Sample of many VPCs connected to a central TGW which has a centralized firewall appliance (pfsense, in this case) that can do extra filtering logic
This example:
- creates two standard VPCs (10.1/8, 10.2/8)
- attached to TGW
- associated to "dev" table
- default route to TGW
- has IGWs
- attached to TGW
- creates central networking VPC (10.111)
- has NAT GWs
- Route Tables
- Public
- Private - default to NAT GW
- Private-TGW - default route to ENI for pfSense
- extra default route to go to central VPC
- works by default (fw open)
- TODO: adding second ENI for public interface results in unstable network?
- freebsd seems to run "freebsd-update" then reboot on startup, causing longer launch time
$ ssh -L 1111: ec2-user@<vpc 111 jumphost ip>
username = admin password = from console in EC2 (TODO: set static demo password)
- setup wizard: defaults for everything
- add firewall rule to allow all (deny by default) -- # TODO figure out how to automate in user-data
- currently, requires using local proxy first, then
- add new interface, enable, DHCP
- add fw rule to interface allowing admin (443/22) ingress
- https://<pfsense_public_ip>
- load balance pfsense for redundancy