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title: The Privacy Token HTTP Authentication Scheme abbrev: HTTP Privacy Token docname: draft-privacy-token-latest category: exp

ipr: trust200902 keyword: Internet-Draft

stand_alone: yes pi: [toc, sortrefs, symrefs]


ins: T. Pauly
name: Tommy Pauly
org: Apple Inc.
street: One Apple Park Way
city: Cupertino, California 95014
country: United States of America
  • ins: F. Jacobs name: Frederic Jacobs org: Apple Inc. street: One Apple Park Way city: Cupertino, California 95014 country: United States of America email:
  • ins: C. A. Wood name: Christopher A. Wood org: Cloudflare email:

normative: RSASIG: target: title: RSA Blind Signatures date: March 2020

--- abstract

This documents defines an authentication scheme for HTTP called Privacy Token.

--- middle

Introduction {#introduction}

This document defines a new HTTP authentication scheme {{!RFC7235}} named "PrivacyToken".

This scheme is built to be used to authenticate to proxies, using the Proxy-Authorization header field, with a blind signature that allows a proxy to verify that a client has a token signed by a particular key, but without identifying the client. The initial version of this scheme is intended to be used with RSA Blind Signatures {{RSASIG}}.


{::boilerplate bcp14}

Privacy Token Structure {#struct}

A privacy token is a structure that begins with a single byte that indicates a version. This document defines version, 1, which indicates use of private tokens based on RSA Blind Signatures {{RSASIG}}, and determines the rest of the structure contents.

struct {
    uint8_t version;
    uint8_t key_id[32];
    uint8_t message[32];
    uint8_t signature[Nk];
} Token;

The structure fields are defined as follows:

  • "version" is a 1-octet integer. This document defines version 1.

  • "key_id" is a collision-resistant hash that identifies the key used to produce the signature. This is generated as SHA256(public_key), where public_key is a DER-encoded SubjectPublicKeyInfo object carrying the public key.

  • "message" is a 32-octet random message that is signed by the signature.

  • "signature" is a Nk-octet RSA Blind Signature that covers the message. For version 1, Nk is 512.

PrivacyToken Authentication Scheme {#scheme}

The "PrivacyToken" authentication scheme defines one parameter, "token". All unknown or unsupported parameters to "PrivacyToken" authentication credentials MUST be ignored.

The value of the "token" parameter is a Privacy Token Structure {{struct}}, encoded using base64url encoding {{!RFC4648}}.

As an example, a Proxy-Authorization field in an HTTP request would look like:

Proxy-Authorization: PrivacyToken token=abc...

Security Considerations {#security}

Note that the KeyID is only a hint to identify the public verification key. With a sufficiently large number of public keys, KeyID collisions may occur. By approximation, a KeyID collision between two distinct keys will occur with probability sqrt(p * 2^33). In such cases, servers SHOULD attempt verification using both keys.

IANA Considerations {#iana}

This document registers the "PrivacyToken" authentication scheme in the "Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Authentication Scheme Registry" established by {{!RFC7235}}.

Authentication Scheme Name: PrivacyToken

Pointer to specification text: {{scheme}} of this document