follows it.
Grab the source code and put it in your-new-site-name folder. Replace this with a folder name that's meaningful to you.
$ git clone git:// your-new-site-name
Open your-new-site-name folder.
$ cd your-new-site-name
Install the gem dependencies. You may need to prefix this with
depending on how you've installed ruby.$ bundle install
Run the Middleman server to view your content in your favorite browser at http://localhost:4567/
$ bundle exec middleman server
When things look the way you want, compile the source code to static files for production deployment.
$ bundle exec middleman build
Install Pow server on your mac.
$ curl | sh
Use powser or powder to add the your-new-site-name folder to Pow.
Make changes to the source and see them instantly in your browser at
Copyright (c) 2010 Alexander Wenzowski. MIT Licensed, see LICENSE for details.
- Middleman is released under MIT License
- Twitter Boostrap is released under Apache License
Written for Entio LLC (Montana).