All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. If you make a notable change to the project, please add a line describing the change to the "unreleased" section. The format is based on Keep a Changelog.
- This version includes three example notebooks specific to the Entr Runtime environment, including an introduction to PyEntr, example AEP analysis with OpenOA, and a demonstration of the static yaw misalignment method with OpenOA.
- OpenOA and PyEntr were moved to pip installable packages and are no longer present in the user's source directory.
- Docker base is all-spark-notebook:python-3.9.12.
- Entr Warehouse v0.0.3
- OpenOA v3.0rc2-entr0.0.2
- pyentr v0.0.1
- Initial release tag. Typically, you'd include a short description of all changes in a release here.
- Docker base is all-spark-notebook:python-3.9.12.
- Entr Warehouse v0.0.1
- OpenOA v2.3-entr0.0.1