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Building and Testing ng-bootstrap

This document describes how to set up your development environment to build and test ng-bootstrap. It also explains the basic mechanics of using git, node and yarn.

See the contribution guidelines if you'd like to contribute to ng-bootstrap.

Prerequisite Software

Before you can build and test ng-bootstrap, you must install and configure the following products on your development machine:

  • Git and/or the GitHub app (for Mac or Windows); GitHub's Guide to Installing Git is a good source of information.

  • Node.js, (LTS version >=14.15.0) which is used to run tests, and generate distributable files. Depending on your system, you can install Node either from source or as a pre-packaged bundle.

  • We use Yarn (version >=1.15.2) to manage dependencies. See .yarnrc amd .yarn/ for more info.

Getting the Sources

Fork and clone the ng-bootstrap repository:

  1. Login to your GitHub account or create one by following the instructions given here.
  2. Fork the main ng-bootstrap repository.
  3. Clone your fork of the ng-bootstrap's ng-bootstrap repository and define an upstream remote pointing back to the ng-bootstrap's ng-bootstrap repository that you forked in the first place.
# Clone your GitHub repository:
git clone<github username>/ng-bootstrap.git ng-bootstrap

# Go to the ng-bootstrap directory:
cd ng-bootstrap

# Add the main ng-bootstrap repository as an upstream remote to your repository:
git remote add upstream

Installing Dependencies

Next, install the JavaScript modules needed to build and test ng-bootstrap:

# Install ng-bootstrap project dependencies (package.json)

Project Structure

We use @angular/cli to build both ng-bootstrap library and demo site. There are several Angular CLI projects inside the checked out code:

  • /src - the ng-bootstrap library itself
  • /demo - the demo site application deployed at
  • /e2e-app - an application used to run e2e tests for the library
  • /ssr-app/src - a simple one-paged application for Server Side Rendering tests
  • /test-app - a minimal CLI application that references ng-bootstrap sources for issue reproduction/debugging purposes

Useful Commands

The most useful commands are:

yarn demo

Serves the demo site locally in dev mode at http://localhost:4200/. You can optionally add --prod argument to serve demo in production mode or --aot to serve demo in dev mode, but with AOT

yarn build

Builds both library and demo site in production mode. The library will be built in Angular Package format in dist folder. The demo site will be built in demo/dist folder.

yarn tdd

Runs unit tests for the library in watch mode without any additional checks

Note: If you want to only run a single test you can alter the test you wish to run by changing it to fit or describe to fdescribe. This will only run that individual test and make it much easier to debug. xit and xdescribe can also be useful to exclude a test and a group of tests respectively.

yarn test

Lints the source code and runs all unit tests for the library with coverage

yarn e2e

Runs all e2e tests for the library in production mode. We use them to check focus handling, browser styles, layout, etc. (For debugging/development it is also possible to separately serve the e2e test application with yarn e2e-app:serve and run tests with yarn ngb:e2e-noserve)

yarn ssr

Builds, runs and e2e tests a simple server-side rendered application with all ng-bootstrap components

yarn ci

Runs exactly the same suite of actions as the CI server, so you might want to do it before opening a PR

You can inspect package.json scripts section for a full list of commands available.

Code Formatting

We use Prettier to automatically enforce code formatting for most of the files we have. This allows us to focus on code reviews and features, and not on style nit-picking.

Prettier integrates easily in many modern IDEs, but on top of this your code should be formatted automatically with Husky and a pre-commit hook.

# we enforce formatting during CI with
yarn check-format

# you can also force format the code with
yarn format

Commit messages

We use CommitLint to enforce commit messages and have a clean git history. Commit format will be enforced with Husky and a commit-msg hook.

Here is an example of the commit message that provides a title, an explanation and references a GitHub issue:

fix(tooltip): allow 'null' and 'undefined' as values for tooltip

The documentation says that falsy values are accepted,
but in strict mode, only the empty string could actually be passed.

Fixes #3845

We maintain dynamic custom scopes for the project. Valid scopes correspond to the name of our widgets: alert, accordion, etc.

More examples:

  • feat(datepicker): ... → a new feature for the datepicker
  • fix(datepicker): ... → a bug fix for the datepicker
  • test(datepicker): ... → an update to one of the datepicker unit or e2e tests
  • docs(datepicker): ... → a datepicker documentation update
  • refactor(datepicker): ... → an internal datepicker refactoring without public functionality changes
  • demo(datepicker): ... → an update to one of the datepicker demos
  • demo: ... → any change for the demo site
  • build: ... → any change for the utility scripts, configurations, dependencies, etc.
  • ci: ... → any change for CI related configuration
  • revert: ... → revert an older commit

Anything else won't pass validation.