This application has been developed to run on an M5Stack Atom Lite ESP32 development board. It signals an alarm that can be activated by a remote client application. Adapters for two different types of clients are provided:
- Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
- WiFi TCP Connection
Development environment used for this application:
- Visual Studio Code (version 1.44.2)
- PlatformIO IDE for VSCode
Platform and board:
- ESP32 Pico
Libraries used (see platformio.ini):
- JC_Button
- FastLED
- BLE ESP32 Arduino
- WiFi
Configuration via platformio.ini
default_envs = pico32_ble
ordefault_envs = pico32_wifi
A description of this project, the hardware used, and some notes on how to test the ESP32 application using a smartphone app are provided here.
See the LICENSE file for details.
Copyright 2020 © Ernst Sikora