We have a server with a valid TLS certificate, now let's install Kinetic.
Since I am are using a .dev domain but not running DNS for it. IPCONFIG /ALL shows the DNS Suffix is mshome.net by default. To set it to the .dev domain, use the netdom command:
netdom computername dev-kinetic /add:dev-kinetic.teampti.dev
netdom computername dev-kinetic /makeprimary:dev-kinetic.teampti.dev
Reboot the computer to complete this operation. IPCONFIG /ALL will now show the new Primary Dns Suffix as the .DEV domain.
Install the Windows Server Roles and Features according to the Kinetic Installation Guide for your version.
Open the IIS Manager and expand the tree to get to the 'Default Web Site'. On the right hand side, choose 'Bindings...' in the 'Edit Site' section.
In the 'Add Site Binding' window, click the 'Add...' button.
- Set the 'Type' to https.
- Enter the full domain name for the server
- From the 'SSL certificate' dropdown, choose the certificate.
- Press 'OK'
- Restart the Website
Open the web browser and enter the server's full address. In this case, 'https://dev-kinetic.teampti.dev' If everything is correct, you should see the default IIS page.
Continue with the usual steps in the Kinetic installation guide. When you get to adding the Kinetic server, make sure the name is the fully qualified server name, like dev-kinetic.teampti.dev. If it's just the server without the domain, go back and fix your DNS.
Since we already did the binding, the 'SLL Cert' should already be selected.
When adding the application server, choose the SSL certificate in the 'SSL Certificate Subject Name' and enter the full server name in the 'DNS Endpoint Entity' - generally they are the same.
Finish the standard installation per the guide. Finally, go to the browser:
In the Task Agent, one can choose to validate the certificate.
For SSRS, https enable all the URLs
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