- Citation update
- Other minor corrections
- Bug fix for example data.
- Other minor changes.
- Bug fix for single sample analysis.
- Updates to URL, email and citation.
- Updated lists of gene names and TCGA sample IDs in tcga_brca_luma_dataset.RData.
- Created new dataset with another random seed in tcga_brca_luma_dataset.RData.
- Added lists of gene names and TCGA sample IDs in tcga_brca_luma_dataset.RData.
- R version update.
- Minor corrections.
- Minor corrections.
- Adjust sample dataset creating script to the use of SummarizedExperiment.
- Documentation updates.
- SummarizedExperiment input for calculate_difference.
- Changed SE_assay parameter name to assayno.
- Documentation and example updates.
- Documentation and example updates.
- SummarizedExperiment corrections.
- Vignette updates.
- SummarizedExperiment output for calculate_diversity.
- Vignette updates.
- Example dataset updates.
- Documentation and code formatting updates.
- Examples for diversity calculation functions.
- More flexible single calculate_entropy function instead of separate naive and Laplace entropy.
- P-value correction method can be set by user.
- Formatting corrections.
- Formatting corrections.
- Corrected bug in data description.
- Updated methods for obtaining class of input.
- Added verbose argument for functions.
- Code and documentation formatting corrections.
- Updates to example dataset.
SummarizedExperiment input type updated in calculate_diversity, new argument: SE_assay.
Documentation, vignette updated.
- SummarizedExperiment input type instead of ExpressionSet.
- Correction: unnecessary file removed.
- Submitted to Bioconductor.