This service is responsible for calculating shipping costs, based on the number of items to be shipped. The quote service is called from Shipping Service via HTTP.
The Quote Service is implemented using the Slim framework and php-di for managing the Dependency Injection.
The PHP instrumentation may vary when using a different framework.
The OpenTelemetry SDK is initialized from index
$tracerProvider = (new TracerProviderFactory('quoteservice'))->create();
ShutdownHandler::register([$tracerProvider, 'shutdown']);
$tracer = $tracerProvider->getTracer('io.opentelemetry.contrib.php');
Tracer::class => $tracer
You should call $tracerProvider->shutdown()
when your service is shutdown to
ensure all spans are exported.
This service receives HTTP requests, which are instrumented in the middleware.
The middleware starts root span based on route pattern, sets span status from http code.
$app->add(function (Request $request, RequestHandler $handler) use ($tracer) {
$parent = TraceContextPropagator::getInstance()->extract($request->getHeaders());
$routeContext = RouteContext::fromRequest($request);
$route = $routeContext->getRoute();
$root = $tracer->spanBuilder($route->getPattern())
->setStartTimestamp((int) ($request->getServerParams()['REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT'] * 1e9))
$scope = $root->activate();
try {
$response = $handler->handle($request);
$root->setStatus($response->getStatusCode() < 500 ? StatusCode::STATUS_OK : StatusCode::STATUS_ERROR);
} finally {
return $response;
This is enough to get a new span every time a new request is received by the service.
Note that the root
span is created with setParent($parent)
which is coming from
the request headers. This is required to ensure Context Propagation.
Within the definition of routes, you can get current span using
$span = AbstractSpan::getCurrent();
Adding attributes to a span is accomplished using setAttribute
on the span
object. In the calculateQuote
function 2 attributes are added to the childSpan
$childSpan->setAttribute('app.quote.items.count', $numberOfItems);
$childSpan->setAttribute('', $quote);
Adding span events is accomplished using addEvent
on the span object. In the
route span events are added. Some events have
additional attributes, others do not.
Adding a span event without attributes:
$span->addEvent('Received get quote request, processing it');
Adding a span event with additional attributes:
$span->addEvent('Quote processed, response sent back', [
'' => $payload