In this document I will collect some of my and user-contributed ideas for how to utilize JS commands in the Vimrc plugin.
If you have interesting snippets, please contribute by opening a pull request!
Note that these examples are included for demonstration purposes, and many of them are now provided by default in this plugin. Their actual implementations can be found under motions/
, which you can also use as reference (either for your own custom motions, or if you wish to submit a PR for a new motion to be provided by this plugin).
In a file you can call mdHelpers.js
, put this:
// Taken from
function regexIndexOf(string, regex, startpos) {
var indexOf = string.substring(startpos || 0).search(regex);
return (indexOf >= 0) ? (indexOf + (startpos || 0)) : indexOf;
function regexLastIndexOf(string, regex, startpos) {
regex = ( ? regex : new RegExp(regex.source, "g" + (regex.ignoreCase ? "i" : "") + (regex.multiLine ? "m" : ""));
if(typeof (startpos) == "undefined") {
startpos = string.length;
} else if(startpos < 0) {
startpos = 0;
var stringToWorkWith = string.substring(0, startpos + 1);
var lastIndexOf = -1;
var nextStop = 0;
while((result = regex.exec(stringToWorkWith)) != null) {
lastIndexOf = result.index;
regex.lastIndex = ++nextStop;
return lastIndexOf;
function jumpHeading(isForward) {
const editor = view.editor;
let posToSearchFrom = editor.getCursor();
posToSearchFrom.line += isForward ? 1 : -1;
const cursorOffset = editor.posToOffset(posToSearchFrom);
const lookupToUse = isForward ? regexIndexOf : regexLastIndexOf;
let headingOffset = lookupToUse(editor.getValue(), /^#(#*) /gm, cursorOffset);
// If not found from the cursor position, try again from the document beginning (or reverse beginning)
if (headingOffset === -1)
headingOffset = lookupToUse(editor.getValue(), /^#(#*) /gm);
const newPos = editor.offsetToPos(headingOffset);
Then in your .obsidian.vimrc
file add the following:
exmap nextHeading jsfile mdHelpers.js {jumpHeading(true)}
exmap prevHeading jsfile mdHelpers.js {jumpHeading(false)}
nmap ]] :nextHeading
nmap [[ :prevHeading
function moveUpSkipFold() {
function moveDownSkipFold() {
Then in your .obsidian.vimrc
file add the following:
exmap upSkipFold jsfile mdHelpers.js {moveUpSkipFold()}
exmap downSkipFold jsfile mdHelpers.js {moveDownSkipFold()}
nmap k :upSkipFold
nmap j :downSkipFold
This snippet allows to navigate next/previous links with Tab/Shift+Tab.
It mimicks the behaviour of vimwiki keybindings where you would press Tab several times to get to the link you want.
Append this function to the file mentioned above (after jumpHeading).
function jumpNextLink(isForward) {
const editor = view.editor;
let posToSearchFrom = editor.getCursor();
posToSearchFrom.line += isForward ? 0 : -1;
const cursorOffset = editor.posToOffset(posToSearchFrom);
const lookupToUse = isForward ? regexIndexOf : regexLastIndexOf;
let headingOffset = lookupToUse(editor.getValue(), /\[\[/g, cursorOffset);
// If not found from the cursor position, try again from the document beginning (or reverse beginning)
if (headingOffset === -1)
headingOffset = lookupToUse(editor.getValue(), /\[\[/g);
const newPos = editor.offsetToPos(headingOffset+2);
Then put these lines in vimrc file to set the keybindings. Optionally (as in vimwiki) you can have ENTER bound to follow the link.
exmap nextLink jsfile mdHelpers.js {jumpNextLink(true)}
exmap prevLink jsfile mdHelpers.js {jumpNextLink(false)}
nmap <Tab> :nextLink
nmap <S-Tab> :prevLink
exmap followlink obcommand editor:follow-link
nmap <CR> :followlink