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Table of Contents

3 Modularity, Objects and State

3.1 Assignment and Local State

The benefit of introducing assignment with the technique of hiding state in local variables, is the ability to structure systems in a more modular fashion than if all state had to be manipulated explicitly, by passing additional parameters.

The cost of introducing assignment is that a programming language can no longer be interpreted in terms of the substitution model of procedure application.

A referentially transparent language is a language that supports the concept that "equals can be substituted for equals" in an expresssion without changing the value of the expression. Referential transparency is violated when we include set! in our computer language.

Functional vs imperative programming:

  • Functional programming is a programming paradigm that treats computation as the evaluation of mathematical functions and avoids state and mutable data. It emphasizes the application of functions without any use of assignments. Many functional programming languages can be viewed as elaborations on the lambda calculus.
  • Imperative programming is a programming paradigm that describes computation in terms of statements that change a program state. It introduces time-varying state. In addition to raising complications about computational models, programs written in imperative style are susceptible to bugs that cannot occur in functional programs. The complexity of imperative programs becomes even worse if we consider applications in which several processes execute concurrently.

3.2 The Environment Model of Evaluation

We say that a variable, V, is " bound in an expression", E, if the meaning of E is unchanged by the uniform replacement of a variable, W, not occuring in E, for every occurrence of V in E.

We say that a variable, V, is " free in an expression", E, if the meaning of E is changed by the uniform replacement of a variable, W, not occuring in E, for every occurrence of V in E.

If X is a bound variable in E then there is a lambda expression where it is bound. We call the list of formal parameters of the lambda expression the "bound variable list" and we say that the lambda expression "binds" the variable "declared" in its bound variable list. In addition, those parts of the expression where a variable has a value defined by the lambda expression which binds it, is called the " scope " of the variable.

The substitution model for procedure application:

  • To apply a compound procedure to arguments, evaluate the body of the procedure with each formal parameter replaced by the corresponding argument.

The environment model of procedure application:

  • A procedure is created by evaluating a lambda expression relative to a given environment. The resulting procedure object is a pair consisting of the text of the lambda expression and a pointer to the environment in which the procedure was created.
  • A procedure object is applied to a set of arguments by constructing a frame, binding the formal parameters of the procedure to the actual arguments of the call, and then evaluating the body of the procedure in the context of the new environment constructed. The new frame has as its enclosing environment the environment part of the procedure object being applied.

The environment model thus explains the two key properties that make local procedure definitions a useful technique for modularizing programs:

  • The names of the local procedures do not interfere with names external to the enclosing procedure, because the local procedure names will be bound in the frame that the procedure creates when it is run, rather than being bound in the global environment.
  • The local procedures can access the arguments of the enclosing procedure, simply by using parameter names as free variables. This is because the body of the local procedure is evaluated in an environment that is subordinate to the evaluation environment for the enclosing procedure.

We say that an action, A, had an effect on an object, X, (or equivalently, that X was changed by A) if some property, P, which was true of X before A became false of X after A.

Identity. We say that two objects, X and Y, are the same if any action which has an effect of X has the same effect on Y.

3.3 Modeling with Mutable Data

To model compound objects with changing state, design data abstractions to include, in addition to selectors and constructors, operations called mutators, which modify data objects. Basic mutators are defined for pairs, so that pairs can serve as building blocks for constructing mutable data objects. Data objects for which mutators are defined are known as mutable data objects. Mutation is just assignment.

Queues and Tables

Event-driven simulation, in which actions ("events") trigger further events that happen at a later time, which in turn trigger more events, and so on.

Nondirectionality of computation is the distinguishing feature of constraint-based systems.

3.4 Concurrency: Time Is of the Essence

For any events A and B, either A occurs before B, A and B are simultaneous, or A occurs after B.

Serialization implements the following idea: Processes will execute concurrently, but there will be certain collections of procedures that cannot be executed concurrently.

Mutual exclusion (Mutex) refers to the problem of ensuring that no two processes or threads can be accessing a shared resource, such as shared memory.

A semaphore (of size n) is a generalization of a mutex. Like a mutex, a semaphore supports acquire and release operations, but it is more general in that up to n processes can acquire it concurrently. Additional processes that attempt to acquire the semaphore must wait for release operations.

In many cases a mutex has a concept of an "owner": the process which locked the mutex is the only process allowed to unlock it. In contrast, semaphores generally do not have this restriction.

Semaphores which allow an arbitrary resource count are called counting semaphores, while semaphores which are restricted to the values 0 and 1 (or locked/unlocked, unavailable/available) are called binary semaphores (same functionality that mutexes have).

Deadlock avoidance by securing a shared resource with the lower id first.

3.5 Streams

If time is measured in discrete steps, then we can model a time function as a (possibly infinite) sequence.

Streams are delayed lists. Streams use the technique of delayed evaluation, which enables us to represent very large (even infinite) sequences as streams.

Stream processing lets us model systems that have state without ever using assignment or mutable data. Moreover, they avoid some of the theoretical tangles that accompany the introduction of assignment into a programming language.

Iterative processes proceed by updating state variables. We can represent state as a "timeless" stream of values rather than as a set of variables to be updated.

We write procedures as if the streams existed "all at once" when, in reality, the computation is performed incrementally, as in traditional programming styles.

Delay decouples the apparent order of events in our programs from the actual order of the events that happen in the machine. Delay throws away time. We are decoupling time in the programs from time in the machines. If we give up too much time our language becomes more elegant, but becomes a little bit less expressive.

Mutability and delayed evaluation do not mix well in programming languages, and devising ways to deal with both of these at once is an active area of research.

We began this chapter with the goal of building computational models whose structure matches our perception of the real world we are trying to model. We can model the world as a collection of separate, time-bound, interacting objects with state, or we can model the world as a single, timeless, stateless unity. Each view has powerful advantages, but neither view alone is completely satisfactory. A grand unification has yet to emerge.