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This sample demonstrates the use of prompt validations with ASP.Net Core 2.

To try this sample

  • Clone the samples repository
git clone
  • [Optional] Update the appsettings.json file under botbuilder-samples/samples/csharp_dotnetcore/10.prompt-validations with your botFileSecret. For Azure Bot Service bots, you can find the botFileSecret under application settings.

Running Locally

Visual Studio

  • Navigate to the samples folder (botbuilder-samples/samples/csharp_dotnetcore/10.prompt-validations) and open PromptValidationsBot.csproj in Visual Studio.
  • Run the project (press F5 key).


  • Install the .NET Core CLI tools.
  • Using the command line, navigate to botbuilder-samples/samples/csharp_dotnetcore/10.prompt-validations folder.
  • Type dotnet run.

Testing the bot using Bot Framework Emulator

Microsoft Bot Framework Emulator is a desktop application that allows bot developers to test and debug their bots on localhost or running remotely through a tunnel.

  • Install the Bot Framework emulator from here.

Connect to bot using Bot Framework Emulator V4

  • Launch the Bot Framework Emulator.
  • File -> Open bot and navigate to botbuilder-samples/samples/csharp_dotnetcore/10.prompt-validations folder.
  • Select file.

Further reading