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146 lines (106 loc) · 3.87 KB

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Autocompletion for the Web

Let's have the best JS, CSS, HTML autocompletion ever!

Try it


The aulx.js file contains the backend of whole project. It is a concatenation of many other JS files, although it isn't minified.

You can try to require it in node.

var aulx = require('aulx');
var source = 'var foo; fo';
aulx.js(source, {line:0, ch:11});

Browser (User Interface)

The aulx-ui.js file contains the user interface part of project. It only supports CodeMirror right now, but more will come ☺.

var editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(idOfTextbox);
var aulxui = new AulxUI.CM(editor);
// or simply ...
new AulxUI.CM(idOfTextbox);
// And that's it. Your editor now features JS autocompletion.


To autocomplete JS code, you will probably want to instantiate an Aulx object. The constructor has the following options.

var aulx = Aulx.JS({
    // A JS parser compatible with SpiderMonkey.
  parse: esprima.parse,
    // If true, the parser above is actually a function that returns the
    // parser function. Primarily in use to put the parser in
    // a worker thread.
  parserContinuation: false,
    // An object to inspect in order to benefit from dynamic introspection.
  global: window,
    // The name of the global object, used in the static analysis.
  globalIdentifier: "window"

  source,           // A string containing JS source code.
  { line: 0,        // The line where the caret is.
    ch: 11 }        // The column where the caret is.

// Returns a sorted Completion object, like the following:
{ candidates:
   [ { display: 'foo',      // Symbol to complete (show that).
       prefix: 'fo',        // What that completion is based on.
       score: 0 },          // Don't use the score.
     { display: 'for',
       prefix: 'fo',
       score: -9 } ],
   { foo:
      { display: 'foo',
        prefix: 'fo',
        score: 0 },
      { display: 'for',
        prefix: 'fo',
        score: -9 } } }

You can however boycott the creation of an Aulx instance, generating a new instance every time:

aulx.js(source, {line:0, ch:11}, optionsJustLikeAbove);

Similarly, CSS autocompletion has the following interface.

aulx.css(cssSource, {line:0, ch:11});

State of the project


  • JS keyword autocompletion
  • JS static analysis: a simple algorithm for autocompletion
  • JS Static type inference
  • JS dynamic analysis
  • Structured and scalable way to create the frontend userinterface
  • CodeMirror support with JS completion
  • CSS property autocompletion

To do:

  • HTML (including inlined CSS and JS autocompletion)
  • CodeMirror CSS support and other text editors as well
  • CoffeeScript, SASS, … We can go crazy with this!

Aulx (French for Garlic)

To the delicate attention of fellow developers

Project entry point: entrance/completers.js. It uses all completers, each of which has its own directory.

Completer entry point: <completer>/main.js (no surprise there!)

Building the bundle aulx.js is done with this swift command:


or, if your computer lacks make:

node make

Finally, testing completers is either done in batch mode with yet another swift command:

make test

or, for each completer:

node <completer>/test
# For example:
node js/test

Baked by Thaddée Tyl
Grilled by Girish Sharma

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit